Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Happy New Year! 2024!


Lets hope 2024 is extra especially creative! 


How lucky!!  I won !

Here's a snippet from Jo of Christmas Kickstart Challenge Blog:

The WINNERS post for the Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge, 2023, where we remembered our friend and fellow crafter, Janis Woolbright.

Day #15 – BECCA'S QUIZ
Supersleuth Mandy tracked down all the answers!
Art Impressions Stamp Sets x 3 

Weeeell, the 3 stampsets arrived all the way from America to Australia and I thank
 Art Impressions very much for their generosity! 
I love them!  I've got other Art Impression stamps and they are fabulous to use!

Hopefully, we will have another Cat Lovers Challenge in 2024


I haven't been scrapbooking at all though you may be surprised if you have followed my blog for a few years when I announce, that firstly I do seem to quilt a lot more than paper crafts these days......
and here is Paige and Angus' little darling and my only grandchild (so far!)

Her Christmas quilt and bag!

I do have a LOT of scrapbooking to catch up on!! 

Hope you have a wonderful start to 2024


Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Day 29 Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge.... Its a wrap!

Day 29


The last day!   Only a few hours left to be able to upload any cards to the gallery.


Alice from Scrap & C  has offered a beautiful digital image in memory of Janis and made by her obviously talented niece Aurora!  As soon as I saw the image, I felt compelled to water colour it.  Its not the best paper for water colour and it behaved somewhat okay...

There is a wonderful sentiment  included in the image which I couldn't use here (because I knew the watercolour would smudge - it did a bit on the outline). I tried to give a Christmas feel.

'CAT's EYES are windows that allow us to see into another world' 

Isn't that very true!  You can ask for  the image HERE

Anyway,  I just love it!  Thank you Alice and Aurora!! 

What a lovely way to finish this wonderful month of  remembering Janis 


Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Day 28 Cat Lovers Hop....

 Day 28

Today over on Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge, its time to nearly wrap up. 

I got such a lovely surprise, Jo chose this to use over there..... made in 2015 for Janis' Hop.  I was really thrilled, thank you Jo xx

Jo has done a phenomenal job as with the supporting helpers  to continue on where our much loved Janis left off. I'm very grateful, and blessed also to see my lovely blog friends and to make new ones.
Thank you xx


A card , a bit of a whoops for kitty who may have poked the tree and yikes, the star is toppling! 

Entering into:

Show Us your Pussycats

Who are also supporting and remembering Janis and Ike from the Cat Lovers Hop


A meme for Janis....


Monday, 30 October 2023

Day 27 Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge - National Cat Day, SUYP and Lost Coast Designs

 Day 27

Janis always loved to incorporate National Cat Day with the  Cat Lovers Hop on the 29th October every year!  Its being celebrated again on the Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge.


To celebrate........... a 'clowder' of cats seemed appropriate for this card! 

They are one by one waking and noticing the hanging baubles! 

This is part of an Art Impressions stamp set I won from the Cat Lovers Hop (cant remember which year but was very stoked!)  And use of a white no.10 jellyroll pen.

Entering into:

Show Us your Pussycats

Who are also supporting and remembering Janis and Ike from the Cat Lovers Hop


A meme for Janis....



Sunday, 29 October 2023

Day 26 Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge

 Day 26

Today is looking back at 2019
  I had spent a whole year heartbroken with the loss of Blackie, then out of the blue, I had a heart-spark, I must get another cat, and off I set! 


Enter Yassi, a tuxedo rescue cat who had just had all her kittens adopted out and now it was her turn. I was ready to take in the new Cat Lovers Hop and introduce Yassi to everyone, and no one was more pleased than Janis, she cheered me on and loved on Yassi. I was so happy again.

And as I started to begin her story on the hop,  she hopped up on the mantel right next to Blackie's photo... weeeell I grabbed my phone and snapped it!  It was as if she knew!

And as the projects were any kind of projects at the time, I had made Yassi her own little kitty quilt which she uses, even today. (Though funnily enough, she didn't like it at the time!)

Day 1

 Day 2

She was the saddest cat I'd ever seen, she was shut down - as her kittens were gone and she was not sure what was happening next, but I was going to change that. 

Day 3 

More documentation of Yassi's first moments with us....

Day 4 

This day I submitted two  projects, one a scrapbooking layout and the other a paper 3D studio scene

Day 5

 I'm an artist, so painting (especially watercolour and also mixed media) is where I'll be in my studio and Yassi beside me..... loved putting this together!  

Day 6

And a card!

I also put together another little 3d scene

The Kitty SS Marine

It was always a fun Hop, so many variety of projects and a continued joy of kitty community and love of cats.  

For Janis


Saturday, 28 October 2023

Day 25 Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge and SUYP

 Day 25

Today over at Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge the  answers to the quiz were given.... I might have a pretty good shot if all of mine might be right.....perhaaaaps??  Winners will be announced at the end of the month which isnt far away! 

Also, did you know its......

Black Cat Appreciation Day!



Here's my Minnie sound asleep, yes she sleeps like this!  (and Yassi's white socks walking by! Disgruntled!) Each has a comfy mat to sleep on in front of the fire... Minnie decided to have her's and Yassi's too!

Not sure that Yassi was appreciating Minnie!

Entering this little card into:

A meme for Janis...

Dont forget to enter your Christmas cards 



Friday, 27 October 2023

Day 24 Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge

 Day 24

Today is a reminder post over  at Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge so hop along and get creating!

There's still time to look back through the challenge, play our games or leave a comment. 
  • Have you named our cat mascot? 
  • Have your shared your cat's nickname(s)? 
  • Have you joined Gail for her Tic-Tac-Toe Challenge 
  • Have you made and shared your maximum 6 cards?
  • Have you HOPPED and left comments?
Don't forget our prizes will all be chosen RANDOMLY by Rudolph and the results will be announced after this challenge has ended. 

All heaps of fun and creating! 


Having a little bit of a look back at some projects for Janis' Cat Lovers Hop.....


But before we begin, I was struggling very badly at the time...  Blackie had passed away a couple of months before at 18yrs of age.  I was absolutely heartbroken, yet I still played along with the Hop and Janis showed me so much kindness and offered her words of wisdom and it worked - it was very cathartic as I spoke  and created about my love of Blackie.   The year followed, I could not contemplate another cat.

Towards the end, Blackie only wanted to lie under his blanket where he was safe and warm.  He certainly was a character, and I tried to remember those times 


Day 1

Yes a card!  An origami black cat for Halloween

Day 2

An opening page to begin my 2018 Project Life 12x12 Album. I was so far behind, and this hop made me get started and catch up.  

I love retro - anything mid-century modern!

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Another Card!

Day 6

Oooh, and another card! 

It was to be Blackie's last hop even though in memory
