Hmn, the background has come out a little blue.......it is black -I always have trouble photographing black! Anyway what fun!! This is sooooo not my style BUT getting inspiration from the book 'Where the Wild Things Are" this is what came out the other side!! LOL
The Challenge is to use the word 'wild'. I was sooo inspired by the PJ's the little boy in the story wore......so I made some tiger outfits (freehand drawing and cutting) for my girls who had their faces painted at the local tulip festival!
Even though Cosmo is an old old man of 17yrs, he still has moments of throwing himself around the floor playing (this time with an old lipstick container) thinking he's still a kitten! He always raises giggles!
Its been freezing, the fire is alight early today. Snow is down to 300 metres and the sun is peeking out every now and then!
One completed hairdo with headpiece. So much hairgel and spray to hold every strand in place...its as stiff as cardboard but it wont come undone on stage!
Great news, I re- submited and been accepted to the design team for another term. YAY! Its definitely one of those sites where you learn more about yourself and your own craft by pushing the boundaries. I love this weeks challenge - head on over and have a go - you will find it here and meet the new Summer design team! Wonderful scrappers!!!
Sandra won a challenge at Scrap Therapy which gave her a chance to have a LO scrapped by one of the design team weeeell, here it is. It was a fabulous little photo of her dh as a little boy - it afforded a wonderful background and colours!
A Reminder from Charm and Karlene: REGISTER NOW - and check out the 123 Blog Party Blog Monday June 15th!!!http://ourbrightstarsandus.typepad.com/123_cybercrop/
You can win prizes playing games - such as bingo, treasurehunts, choosing songs, blog-hopping, posting comments, advertising the 123 Blog Party on YOUR blog, adding the 123 Challenge Blinkie to YOUR blog.... and we also have ONE BIG CHALLENGE - which will be revealed on the night!!!TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY OF THE PRIZES YOU MUST COMPLETE THE JUNE 123 CHALLENGE BY THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH! EASY!!!Hope to see you there!!!Thanks!Take Care
Karlene & Charmane xx
2ND JUNE PHOTO This is the day the banner was finished and photographed to go up on 'Lets get Shabby'
Ivy climbs everywhere in our garden....and as pretty as it can look, it still has to be kept under control!
4TH JUNE PHOTO The last of my 'Granny Smith' apples.. they were very late finishing this year...even the leaves have got yellow and fallen off - yet the apples still hang on. I've been able to extend the season enjoying them this year because of it!! We are on the 8th day of Winter now.
5TH JUNE PHOTO The paint bought ready to re-decorate Paige's new room. She has fab taste in colour!
Give Cosmo a little bit of sun and he is happy! He had a funny little turn the night before and I sat up with him - he was okay in the morning, just slept a lot. Poor old old man.
It was so fun gathering this RAK together to put up for a prize on 'Lets Get Shabby'