Monday, April 26, 2010


Solid foods, here we come! Morgan has devoured bananas and peas, and now we're working on sweet potatoes. And let me just add, as fun as it is to start feeding her "real" food, the nasty diapers and colored vomit are making me rethink the whole idea. Morgan loves it, though, and last night she screamed because the food just wasn't coming as fast as she thought it should.

I had to work very hard to document these smiles - she is smiling a lot more, but gets camera shy.

This is how we found her Sunday after a nap. She still hasn't figured out how to roll the other way, so we're being summoned for a lot of rescue missions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

6 Months (Yesterday)

Half a year already! She is so different now than when she was born.

Like her ability to give dirty looks.

You wouldn't know it from this picture, but she has finally learned to roll over! From back to tummy, might I add - she always has to do things the hard way. Her first successful roll-over was on Sunday at Stake Conference as a birthday present to Erik. Now we go get her from her crib, and she's crying because she's on her stomach and doesn't know how to get back.

Our little Jedi.

In other news, I started babysitting little Ragnar today (no, that's not his real name, although wouldn't it be awesome if it were?). His parents are friends of ours, and asked if I would tend him a few days a week. It's bringing back memories of when Morgan was that little, and helping me to realize how far she's come. Ah, the days of floppy heads and restless napping. How grateful we are to have our perfect baby girl and watch her grow and change daily.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mr. Hippo and other tidbits

This is Mr. Hippo, Morgan's first stuffed animal/chew toy.

As you can see, Morgan is not yet interested in rolling over, but she will hang out on her side. She gets so close, and then I can almost see the thought taking place: "Hey, this is a lot of work. And then she'll expect me to do it all the time. Nope, better just to stay on my back."

However, she is getting better and better about sitting up on her own. She's smashed her face in the ground a few times, but she's getting braver.

She's discovered her feet, and likes them so much that she keeps throwing herself forward during sit-up time in order to suck on them.

"Look Ma! No hands!"
(She developed this method so she could grab both feet and suck on Mr. Hippo at the same time)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Oh...boy... Mashed potatoes. My FAVORITE! (insert panting sounds here)

Really, Mom? I can have some? Never mind the fork, I'm goin' in!