Friday, June 21, 2013

In Vogue

We do a lot of dressing up at our house.  And since our dress up options are all feminine, Erik frequently comes home to Sam in beads or pink hats and shakes his head.  Dress up is a very serious affair - when she puts on her Cinderella costume, Dad gets to play every other character in the story over and over again. For hours, if he has the stamina.  He's perfected the art of armchair acting.  The other day, Morgan pulled out her beautifully-crafted-time-intensive french braid because "Snow White does not have a braid!  She has a headband!"  I grit my teeth and try not to squash her imagination.

Loving his sister's galoshes.  This caused Morgan a great deal of stress.

Does this remind anyone else of "Man in the Iron Mask?"  He was not a fan.

Even Dad gets in on the action.  Although maybe he shouldn't.

Erik was in dire need of new glasses, so we all trekked to the eye doctor to give input.  I put some little frames on the kids for fun, but it quickly turned into a love affair with glasses.  Morgan still talks wistfully about her need for a pair "to help her see better."  With our combined genetics, I think it's pretty likely that her wish will come true.

She's a big fan of accessories.  Sometimes I really wonder how the two of us ended up together.

Even princesses have to pick their noses sometimes...