I went to the doctor today for my last check-up before my scheduled induction on Monday, Oct 19th. Well...when I went in today things had really progressed with me and my doctor thought we should move forward. We did a another sonogram to check a few things. She was slightly concerned with Graham's size and the amount of fluid around him. Next thing I knew she was asking me what I was doing tomorrow and had scheduled me to be induced at 8a.m. She thought I would probably go into labor on my own in the next few days. Also, my doctor would not be able to deliver on Thursday or this weekend, so my chances of having her were slim. Like all women, I really hoped that my doctor would be available for my baby's delivery. I am so glad she was so thoughtful knowing I would really want her to be there.
We are obviously so excited for tomorrow, October 14th, our little Graham's birthday! Much of our family is graciously changing their plans and making a trip to be here with us. The only disappointing thing about changing our date of induction is that my sister won't be able to be here. Wendi had plans to fly in the weekend for our original plan of Monday. She is still coming in this weekend and will spend most of next week with us. It will absolutely not be the same without her tomorrow, but I am beyond excited to see her this weekend and introduce Graham to his Aunt! Only Wendi would fly literally across the globe to be here for me and to meet her new nephew!
The next few days will be hectic, but as soon as I have a chance, I will post an update of pics and info about Graham. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers as we bring little Graham into this world. Thank you Lord for this indescribable gift!