Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Part 2

The joys of Fall continue...
Fall isn't complete until you've had a ride on Farmer Brown's wagon. The girls got to go to his house, pick out about 10 pumpkins and then ride back to the house on his little orange wagon. What more could you ask for?

The girls couldn't pick just one pumpkin so they choose 3 each. 

Rhaegan and Grandma getting ready to leave for the Wizard of Oz play in Nampa. Rhaegan loved it!!! Thanks, Grandma! 

It was then off to our ward's Trunk or Treat night. If you can see Marlee's eyes in this picture and know her personally, what do you think she's thinking? It's scary to think about. 

All of these activities took place on Saturday. Sunday was also filled with Halloween festivities and tomorrow is Trick o Treating....more pictures to come!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Rhaegan had her first kindergarten field trip last week to one of the local pumpkin patches. She really wanted me to go so I signed up to be a chaperon. It was a lot of fun. It had been warm almost everyday before the field trip so I wasn't prepared for the 40 degree morning we had on the day of the field trip. I just had Rhaegan and her "buddy" run a round a lot to keep warm.

This slide was a favorite amongst all the kindergartners. There was always a line to go down it.

 This spiderweb was so amazing. Rhaegan had a great time pretending to be a spider catching a fly.

 Of course at any pumpkin patch there has to be an animal barrel train.

 I have a picture just like this one from one of my field trips as a little girl. I had to capture the moment.

Luckily they had a mini corn maze because I was a little nervous to let a bunch of five year olds run wild through the big one.
It was a great field trip. Of course Rhaegan's favorite part was riding the bus to and from the patch. Oh the things kids find fun.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Fall is here and we are loving it! I decided to have the girls make some leaf collages to get them into the Fall spirit. Most of the trees around the yard haven't lost their leaves yet so we really had to hunt. Marlee didn't really understand the leaf collecting concept but hard a good time anyway.

Marlee thought these yellow leaves were the best 

 Rhaegan of course loves any type of project or activity so she was super excited and was trying to find as many different colors as possible.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What the...?

Ok, so this is by far the craziest spider I have ever encountered. Rhaegan spotted her while we were picking raspberries on Saturday. She said, "Mom, there's a big yellow spider over here. Come see!" Of course when my kids say big their frame of reference it's exactly up to scale. I walked over to where this "big, yellow" spider was and this is what I saw.

I didn't have anything to put next to it to show its true size but it was seriously huge. If I would have smashed it, it would have been like smashing a small mouse. GROSS!

I of course had to find out what kind of spider this really was and if it was dangerous. Apparently it's a St. Andrews Cross spider and is very low-risk. They are basically very lazy spiders. Well, thank goodness for that information. Anyway, it was definitely an amazing find.