Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Still Scrapping Away.....

I really really loved this Challenge
Anything that involves splashing paint around and getting arty -is just soooooo much fun!!
I love texture!!
123 Challenge recently held a Blog Party
5 elements of criteria had to be met, 3 from Charm - bling, BIG date and a quote,
the other two had to be chosen from her layout displayed here Here Meaghan travelled to Gallipoli, Turkey for the 25 April, our Aussie public holiday-ANZAC DAY, where we remember the lives given in war.
I kept the lines clean because of the nature of the monuments.
The song this week is 'Beautiful Sunday' - its a chirpy song that got in my head and I hummed it all day!! LOL.
You can find the challenge here
Little Hannah 4yrs old.
29th JUNE PHOTO I have to giggle at Blacky, he is just sooooo funny because you can hear his brain ticking 'Ew -she's put that big black thing up to her face - there is GREAT LIGHT - I must squint before she presses that button!! Truly!! I rarely get photos of him with his eye open, instead I end up with this spooky yellow-eyed look!!! He's not like that at all!! ------------------------------------------
AN AWARD From the lovely Lean, thanks so much!!! Ooooh you must check out her blog - Lean creates the most amazing work!! Just gorgeous!!

Oooooooh look at these goodies that have just arrived!! I stumbled across this fabulous Vintage Site and my brain and heart nearly tripped over each other - soooo my finger got busy on the 'buy' button - but one has to get in quick, because the things I wanted where disappearing around me!! HOWEVER, I did manage to get these lovelies.... even the crystal cup!!

Sunday, 28 June 2009

A Busy Scrapping Sunday!

Here's my take. You can find the challenge here
I love the water even if there's only enough time to hop in, swim a bit and hop out!!
The Challenge - Do you have a family meal, or gathering that inspires you?
Weeell, Easter Breakfast is always memorable! The night before, when everyone has gone to bed...I decorate the dining table with Easter delights, Easter crockery and a centrepiece- different every year and a surprise in the morning!! Its where the kids are greeted with their easter eggs, a hot cooked breakfast is served (usually scrambled eggs!)
Easter tradition is centred around our dining table. I love this family time!!
I loved this jack by Beth Perry!!! You can find it here
It just oozed vintage and old world - history book even. This is a pic of my great grandmother in mourning after the death of my great grandfather in Flanders in World War One 1914. He was only 24 yrs old. His only daughter (my grandmother) was only 10 months old.
26th JUNE PHOTO Ooooh how lucky was being featured in ScrapScene!! What a buzz!!! 27th JUNE PHOTO Beginners Class this morning.......running on demi-pointe with scarves
Cosmo felt he wanted as much if not more attention as Paige was giving her homework! He just plopped himself down on it waiting for a pat!!
Dont forget to hop on over to 'LET'S GET SHABBY' for Challenge One!

Thursday, 25 June 2009


The first challenge is up!!
Go check it out here
Here's my DT sample
I've tried to capture the colour, the gold gilt of furnishings, the feathers from the hats, a floral feel and a pink colour wash of the walls of the times. Ive gone with a tutu photo because it represents the lavish rich classical folds of the fabric
I've used some of that gorgeous LATTICE LACE I've got up for a prize RAK over there at the moment!
Whatsmore, Purple Onion Designs have offered a $50(US) Credit for your choice of stamps!!
I've ordered from Purple Onion a couple of times, had them sent out from USA and just adore them!!!
Soooo looking forward to seeing you take part!!
We were also lucky enough to be mentioned in 'SCRAPSCENE' (scroll down a bit and you might see us!!) Subscribe and an email is sent every day to let you know whats going on in the scrapping world!! I've learnt some AMAZING things !! Its about the who's who of scrapping!

Wednesday, 24 June 2009


One Little Word's challenge #54 is to use the the word 'GOOD'
I had this photo of Paige and Cinta (dog) after a morning at the beach - just perfect.
I love the way they are looking at each other.

My winter garden - I just love the colour of autumn which I think is finally falling away
Oooooh and some AWARDS from the gorgeous Jenneke!!
Thanks so much Blossom XXX

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


MIX IT UP #22 (ooh and it made the eye-catching list!!!!) Its all about Stars......got to say it was a challenge!! And this is soooooo different to what I would normally scrap = but thats what its all about.....getting outside that comfort zone!! Here's Hannah and Paige when they were little! Not great quality photos from back then......but nevertheless - need scrapping!!!

The song this week is 'Because of you'. I loved creating my dt sample because of this wonderful photo I had of Meaghan on the sidewalk being surrounded with pigeons! This song is soooo scrappable! Check out the challenge here ADTHIS
Here's my DT sample.....and boy I had so much fun with gesso and paint!! Check out the challenge here

We only have 2 Big Challenge Entries up- and there is only have just over a week to enter!!!
You have a chance to win a fabulous Print Blocks Album, a fantastic Kit and blinkie advertising....
You can also win LOTS of fabulous prizes just by entering the other prize comps too....
We have blog-hopping, leaving some love, answering a question to win Kits.....
Don't forget that you need to also complete the June 123 Challenge - which also has 3 fantastic $20 Vouchers up for grabs from 3 different websites!!!
So many chances to win....
Looking forward to seeing more of your layouts up!!!http://www.ourbrightstarsandus.typepad.com/123challenge/
Love Charmane
My gate at the very top of the stairs of our veranda that looks out over the sea. 23RD JUNE PHOTO Yes!!! Another RAK give away over at 'Lets Get Shabby' Go check it out and see how you can win!!

Sunday, 21 June 2009


KIDDIELIT -The Giving Tree (OMG!!!! AND IT WON!!!!!)
The challenge was to get inspiration from this book, use tree/leave elements, green and doodling! This Challenge Blog really encourages to try different styles.....techniques and creativeness! I've used glimmermist for my shadow trees (using the negative cut out of the trees and grass) and I've painted the cloudy-like feel. Doodling is the grass.
Its all about 'SUMMER' (it is for USA at the moment - definitely not here in Winter!!lol)
Again I've been able to have some creative fun with paper, paint and 3D-ing little shells and fish!

16 JUNE PHOTO Hannah - always with books in her hand!! Thats little Milly greeting her.
Art Class on Wednesday Mornings! We work in the most amazing little Art Studio - the atmostphere is wonderful!
Whoooohooo - my prize from OLW arrived. It was one of their 2nd birthday prizes!
Working with gesso - what fun!! I love this stuff! 20 JUNE PHOTO
A bit of a frost this morning! Brrrrrr.
My first little seasonal bloom! Hmmn, three weeks into Winter....maybe a little early, but it sure was welcoming!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009


The Ad this week is quite an arty one - see it here
The twist is to add at least five different elements. I've stamped my background with the little fairies and added the bling to lead to the photo, used some foil and fibres, vines and dots....and created a little fairy dance feel. SCRAPPING THE MUSIC#90
The song this week is 'Keep it Loose, Keep it Tight' and I loved the lyrics so used some. Here is my mother as a little girl, grandmother, great grandmother and uncle) in the street dressed up for 'shopping day'. My uncle was brought up by my great-grandmother. In those days, photographers earned a living with a camera set up in the street taking photos which could later be bought. Imagine doing that now! I've got many of these sorts of photos in my mother's collection. 14 JUN 09 A little bird nestled by some follage. The morning was crisp and cold, but the sun was out. I love these little sparrows, my garden is full of them. 15TH JUN 09
Back to work today - kids back to school and on it goes until the September holidays.
This is my basket I cart to the studio everyday.
An Award from ScrappycatDe regels/the rules:These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagaded.
Thanks so much Scrappycat!

Sunday, 14 June 2009


Oooh ooh oooh......I didnt win ScrapJacked USA - but I was one of the favs for my balloon LO of Meaghan!!! Check it out here Yay - thats soooo cool!!
You can find them here Especially that gorgeous Vintage Kit!!
So much for having a rest!
In all my busy-ness I managed to forget the girls were singing with 'Suade' ( a five-part male acappella vocal group ) I thought it was Sunday not Saturday and I got a phonecall at 10.30am saying "Where are Hannah and Paige' - they were still asleep in bed!! So we flew around the house, and I got them there a little bleary eyed but they had to workshop with them until 4pm with the concert that night. Soooo trapsing back to the theatre again!! Another night in the theatre!!! At least I got to sit in the audience this time and enjoy my girls singing with these amazing artists! This is the second time they've had this wonderful opportunity.
Its a pity we arent allowed to take photos!!!
Ooooh its torture being a scrapbooker with camera in bag and NOT allowed to use it!!!
Anyway that leaves today to get some scrapping down, and hopefully a tidy house by this afternoon!!
KIDDIELIT -Wild Things...

Hmn, the background has come out a little blue.......it is black -I always have trouble photographing black! Anyway what fun!! This is sooooo not my style BUT getting inspiration from the book 'Where the Wild Things Are" this is what came out the other side!! LOL

The Challenge is to use the word 'wild'. I was sooo inspired by the PJ's the little boy in the story wore......so I made some tiger outfits (freehand drawing and cutting) for my girls who had their faces painted at the local tulip festival!


Even though Cosmo is an old old man of 17yrs, he still has moments of throwing himself around the floor playing (this time with an old lipstick container) thinking he's still a kitten! He always raises giggles!


Its been freezing, the fire is alight early today. Snow is down to 300 metres and the sun is peeking out every now and then!

Saturday, 13 June 2009


How has the word 'Yes' impacted on my day.....well, do you ever feel like you are held to ransom by your kids???? Do you ever feel like you are about to walk the PLANK (lol) Yeah weeeell, I've certainly felt like this the last few weeks, not with just my kids, but with everyone else's that I teach. We have been 'living' at the theatre and yes....every day I've felt like I've been pushed further along that PLANK! If only I could dive off the end and swim to the closeby shore of a tropical deserted island.......(sigh)!
One dressingroom's lights are on and about to be filled with
costumes, hairspray fumes, lipstick, hushed chatter and excitment.
12th JUNE 09 PHOTO

One completed hairdo with headpiece. So much hairgel and spray to hold every strand in place...its as stiff as cardboard but it wont come undone on stage!

Perfect grooming is part of the discipline. (big smile!)
Life has been sooooo hectice the past few weeks, I promise I will slowly catch up on everyone! I have a whole weekend off!! RARE and I'm sleeping in!!!

Wednesday, 10 June 2009


WHAT IS OLD IS NEW This is my very first Design Team sample for WIOIN! As soon as it arrived, my mind just could not keep still...... many of its elements and my ideas just melting together! This is the 'Vintage Embellishment Kit' (goes on sale on Sunday)and its my favouite kit! (though the others are mighty fabulous too!!!) I've slapped around a bit of olive green paint (one of my fav past-times!), cut the branch and leaves out of the fabric and used the scalpel a bit! The only non WIOIN element is the alpha for the title. Click to enlarge. Here is my dad in 1958 standing at the sink helping with the chores after having a household full of relatives visiting. Such a handsome man!! (and house-trained too.....see my mum's apron?? teehee-didnt want to get his good clothes wet!!) You can see this LO over at 'Lets Get Shabby' with the introductions of a Shabby Designer just beginning with a bit of a Spotlight and Showcase. Check back every few days to see who is next.........
123 CHALLENGE The criteria for June is: Buttons at least 6, Fabric & Hand Stitching! Today I rummaged through the old drawers of Nanna-Greats sewing table and found all these wonderful little goodies that have been tucked away forever......buttons, needles and packet, hat pin, buckle, embroidery cottons, stocking snaps and embroidery.......it hasnt been till now that I've even thought of a use for them, other than sitting tucked away for another forever. It was time to give these little treasures a face and story. (journaling to be done later when I get more info)
An undressed stage........how it was when I arrived at the theatre this morning for dress rehearsal. So quiet and empty......and cold. So much to do. 10TH JUNE PHOTO Nanna-Great's sewing drawers where her sewing bits and pieces have been tucked away for decades and decades. It sits in my hallway - a beautiful piece.

Monday, 8 June 2009


LET'S GET SHABBY Wow wow wow.......what a response. We all cannot believe how the wonderful encouragement and support has been. It really helps us believe in what we are doing! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! If you would love to win a gorgeous shabby RAK - go check it out here SCRAPPING THE MUSIC #89 The challenge this week is to be inspired by title or lyrics of the song 'Our Town' I just love this vintage photo of the main street of my town approx the turn of last century - It has such a wonderful feel about it. I'm grateful for STM to give me the opportunity to scrap this - I would never have thought of it otherwise! Sooooo here is my DT sample!

ADTHIS Great news, I re- submited and been accepted to the design team for another term. YAY! Its definitely one of those sites where you learn more about yourself and your own craft by pushing the boundaries. I love this weeks challenge - head on over and have a go - you will find it here and meet the new Summer design team! Wonderful scrappers!!! A LAYOUT FOR SANDRA Sandra won a challenge at Scrap Therapy which gave her a chance to have a LO scrapped by one of the design team weeeell, here it is. It was a fabulous little photo of her dh as a little boy - it afforded a wonderful background and colours! ------------------------------------------------


A Reminder from Charm and Karlene: REGISTER NOW - and check out the 123 Blog Party Blog Monday June 15th!!!http://ourbrightstarsandus.typepad.com/123_cybercrop/

You can win prizes playing games - such as bingo, treasurehunts, choosing songs, blog-hopping, posting comments, advertising the 123 Blog Party on YOUR blog, adding the 123 Challenge Blinkie to YOUR blog.... and we also have ONE BIG CHALLENGE - which will be revealed on the night!!!TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY OF THE PRIZES YOU MUST COMPLETE THE JUNE 123 CHALLENGE BY THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH! EASY!!!Hope to see you there!!!Thanks!Take Care

Karlene & Charmane xx -------------------------------------------------------------- 2ND JUNE PHOTO This is the day the banner was finished and photographed to go up on 'Lets get Shabby' 3RD JUNE PHOTO Ivy climbs everywhere in our garden....and as pretty as it can look, it still has to be kept under control!

4TH JUNE PHOTO The last of my 'Granny Smith' apples.. they were very late finishing this year...even the leaves have got yellow and fallen off - yet the apples still hang on. I've been able to extend the season enjoying them this year because of it!! We are on the 8th day of Winter now.

5TH JUNE PHOTO The paint bought ready to re-decorate Paige's new room. She has fab taste in colour! 6TH JUNE PHOTO Give Cosmo a little bit of sun and he is happy! He had a funny little turn the night before and I sat up with him - he was okay in the morning, just slept a lot. Poor old old man. 7TH JUNE PHOTO It was so fun gathering this RAK together to put up for a prize on 'Lets Get Shabby'

8TH JUNE PHOTO Where I always feel grounded - pardon the pun!!! But getting in the garden in the soil doing the winter clean out - is good for the soul!