More eclectic mix of little projects for
I've never done a focus about my day's activities before and while the camera and remembering to take photos was a little tricky, I did manage it..... all the day to day incidental, ordinary moments.
I've printed my photos out tiny and individually because I wanted them cut up, only roughly and pasted onto the background a little crooked/ lopsided like they've just been dropped there - hap-hazardly :)
And put little poppy red numbers and a little note on each one
explaining as the day progressed...
This will go into my PL album and found it was a really great thing to do!
Jennifer Grace gave some great instructions on how to paint up a little pot...
which was wooden and had a great shape to it.
I had a little chipboard, more squarish, round one and it still did a great job all painted up...
I've never been one to measure (only by eye) so its what it is.... perfectly imperfect!
And a great little pot for piling in the things I want at hand
I love to use when everything else is put away (big smile)
Yes, that's right.... make a project using something you have a lot of.....
Weeeeell, anyone who knows me, knows I LOATHE rubons because they are not my friend!
I don't know how I ever ended up with such a sucky, dreadful relationship with rubons, but they just often go wrong, move so they look 'broken' on the paper, wont stick down or half stick down, or stick like glue with the part or on a part I didn't want it too!
I do have a stash.... and they are OLD! Old because I never buy them... only the ones when they first came out as the big trend setters! Then I won some along the way in challenges, and being on a design team for a shop for a while also saw some turn up in the mail....
Why I never threw them out is beyond me... but the point is - they need to go!
I've altered this book
LOL it had a gaudy dust cover on it - 'HOW TO MICROWAVE-DRY FLOWERS'
And once the dust was off - it was plain white underneath....
And set to painting out the printed pages
(tore out the picture ones - you should have seen the size of the microwaves!!
This was an early '80's book!
Here we gooooooooo.....
With held breath rubbed on all the appropriate rubons I could find, mostly they behaved for once!This little book will be about one of our three day 'Scrappy Camps'
You know the saying....'What goes on in Scrappy Camp, stays in Scrappy Camp'!
Weeeeeell, at least it will all be enclosed in this book!
The 'arrival and departures' you might ask? Travel? Its not about getting there and leaving!
Weeeell, look done further:
Some scrappy items ended up near the railway tracks unbeknown to the owners!
(railway track only hop, skip and jump away - and here in Tassie, there are no passenger trains)
Can say no more... cos I know one of them looks here on my blog!!!
(quietly though, it was for photo purposes only, but still.... it worked a treat with this photo printed out and placed on their LO's they were working on at the time over the top of another photo, so imagine the surprise when they got back from their walk to see this!!!)
Yes we get up to no good there!
It will ALL be in this little book!
Even a little rubon on the back.....
and the spine too...
Then a couple of coats of modge podge to protect them.
Jennifer Grace created a fabulous camera necklace with shrink plastic and while I don't have
any of that product... I thought it was a really cool idea to make a 'camera' pendant ...
So fully inspired, found the little camera image on a PL Amy Tangerine 'Plus One' 3x4card,
and cut it out to fit nicely into the pendant tray. I know its nothing like the shrinky, but....
I love this, inspired all the same, it turned out well!
Great black and white and I know I will wear it!
It's actually a pewter coloured tray and necklace, not sure how it got so 'rose' coloured and sorry about the reflections, these glass domes are impossible to photograph!
Bokeh??? What's that?
A trick in photography/craft where one part of the photo/area is in focus and the
rest isn't to pull attention towards the subject. That out-of-focus area
is called bokeh.
I'd never heard of it, and once I saw what it was, I knew I'd seen it many times both in craft/art work and definitely in photography!
It has a name!
Jennifer Grace explained and showed step by step how to achieve this on paper and made a gorgeous card. I'm not sure that my first time of achieving this technique would be good enough for a card... so to the art journal was the solutions...
what fun! I had ink and sprays and splotches and colour going everywhere!
It was kind of - an abandonment of any mindful thought LOL!
This was fun... And it just kept growing past the watercolour page in the middle....
It fits in with my other art journal page inspired by
Leslie on the bloghop :)
Now it all becomes one..... and it all does pull attention towards the hand....
No matter how busy the bokeh page is...
You can check Jennifer Grace's 'Focus' Blog Event out