Thursday, January 19, 2012

We got a pet

Or in other words, we brought home a new baby this weekend.  My dad always said that babies were just like pets until they can feed and clean themselves, and in a lot of ways he's right.  Except I'm pretty sure that pets are easier to acquire, train, and afford.

Baby Sam was born last week at 3 in the afternoon.  Instead of waiting 4 days after my due date to deliver like I did with Morgan, I opted for an induction.  My main motivation was to prevent Sam from growing as large as his sister, so that hopefully I would have a little easier recovery.  Morgan exited with a vengeance.  However, our scheduled induction on Wednesday (1-11-12, wouldn't that have been nice) got pushed back because both Erik and Morgan got sick right before.  I was upset about that until I went online and spent a lot of money on card making supplies.  I was still pregnant, but I felt better.  We showed up at the hospital at 8:30 AM, they induced me, and I suffered through probably 2 real contractions in order to feel legitimate.  Then I called for the epidural.  I kind of hung out for a while until my body got the message, and  all of a sudden I was fully dilated and ready to push.  5 contractions later we had a baby.  The idea of an induction made me nervous - I mean, forcing your body to give birth when it's not naturally ready doesn't sound wise.  But neither does giving birth to a 10 lb sumo wrestler.  So I did it, and I'm totally converted.  It was quick, pain is optional, I was delivered by my doctor, and I got to PLAN it.  I love knowing what's coming.

Even though Sam was born a week before Morgan was, he still weighed 8 lbs 8 oz, almost exactly the same as she did.  If this pattern continues, I'm going to be giving birth to toddlers before I'm through.   I had a much easier time of it the second go around, probably because Morgan paved the way, and I'm recovering much quicker.  Sam is doing well, nursing heartily as I would expect from any Merkley male, and sleeping beautifully through the afternoons.  Then the sun goes down and he's ready to party.  The only issues we've had with him (other than frequent urination outside a diaper) is that he's a bit jaundiced and one ear failed the hearing test.  The jaundice isn't that big a deal - it's very mild, and just makes his skin look like one of those orange oompa loompas.  The hearing, though, kind of freaks me out.  Erik and the audiologist have reassured me that babies often fail the first time until the ear canal drains, etc, but I can't help worrying a little.  I'm a mom - that's what we do about our kids.  Hopefully that will resolve itself by his next appt.

We're home, doing well except for the unavoidable sleeping issues, and trying not to think of the days ahead when I will be on my own with two children.  I know people have survived this transition for centuries, most without electronic or sugary distractions for the first born, but I'm still not sure how I'm going to do it.  Morgan is being pretty nice to Sam, but acting up in lots of other really frustrating ways. I'm kind of missing that sweet one-on-one time I got with Morgan.  Her reaction to Sam makes me really glad we didn't push potty training before he was born, or I might be cleaning up retaliatory little treasures all over the house.

Morgan and I exhibiting our babies

Ahh, how I love an epidural

 Our little champ, who tried to join the party with the cord around his neck once and the arm exiting with the head.

The proud papa, who has already introduced Sam to his first Sports Center and Sean Connery movie.

To me, this face says, "I just endured a very traumatic experience, and I have a splitting headache, and now you're going to flash lights in my face?  Really, guys?"

All right, blessed free time over.  I'm off to take a nap with the rest of my family so that we can survive another night.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

December blogfest

Merry Christmas from the Merkleys!  It was one of the warmest Christmases we could remember here in Utah, with no snow and mild temperatures.  I told Erik that God has been giving us nice weather because I don't have a coat that closes over my ever-growing belly.  Sorry to all you skiers who have been devastated by my pregnancy.

Christmas is not complete without a Christmas dress from Nana.  I realized an hour before church that Morgan had no hair accessories that matched her outfit (what a crisis, I know), so I did what any slightly neurotic mother would do and made her a bow with my card making supplies.  A little ribbon, a button, a cast-off clip, and some glue dots, and she was ready to go (although I was just praying that we didn't have a strong wind - glue dots are not equal to hot glue guns).  I went to church with a ponytail, but my child looked great.

A girl's first haircut... while sitting in a pink car, watching TV.  Life is pretty sweet when you're two.  She's had a few trims from Mom when the mullet got out of control, but this was her first professional salon experience.  We realized that when this baby comes, Morgan's hair will be at the mercy of Erik and Nana, and neither claim any expertise in the area.  Bangs and a bob sounded like a manageable choice, especially if a good combing is the extent of the hair-do.  Morgan enjoyed the whole thing, especially the balloon and lollipop at the end, and has been asking for another haircut soon.

Christmas morning with her new stocking.  I made four this year and still haven't taken any pictures.  

The hit of the year: the wooden iPhone.  She's been calling people and holding conversations every day.

Far-Far got himself a ukulele for Christmas.  Once she saw that shiny red child-sized guitar, Morgan began to covet.

Discard iPhone.  Move in.  Make it impossible for Far-Far to play.

Take possession.  Refuse to give it back.  Have it confiscated by cruel mother only to have mother start playing with it too...

We spent this Christmas knowing that next year we will likely live away from family, and Erik's schedule will be too tight to travel.  It made us much more grateful for the time and memories we've had with both sides.

And just in case you've been wondering, here is the list of potential residencies we have narrowed it down to (in order of interview, not preference):

Austin, TX
Albuquerque, NM
Louisville, KY
Rochester, NY
Charlotte, NC
Hershey, PA
Phoenix, AZ
Tucson, AZ

There were some other good options, but in the end we started really weighing time and money spent interviewing and decided that 9 good choices was enough.  Feel free to leave feedback on any of these places, but don't be offended if we ignore you completely.

PS.  I'm having a baby this week.  Wish me luck.