Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Big News...

I got a job! Due to the shortage of teaching jobs in Utah right now, I have been scrounging for anything I could get. I even applied for a water meter reader job. That could have been exciting. Thankfully, though, a lady at church works for the local elementary school and recommended me for a secretary position in the main office. I know it's not teaching, but it's actually a great job. It's within walking distance, I get experience working at a school, and it gets me into the district for teaching jobs coming up in the fall. Plus I get school holidays off! Today was my first day, and I can tell already that the work is never ending but fun. It ranges from recording tardies and attendance to dealing with sobbing kids whose mommies didn't show up. I am so grateful to have a job, especially in such hard times, so I can finally get out of the house and have something to show for my day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


For those of you who aren't Utah Jazz basketball fans (and I can't imagine why any good person wouldn't be), D-Will is short for Deron Williams. Simply put, he is the man. Check out this highlight from the other night. I taught him the move. I'm so proud of my student.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Public Service Announcement

What a stallion! Watch for the "This house don't dial 911" sign.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm It

My sister Lindsay tagged me, and though I usually never bother to follow up, I'm bored enough to do it. Subject: 25 random, interesting, weird, whatever facts about me. I don't think there's enough about me to fill out 25 slots. And don't worry, I won't tag anyone else unless you want to do it.

1. My mother took a mythology class in high school and decided she was going to name her first born daughter Daphne. Thankfully she had me years later and named me Lauren.
2. When I was a little kid, my delightful older brother convinced me that the drains in pools could suck you in. He even demonstrated for me... Ever after I was terrified of swimming pool (and yes, even bathtub) drains. Because of that, I never learned how to dive. Every swimming pool I've ever been in has a drain right under the diving boards.
3. In the space of 6 years, I went to 5 different schools.
4. For a family reunion, we had a farm fear factor (my mother grew up on a dairy farm). My job was to compete in the buttermilk chugging contest, drinking out of calf bottles, and I WON! I was just grateful that I didn't have to participate in the manure scavenger hunt... poor Ben.
5. I have only had one cavity in all my life, and that happened just a year ago. It was pretty devastating.
6. The most dramatic injury I've ever had involved a few stitches. No broken bones, no surgeries (unless you count LASIK), no hospital time. Explanation? I'm super cautious. Like, I don't do anything adventurous or daring because I don't want to get hurt. Kind of takes the coolness out of it, huh?
7. One of my favorite classes ever was an anatomy and physiology class in high school. We dissected cats and fetal pigs. I have absolutely no problem with dead animals or people - I did better in the cadaver lab than Erik did. It's when people are alive and blood is pulsing that I can't handle it as well. I should be doing autopsies.
8. When I was a little girl, I would read with one leg over my shoulder. I used to be able to lie on my stomach and touch my head to my feet. Should have been a gymnast.
9. When I was a girl, I had an interesting method of penance. After I had been naughty, I would take some of my allowance money and slip it into the lunch money fund to pay for my sins. I guess that was easier for me to do than to admit fault.
10. I love to read and always have. In first grade, I tried to check out a Nancy Drew book from the school library, and the librarian wouldn't let me. She said it was too hard for me to read, so I sat her down and read the first page to her. She let me check it out. In later years, I could be seen exiting the library with a stack of books balanced under my chin.
11. Since marrying Erik, I have learned quite a bit about sports. He is very proud of the fact that I can name most of the players on the Jazz, as well as identify key players from other teams. I even know a bit about football now. And of course, being married to Erik, I know that BYU is the only true football team.
12. I absolutely love setting fancy tables. It was always my job growing up to set the table for holidays, with goblets and silver and china. My favorite part of senior prom was having dinner at my house and being able to set the table up spectacularly. I even starched the napkins. The rest of the night was iffy.
13. I had a total of four dates in high school. Most of them were disasters. I only got my first date because my brother told the guy that I was 17 and still hadn't been on a date.
14. I'm obsessive about a few things: Broadway musicals and Panera Bread (Panera is a bakery similar to Paradise Bakery but BETTER. They don't have any in Utah, so anytime we travel I demand a trip).
15. I really love to embroider. All growing up I avoided crafty things like the plague, but then my mother-in-law taught me how to embroider. I'm still learning (I only know one stitch) but I'm pretty dang good at it!
16. My favorite place to be on earth is an LDS temple. It is so peaceful and removed from all of life's worries and stresses. Every time I go I'm reminded of how blessed I am and that life has greater meaning than getting a job or cleaning the bathroom.
17. Including my family and in-laws, I have 44 aunts and uncles and somewhere around 100 cousins. Our family is certainly doing its part to bump up the national average.
18. As much as I love music, I don't remember to listen to it very much. I can be driving for a half hour without thinking to turn the radio on.
19. All of the girls in my family have blue eyes except me. That has always bugged me. I wanted to be like Liesel on the Sound of Music - brown hair and blue eyes.
20. When we have our own house someday, and an actual income, I'm going to get the house sprayed for bugs regularly. After living in many apartments sporting mice, spiders and boxelder bugs, I'm through. As it is, I'm too squemish to catch spiders by hand - I have to suck them up with the dust buster.
21. One of my favorite things to do in SLC is to drive around looking at old houses. I love the way they were built, with individuality and charm, instead of the three options the builder offers in a subdivision. Someday Erik and I would like to have an old-style house without having to deal with the repairs.
22. I have no middle name - none of the girls in my family do. My parents just figured that I'd get married someday and have three names that way.
23. My mom went into labor with me after eating at a seafood restaurant. In fact, she went into labor during dinner and threw up in the bushes outside. I've always thought that's why I don't like seafood.
24. I love cocktail dresses. Too bad I don't ever go to cocktail parties.
25. My favorite kind of pizza is Papa John's. Whew. I'm done.