Friday, June 29, 2012


All growing up, I had an aversion to any shade of pink - pink meant girly, frilly, silly, ditzy.  I wasn't a tomboy, but I certainly wasn't a girly girl either.  I think my competitive little mind felt that you couldn't be taken seriously if you wore pink - pink was not the shade of smart.  It's only in recent years (like the last 2 or 3) that I cautiously began adding a few pink shirts to my wardrobe.  Then Morgan came along, and almost every baby shower item she received was pink or contained pink (or was purple, which is number 2 on my questionable colors list).  I sighed, but poor medical students can't be choosy, and I actually came to think that pink was pretty cute... on baby girls.  I assumed that my apathy toward pink would wear off on Morgan and we would have a rainbow of new colors to work with.

At 2.5, Morgan is what I would call a pinkaholic.  She has a beloved pink blankie, a pink piggy, and a pink binky that she sleeps with (yes, folks, she still sleeps with the binky.  Another black mark on my parenting log).  She recently discovered a pink and purple quilt that I had stashed away for only the direst of emergencies, and now keeps it prominently displayed in the living room.  She has an assortment of different colored bowls, cups, and plates, but will only use them reluctantly when her pink ones are dirty.  When we play tea set, she is the sole user of the pink dishes and utensils - I am given teal.  Which is an indication of how she feels about me, since it is her least favorite of the four.  She has pink swim suits.  Pink dresses and skirts.  Pink shoes.  She has an entire drawer in her bow box devoted to pink.  And pink has been creeping into her conversation more and more -

Me: "Morgan, do you want some milk?"
Morgan: "I want pink milk!  It's the best!" (note: she's never actually had pink milk)

Morgan: "I want to make muffins today - pink ones!"

Morgan: "I like orange juice.  Mostly just pink orange juice!"  (I wanted to point out the contradiction there, but decided it wasn't worth it)

Morgan: "I'm dead."
Me: "I guess we'd better bury you, then."
Morgan: "No, don't bury me!  I still need to live my amazing pink adventure!"

And of course, the pink worms comment from the last post.

So the other day I picked up pink food coloring at the store and used it today to make pink milk.  She thought it was magical and attributed it to Mary Poppins.  Who apparently got it from a pink cow.  I plan to use this to the fullest; after all, if I have to put up with a plethora of pink, I might as well take the opportunity to make life easier for myself.  Pink oatmeal.  Pink bran muffins.  And the next step - pink underwear for our much anticipated almost here potty training extravaganza.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Featuring Sam

Our angel child, who makes having an obstinate toddler bearable.

Monday, June 25, 2012


When we moved down to Phoenix, she noticed palm trees for the first time and said: "What are those funny beautiful trees?"

This morning Morgan declared that pink worms were her favorite.  I asked her if she'd ever actually had pink worms, and she said "When I was a baby bird my mommy fed them to me."

Monday, June 18, 2012

Last Days in Utah

Amazing how many last minute things come up when you contemplate an out-of-state move; I can only imagine the stress of moving out of the country.  We have been borrowing a car for Erik to drive ever since our Honda got hit on the street, but we knew we'd need to get another car once we got to Phoenix.  We didn't anticipate finding what we were looking for at the price we needed a week BEFORE we moved.  Unfortunately that means that we will have to pay registration fees in 2 states, but we certainly can't complain about our new car!  Erik calls it his sports car... :)  I still feel a little funny about driving a van with only two kids, but I love the space.

Erik ended up driving our other car down to Phoenix a day after graduation.  He had two days to get down there, find a place, leave the car with my parents, and fly back home.  He skyped a few different places with me so I could see them, and thankfully he found a place that would work.  He was terrified that I would hate his choice and he would be sleeping on the couch for a year.  I'm happy to report that we are both using the master bedroom.

On Memorial Day weekend we drove up to Clarkston to visit Aunt Kay and see Grandpa Godfrey's grave.  While we're excited to be moving on with our lives, it's always sad to move away from loved ones.

Here we are with our dear landlords on moving day.  We shed a few tears over leaving them behind.  Multiple times.  We are trying to convince them to leave their real children and move down here with us...

Moving is much harder with children!  It seemed like we couldn't get anything packed up until they went to bed - consequently we still had some packing to do when friends showed up to help us.  It's always embarrassing when they start moving furniture out and reveal 3 years of dust underneath.  I guess that's why people do spring cleaning - not me, obviously.  We are so grateful for all the help we received from friends, I can't imagine having to move on our own.

We drove down with Erik's parents over 2 days - a nice easy drive.  The kids were remarkably good, and we didn't really have any mishaps until Flagstaff.  We stopped at Little America for lunch, and I fed Sam.  I laid him on the couch and heard a huge explosion.  Gingerly I picked him up and flinched as his feces flowed down his legs onto my feet and the nice Persian rug.  Later I was really grateful that I was wearing washable flip-flops, but at the time I was less appreciative.  He got bundled in my nursing cover, while I dabbed at the rug covertly with wipes, and then we made a trip to the bathroom.  Nana and I started cleaning him up and realized that he needed a full-on bath.  So we plopped him in the sink.

All future visitors: avoid the far left sink

We stayed with my nice parents for a few days until our little townhouse was ready - I'll post about that later!  For now, we're really glad just to be settled in and moving forward with our lives.