Sunday, 31 May 2015

Our Beautiful World Week 94 - 'Fun'

Hop on over to Our Beautiful World to see
the  DT's interpretation of 'FUN'
Here's mine :
Paige finally receiving her ball dress through the mail (made to order sight unseen!) 
and it fit like a glove! 
She couldn't stop twirling.....

And in stark contrast....
more 'FUN'
Here's what Meaghan did today..... trekking with 'Pete' the llama in New Zealand
share your 'fun' stories at
(big smile)

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Our Beautiful World - Week 98 'Broken'

Here's my very first dt photo for
and the topic is
A recently broken treasure.  
A handpainted cup I brought back from my time in Israel - another lifetime ago
I was so upset....
The culprit, a starling, fell down the chimney
and flew amok around the dining room like a ricocheted bullet!!
What a mess it made!!!
Finally after wearing (and almost knocking) itself out, I managed to catch it in
an old tea towel rag and set it free. 
 I managed to fit the pieces together so I know it will glue up okay
(just got to find the right glue and get the job done properly)
It did well to just 'sit together' okay
The unbroken back of the cup

Isnt it beautiful!
I hope you can join us
Let us see your 'broken' stories!

Jennifer Grace's Blog Event (7)

It's the last day to get in some more projects for
 I'm  spending my Sunday creating....
finishing of some last bits and pieces to get uploaded to Mr Linky before it closes.
Yesterday afternoon and late night scrapping produced these little projects...
that attract attention.
It's all about 'focus' and Jennifer Grace gave some great ideas on how to use arrows, camera icons, framework or directions on tags.
Here are mine,  I have definitely fallen in love with little cute camera icons and couldn't resist saying so with the white tag.   I had a left over arrow diecut negative scrap which is great to use for framework, so cut out some sparkly red glitter paper bits to glue underneath  two of the arrows for the black tag.  It questions where we might travel next?   And the little Kraft pocket shows a clear direction at aloofness cats can exhibit especially when we want them to do something else!
You can almost see that little wooden figure with lifted tense shoulders and clenched fists,
while the cats breathes 'excusez-moi'

(A day in the life of a cat)
LOL, this was a bit of fun, and to be honest, I've never thought about it before!
Following my cat around to capture 'his' day, and truly - I didn't realise he had SUCH a routine!  Like clockwork!  And he does this everyday!  
Jennifer Grace's suggestion was to focus on what’s important… to someone (or animal) 
I haven't got the girls here because they live away studying, so Blackie, the Cat is was!
He is very old and we are not sure how old, but we have had him for the past 13 years, the vet thought he was about 4-5 when we got him- at the end of his feral life. He has been re-educated  and its been quite the journey!  He does not like going outside much - only for a very short time, the back door must remain open so he can run back in at the slightest noise.   He does not want to be reminded of anything from his past life outside and gets very nervous if that door even looks like closing!  Yet, he does love a bit of a nose around each day.

He is a funny his ways,   I'm glad to have captured this.
This took no time at all to do!   I just set out to find all my geometric-like stamps
and tried them out... what fun!  I used a white gel pen to add some interest.
Jennifer Grace was promoting a little stamp etsy called Little Stamp Store  and showed what she could do with her little stamped pot too and the idea was quite a bit motivating, so I thought 'Hey, I have a little chippy box like that!'   So here we are... all done!
Not sure what I'll use it for, but there's always something 'scrappy' that needs a home!
Quick and easy!  Took about 10-15 minutes!
Oh my my, as soon as I saw this, I knew this project, I knew it would be one of the projects I'd get done!
It was surprisingly easy to do - and Jennifer Grace's instructions were simple to follow!
Here's my tea towel - stamped and trimmed and pressed!
This was done quite late last night....
just me, the snoring cat near my feet and the rattle of the sewing machine
 (dh had long gone to bed)
I didnt have a ready-made tea towel, but I did have some linen fabric tucked away!
First, I sewed all the edges of my fabric,
then attached the little bauble trim on each end of the tea towel
That trim I've had for a LONG time, its by 'fancy pants'.
I knew the butterfly stamps were going to be used, and after sourcing some
'ColorBox Crafters' ink pads - in black and silver (its especially for fabric, wood etc)
I had a little practice on my left over fabric. 
I can tell you I 'm loving this - what great gifts these can make!
All inked onto the fabric, and pressed with an iron to 'set' the ink

It's all ready to be hung in the kitchen
(to look pretty)

All it is - is straight stitching and stamping!
Wow, who would have thought!
Little Felt Book
This is the one Jennifer Grace made:
The Pocket Book Scrapbook - Stitched Mini Book at Jennifer Grace Creates
Cute isn't it!
Here's mine :)

I;m thinking I might actually put my threaded sewing needles and some pins inside
and include a felt 'page' rather than paper ones - I'm sick of trying to find needles in a haystack!
It then can live in my scrap bag - how practical will it be!!!

*edited to add in*
I did make it into a little needles and pins keepsafe!! (not keepsake teehee!)

Love this!!! 

very big smile!!


Inked Arrow Card....

Inspiration is HERE
 Using 3 different coloured inks and stencils


And to finish up with.....

LOVE this....

Drawing/writing on cup with a porcelain pen!!!
Find it HERE

I just could get every cup out of the cupboard and keep on drawing!!

This is the 'funnest' thing to do!!!

It just has to dry now for 24 hrs and after that, go in the oven for 35mins @150C
Then it will be all good for washing up and the dishwasher.


Weeell, my week long intensive scrapping has come to an end..
And its been so good after not doing much for so long!
The one thing I love about doing Jennifer Graces Blog Events is
that I do things I've never thought about or even though of tackling!
There are so many different projects and I love stepping outside my box to have a go!
It's been a great week!

Now to clean up my very massive scrapping mess and get some housework done!!!

(very big smile)


Our Beautiful World..... News!!!

Just thrilled to say ....
that I've joined the DT over at
the gorgeous photography site:
Please stop in and share your photos with wonderful weekly prompts
 to get those cameras clicking!!
I really find this helps me get the photos  needed for my project life album
or LO pics !
See what the lovely design team girls come up with too!!
Check it out

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Jennifer Grace's 'Focus' Blog Event (6)

More eclectic mix of little projects for
First up is inspiration from Ruth (Furrypig) with a LO entitled 'A Day in the Life'
and Jennifer Grace's 'Keeping it Simple' inspiration
I've never done a focus about my day's activities before and while the camera and remembering to take photos was a little tricky,  I did manage it..... all the day to day incidental, ordinary moments.
I've printed my photos out tiny and individually because I wanted them cut up, only roughly and pasted onto the background a little crooked/ lopsided like they've just been dropped there - hap-hazardly :)
And put little poppy red numbers and a little note on each one
explaining as the day progressed...
This will go into my PL album and found it was a really great thing to do!
Jennifer Grace gave some great instructions on how to paint up a little pot...
which was wooden and had a great shape to it.   
I had a little chipboard, more squarish, round one and it still did a great job all painted up...
I've never been one to measure (only by eye) so its what it is.... perfectly imperfect!
And a great little pot for piling in the things I want at hand
 I love to use when everything else is put away (big smile)
Yes, that's right.... make a project using something you have a lot of.....
Weeeeell, anyone who knows me, knows I LOATHE rubons because they are not my friend!
I don't know how I ever ended up with such a sucky, dreadful relationship with rubons, but they just often go wrong, move so they look 'broken' on the paper, wont stick down or half stick down, or stick like glue with the part or on a part I didn't want it too!
   I do have a stash.... and they are OLD!   Old because I never buy them... only the ones when they first came out as the big trend setters!   Then I won some along the way in challenges, and being on a design team for a shop for a while also saw some turn up in the mail....
Why I never threw them out is beyond me... but the point is - they need to go!
 I've altered this book
LOL it had a  gaudy dust cover on it - 'HOW TO MICROWAVE-DRY FLOWERS'
And once the dust was off - it was plain white underneath....
And set to painting out the printed pages
(tore out the picture ones - you should have seen the size of the microwaves!! 
This was an early '80's book! 
Here we gooooooooo.....
With held breath rubbed on all the appropriate rubons I could find, mostly they behaved for once!This little book will be about one of our three day 'Scrappy Camps'   
You know the saying....'What goes on in Scrappy Camp, stays in Scrappy Camp'!
Weeeeeell, at least it will all be enclosed in this book!
The 'arrival and departures' you might ask?  Travel?  Its not about getting there and leaving!
Weeeell, look done further:
Some scrappy items ended up near the railway tracks unbeknown to the owners!
(railway track only hop, skip and jump away - and here in Tassie, there are no passenger trains)
Can say no more... cos I know one of them looks here on my blog!!!
(quietly though, it was for photo purposes only, but still.... it worked a treat with this photo printed out and placed on their LO's they were working on at the time over the top of another photo, so imagine the surprise when they got back from their walk to see this!!!)
Yes we get up to no good there!
It will ALL be in this little book!
Even a little rubon on the back.....
and the spine too...
Then a couple of coats of modge podge to protect them.
Jennifer Grace created a fabulous camera necklace with shrink plastic and while I don't have
any of that product... I thought it was a really cool idea to make a 'camera' pendant ...
So fully inspired, found the little camera image on a PL Amy Tangerine  'Plus One'  3x4card,
and cut it out to fit nicely into the pendant tray.  I know its nothing like the shrinky, but....
I love this, inspired all the same, it turned out well! 
 Great black and white and I know I will wear it!
It's actually a pewter coloured tray and necklace, not sure how it got so 'rose' coloured and sorry about the reflections, these glass domes are impossible to photograph!
Bokeh???  What's that?
A trick in photography/craft where one part of the photo/area is in focus and the rest isn't to pull attention towards the subject. That out-of-focus area is called bokeh.
I'd never heard of it, and once I saw what it was, I knew I'd seen it many times both in craft/art work and definitely in photography!
It has a name!
Jennifer Grace explained and showed step by step how to achieve this on paper and made a gorgeous card.    I'm not sure that my first time of achieving this technique would be good enough for a card... so to the art journal was the solutions...
what fun!  I had ink and sprays and splotches and colour going everywhere!
It was kind of - an abandonment of any mindful thought LOL!
This was fun...  And it just kept growing past the watercolour page in the middle....
It fits in with my other art journal page inspired by Leslie on the bloghop :)
Now it all becomes one..... and it all does pull attention towards the hand....
No matter how busy the bokeh page is...
You can check Jennifer Grace's 'Focus' Blog Event out

Friday, 22 May 2015

Jennifer Grace's 'Focus' Blog Event (5)

Been working on a few more little projects for
It does end on Sunday so the motivation is there to scrap away till then.
I'd been in such a mojo-less rut for the most part of this year and this
has become welcome relief (big smile)
It kind of reminds me of the old fashioned 'cybercrops' that
would be held over a weekend with multiple challenges, creating
all kinds of crazy and beautiful things..... 
What fun they used to be!
Anyway, here's the latest!
Again, still being inspired by  the blog hop  ...
Daphne made me think about my cameras..
they have a story, and I actually use three cameras!
Yep, they all do something different or better than the other,
I know is seems silly, but it works for me and the way my mind thinks
(which is not always practical) I can grab which camera is needed for the job.
None of them are special or fancy, but they are mine and it works.
The quote is fabulous isn't it!  I've handwritten it.
Annie showed us her first ever video creating her LO for the 'focus' blog event,
and it was fabulous,  though, what I really loved at the end of her blog post was
bringing into focus the left over scraps on the desk.  And the way I've been scrapping since the weekend,  there were a LOT of them!   So she suggested gathering them together
and cut them up into cards for project life or any pocket idea.  Annie's were beautifully
finished and arranged in pockets...  I had to get my head into gear on this one!
Weeeell, why have I not thought to do this?? 
 My scraps get gathered up and put in the 'Scrap Box' only to be sorted through
if I need a scrap and lol - usually for pockets!
   Sooooo all gathered:

I took out the specialty paper, and the large blue one (as it had fish to cut out on the other side)
So the remainder now look like this:

I didn't finish them off with embellishment or arrange them in pockets,
(If I pre-arrange anything, I end up rearranging them!!  I know ....hopeless!)
Yep, all put away for better use than forgotten in a scrap box!
Will definitely be doing this more often!!
Sandie created an art journal page with printing her image on tracing paper,
It looked really cool.  
So out came Hannah's little vintage quote book - great to get another page done!
I printed the little owl out on vellum and found an owl appropriate quote for
my little night owl- Hannah.  It was always hard to get her to sleep, even as a small child.
Daylight saving was the bane of our lives!
There were never any tv's/computers etc in my childrens rooms.... only books... 
and my little night owl hasnt changed .... now 20 - she still reads well into the night.
Jennifer Grace showed encouraged us to make a 'die-cut' for a card.
for this - out came my bigshot to make the frame and arrows.
 Added some splatter and a pop of colour.  I wanted to make a more
masculine card for my dad who's birthday is next week :)
The lettering is a bit hard to see especially the white on yellow
'It's your day!'
Jennifer Grace showed how she captured a lovely photo of her children, and how the 'little' things matter.  She also added quotes to the photo.    It looked very cute.
While looking for a photo to suit this inspiration, there was one that stood out.
There are days I really miss Meaghan, my eldest who now lives in New Zealand.  We are used
to her living away for the past decade, she has lived on the other side of the world and has travelled the world with her career.  I've added an overlay... and it sits in this little easel perfectly! The photo was when she made a surprise visit home from England for my birthday last year... I'll never forget how I felt when I saw her standing in front of me that day!  This now stands on my mantelpiece....

You can check Jennifer Grace's 'Focus' Blog Event out