Monday, September 24, 2012

You Are Very Clever

That's what Morgan kept telling me as I helped her with an alphabet puzzle today.  I should have recorded her saying that so I could play it back to her when she's a teenager.  However, I couldn't think of a clever title after a day filled with spit-up (Sam), nose-blowing (Morgan), and mind-numbing amounts of laundry.

Sam got his first haircut a few weeks ago.  Erik decided that his cute little fringe was not masculine and invited gender confusion (especially after I commented that his hair was long enough to put a bow in...), so I pulled out my embroidery scissors and gingerly started trimming.

Erik watched this for awhile, and either he took pity on me or he was afraid I wouldn't have the heart to really trim him, and out came the clippers.  You can get a general idea of Sam's response from the picture below.  He's now ready for the military.

Morgan started preschool a few weeks ago - just a small out-of-the-home operation with 8 kids a few mornings a week.  It's low key enough to be comfortable for both Morgan and I, and gives me 5 hours a week without my hormonal toddler.  As soon as Morgan discovered that Miss Reece had a basket full of princess figurines, she was perfectly content to stay. These were the best pictures I could get; you can see the quick degeneration into silly and ridiculous.  I didn't even share the most bizarre ones.

 In other news, Sam is suddenly rolling everywhere and sitting up independently.  His new skills developed so quickly that I'm still a little startled.  No need to rush, Sam.  I don't want to have to think about baby-proofing yet.

We've enjoyed having Erik around more this month - he's on a really laid back rotation right now, resting up for a more intense shift in October.  This is what happens when Dad is around.

Darth Morgan.  Don't you love the flowery dress?

I guess Erik decided it was time to include Sam in Saturday Morning Donut Run.  Rest assured, Sam only got a lick before Erik took his donut back.  Erik doesn't share apple fritters with anyone.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fat Sam

Our little man is coming up on 8 months of age, and I've been sighing as I do the "compare your child with other children his age" checklist.  Sitting?  Kind of.  Crawling?  Not even close.  Scooting?  In a distinctive Sam fashion.  The two things he excels at are eating and vomiting.  I tell you, I can not keep this kid full.  He would eat all day if I would let him.  And then he strategically barfs an orange streak down my back, getting shirt, pants, and floor.  I think if Sam could talk, he would easily explain why he's a little slow on the development curve:

"Well, Mom, for me to learn to crawl and all that, you've got to put me on my tummy more than once every couple of days."

"Sam, every time I do, you vomit out everything in your stomach, lay your head in it, and then cry because you're hungry again.  I'm not a glutton for punishment."

"Point taken.  You may have also noticed that I am... well padded.  I am a most attractively plump baby, but it can be difficult to move all that bulk around.  I mean, have you seen the rolls on my legs?  Adults this blessed qualify for little carts."

"If you would exert yourself, your fat would turn into muscle and you could get around just fine."

"So... that brings me to my last reason.  I like the sweet life.  Kicking on the floor, having everyone pick me up and bring me my toys... Why would I want to sit up when I could lean back on you?  Why strain to push my body off the ground when I could rest my head peacefully?  I'm happy to be lazy, Mom.  Stop trying to change me."

And that, in a nutshell, is our Sam.  Fat, happy, and lazy.

Monday, September 3, 2012


This year we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary, which made me feel more like a legitimate married couple and not just newlyweds.  I swear when I would say, "We've been married 2 years!" more experienced folk would just look at me pityingly and think, "Amateurs.  Beginners.  Just you wait.  You don't even know what love is yet.  You've never been tested."  And while that was probably true, I still felt pretty darn proud to say 2 or 3 or 4 years of marriage in a world that expects 2 or 3 or 4 different marriages.  So even though there are many people who have been married much much longer than us, I felt like it was a big milestone.  Something lots of people celebrate with a cruise or trip to Europe or the like.  However, these people must have 8-5 jobs with flexible vacation, dual incomes and no children, because we certainly weren't able to.  We felt pretty fortunate to get 1.5 days to drive up to beautiful red rock Sedona, compliments of my parent's time share.

We had a little stowaway on our romantic trip.  After a nearly sleepless night probably due to teething, I was certainly wishing I had weaned him so we could actually enjoy our time away.

We enjoyed walking around an artists' colony and looking at all the expensive pieces for sale, but we felt a little out of our element.  Maybe I should have worn something more sophisticated than my college T-shirt. :)

One of our favorite side trips was driving up to the Chapel of the Holy Cross, the Catholic Cathedral built into the rocks.  The best thing about the church was its spectacular location overlooking the valley with a a clear view of all the mountains.

In our first 5 years, we weathered death and grief, two children, medical school, several moves, tight budgets, and long hours.  We also enjoyed wonderful friends and family, blessings, tender mercies, and a lot of personal growth.  I wouldn't have had it any other way.  Here's to another 5 years of growth and happiness!