Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Sister!

Harper Raleigh Taylor

Weighing 6lbs 10oz and measuring 20.5 inches long and as you can see she has a full head of hair. 

Naturally, this is what I was watching as I was pushing her out.  

Sorry for the gross picture. I have to add it for journaling reasons. She didn't cry very much when she came out. It was more of just a whimper.   

My first moments with my little lady. I couldn't believe how much I loved her right from the start. We are so glad you are finally here, Harper! Welcome to the family!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Fun

Being pregnant in the summer really zaps pretty much any energy I once had to do the little things like take pictures of my girls or update my blog. The other day I was watching the girls ride their bikes and decided I better take a few pictures so I at least had proof that we did have and enjoy the summer of 2012.

 Grandma was pruning the roses and the girls each got to get one to carry around with them as they rode.
 This one was my favorite
 Of course riding bikes and scooters is the only thing we do at Grandma and Grandpa's farm; we have six year olds mow the pasture. Rhaegan, and her two cousins each had their own lawn mower and their own pasture to mow. There was of course constant adult supervision but Rhaegan definitely felt like a "big girl"
 Marlee got to take a little ride after Rhaegan finished her pasture.
I will be so glad with this little bundle of joy decides to come out and I will then have more energy to enjoy these summer months as well. Staying inside the air conditioned house is my idea of a good time right now.