Friday, December 23, 2011

Jeremy's explanation of how he came here

On Wednesday, my mom, my sister, Jeremy and I were on our way down to the LA temple to attend Breann's wedding. Jessica told me you sure made a cute baby. I agreed with her and and jeremy started talking about how he came here.

Jeremy: "My mommy bought me for 3 moneys."
Jessica: "Oh really" That's really cheap, can I get something as cute as you for that much?"
Jeremy: "Yeah, I was in a box and my mommy chose me."
Jessica: "Oh because you were cute?" (or something like that)
Jeremy: "Yeah, all the people didn't chose me and my mommy did."
Me: " Jeremy, I think you were in my tummy like Baby Zeke."
Jeremy: "No, I was in a box and baby Weke is in a box too cuz you chose me."

I just thought that this was so cute how he thinks he was in a box and I chose him and the other people didn't. He certainly says the cutest things. This conversation isn't word for word, becasue I can't remember exactly what he said. But it went something like that.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The funny sayings of Jeremy

As you can see, Jeremy has turned into quite the funny boy. He says the funniest things, and I wanted to write them down so i wouldn't forget them.
About baby zeke:
*Mommy, baby weke is soo tute. (baby zeke is so cute)
*Mommy, i yuve baby weke sooo mutch
*Baby weke is moving lots
*wake up baby he is shaking my belly
*mommy your belly is getting so big
*mommy is baby weke big enough rolercoasters? (i say no, he is going to be tiny, he says oh, but im big enough rollercoasters, yes you are)
*baby weke is soo happy
*can i cuddle baby weke? (he likes to lay by my with his head on my belly as he has his hand on my belly and rubs it. He LOVES kissing my belly.
*I tell him that he is such a sweet boy and if he will teach baby Zeke to be sweet, he says "yes mommy, and i teach him how to play basketball, and to play in my playroom"
*In the car, I wont be mad at baby weke, i will be happy at him
I am sure there are more, but right now, i cant think of others.

funny random things
*mommy, austin is a boy, and emma is a girl. They are my friends, my friends are so tute, huh mommy?
*If you ask him if you are a boy or a girl he says no, you are.........whateverr you may be. for example, jeremy is mommy a girl? no, you are a mommy. To my sister, no you are a seeka, to daddy no you are a sure you get the picture.
driving to the store, "turn your flashlights on people, oh i am so mad at them!" He wanted their christmas lights on.
*ohh my butt!!!
*about scrooge on the christmas carol, "he is sad mommy, i need to cuddle him so he is happy"
*mommy we can't go to mountain mountain, cuz its closed right now, right mommy?
*daddy get out of my room, im naked...(i was getting him dressed)
*don't mess up my mohawk
*can i have only one tandy mommy? (candy)
*we have to buy a new car cuz this one is broken......(our car is not broken......don't know where he gets these things)
*as he is cuddling in bed, "daddy, i yuv my nipples"

Sometimes I think he just says things to make us laugh........he does a great job at it!

That is all i can think of right now, but he does think of the funniest things, and I need to wirte them down as soon as he says them so i dont forget....until next time!