Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

Little Stinker Pot turned 2 this month!  It was so fun to celebrate her special day with our families.  Lottie was so into opening her presents and playing with everything.  It's safe to say that she can hold her own as the center of attention.  Her daddy took her to 5 Guys for her birthday lunch while I was getting my hair done.  He ordered her a burger and her own Diet Coke.  She is almost more of an addict than I am!  Now I just drink mine in the closet or during her nap. :)
 Baby Girl got her own 3-wheeled scooter, and it made her very happy!  She is, however, the queen of the neighborhood and is still stealing every other toy she can from all the neighbors' garages.
 She was in heaven with two new dress ups that actually fit her.  
 I don't know who loves Rody, the pink hoppy horse, more--Charlotte or her brothers and sister.
 She was all about the cake and blowing out her own candle.  She ate her own piece, and then continued to eat off of everyone else's plates.
 What girl doesn't need her own princess umbrella?  We have snuggled many times under it.  (And it's not big enough for two!)
 Lottie and Nana
 My sweet Lucy was so good to her sissy all day.  Lucy made sure that Lottie was happy and had everything she wanted.
We love you, our sweet, sassy baby!  
If there were awards for non-verbal communication skills, Charlotte would win.  She is an expert communicator--she just doesn't use many words besides "mine, no, hey, bobby (bottle), mom followed by MOM in her best growl, daddy/honey/Shea, yes, Nana, Papa, kitty, goggie, nama (grandma), and bampa."
She loves to play babies, dollhouse, kitchen, and school with Lucy.  They are best friends and I get so happy when I see them together playing.
Charlotte loves all fruits and vegetables and especially tomatoes and raspberries from our bushes.  It is rare that anyone else gets more than one berry a day because she has already eaten the rest.  She also loves string cheese, Laughing Cow cheese, hummus, pickles, and anything the kids are eating in front of her.

Friday, September 02, 2011


My sweet, best buddy started kindergarten on Monday.  She was so excited every day to go.  On the first day she was up and dressed by 7:15, but she has the afternoon class.  Her wait was a little excruciating that day.  I have asked her if she would rather stay home with me and wait until next year, and her answer is always the same.  She has informed me that she misses her school and her teacher when she is at home.  Now I just hope she feels the same way about missing home and me while she is at school.