The joys of Fall continue...
Fall isn't complete until you've had a ride on Farmer Brown's wagon. The girls got to go to his house, pick out about 10 pumpkins and then ride back to the house on his little orange wagon. What more could you ask for?
The girls couldn't pick just one pumpkin so they choose 3 each.
Rhaegan and Grandma getting ready to leave for the Wizard of Oz play in Nampa. Rhaegan loved it!!! Thanks, Grandma!
It was then off to our ward's Trunk or Treat night. If you can see Marlee's eyes in this picture and know her personally, what do you think she's thinking? It's scary to think about.
All of these activities took place on Saturday. Sunday was also filled with Halloween festivities and tomorrow is Trick o Treating....more pictures to come!