Monday, March 30, 2009

Fun Times

So yesterday was much better than last Sunday (for those of you who read my blog last week). Rhaegan is definitely getting use to Marlee and having to share my attention with her. She has been doing much better. I know this picture is blurry but I had to post it. Rhaegan really wanted Marlee to take a bath with her, but I figured I should probably play it safe and wait until Marlee can at least hold up her own head. Instead of a complete bath Rhaegan decided to just wash her feet and apparently they looked clean enough to kiss.

Shae wanted a picture with his girls. Marlee was not enjoying the little photo shoot so we had to give her a Binky.

Rhaegan loves to kiss Marlee (which gets a little annoying after about 100 kisses).

The Taylor Sisters!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I owe a huge "Thank you" to my wonderful Mom and sister. I know that there are women out there who can handle multiple kids with no problem whatsoever. I, on the other hand, can't even handle one so when little Marlee arrived I was beyond nervous just thinking about being a mother of two. I was so blessed to have help from my mom and sister for Marlee's first month of life. Krista was able to be here for 6 days which was probably way too many days in her opinion but for me it was wonderful. Rhaegan loves her aunt and was thrilled to spend so much one on one time with her. We had Cafe Rio multiple times and spent a lot of time playing 3 year old games. It was so nice to have her here.
My mom arrived a couple of days after Krista. So for about 4 days I had both of them here to help me. Having that many extra hands around was great. Rhaegan, of course, was spoiled beyond repair but that's what grandmas and aunts are for right.

(This is an old picture but I didn't have one from this trip. My mom took all the picture on her camera)
My mom was able to stay for 3 whole weeks. I know by the end of her stay she was completely ready to leave but I wasn't ready for her to go. She did more for me than she'll ever realize. Having her here made me feel sane and comfortable with the stress of 2 kids. Thank you, Mom for helping me get through the first month. I still want (and need) you here. Rhaegan misses you and continues to ask where you are. Feel free to come back whenever you want.
Thanks again, Krista and Mom. You are both the best. We love and miss you!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Blues

Sunday is quickly becoming my least favorite day of the week. I struggle with entertaining my three year old all day and it gets really tiring. When it's nice outside we can at least go out and enjoy the weather but on days like today (very windy and cold) we are stuck inside with each other all day long. Rhaegan for some reason can not entertain herself for even 10 minutes. She is constantly wanting Shae or myself to play with her and when we can't she will throw major fits. She has also decided that not obeying us is her new favorite thing. It's a battle all day long between us and her. So here's the reason for my post:


If anyone has any ideas on how to entertain my daughter or how to get her to entertain herself please let me know. I hate making her play by herself but I have been so tired lately. She is also starting to dislike Marlee because she's taking up most of my time. So on top of not knowing how to entertain Rhaegan I am also feeling guilty that I can't give her all my attention. What to do?

Friday, March 20, 2009

New Dress

We had our own little photo shoot the other day. Rhaegan got a new spring dress and wanted to show it off. She has really started to like dresses and dancing around in them. She is definitely turning into a little girly-girl. We have been trying to work on her smile when we're taking a picture. She can't open her eyes and smile at the same time so she has wide eyes and no smile in one picture and squinty eyes and a nice smile in the other picture.

She is turning into a very cute big sister. She loves to help me with EVERYTHING which is nice but can get a little overwhelming at times. It's still hard to believe that Rhaegan is a big sister now. Time really does fly when you have kids.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rhaegan said what?

As everyone knows 3 year olds can definitely say the darnest things and Rhaegan is no exception. I haven't done a very good job at recording her every comment but the past couple of weeks she has been saying some pretty hilarious stuff.

1. At the hospital after Marlee was born Rhaegan was the first one to come in and see her. As she walks into the room she makes her way over to my bed and watches Marlee eat. As she stands there she says:
  • "Mom, Marlee's eating your booby."
  • "No Rhaegan, she's drinking her milk"
  • "Well...can she stop?"

2. Rhaegan was really upset the other day and walks into my bathroom with her head hanging pretty low. She looks up at me and says:

  • "Mom, I'm really upset"
  • "What happened? Why are you upset?" I ask
  • "Can Marlee go home now?"
  • "Marlee is home, sweetie. This is where she lives now."
  • "No no, Mom. Just go put her in the car. She can just live there."

That little story broke my heart a little bit but everyone keeps telling me not to worrying that it's completely normal. Rhaegan has actually been pretty good ever since Marlee came home. She has been acting out a little but I know it will end soon.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First Family Photo

Presenting the Taylor Family 2009
With Krista visiting we have our own little photographer on hand whenever we find ourselves in a posing mood. Rhaegan was enjoying the photo shoot and making funny faces. We finally captured a pretty good shot. It's nothing formal by any means, but it is the first family photo with our adorable new addition.
Rhaegan loves to hold Marlee (and by hold I mean squeeze to death). She is very careful with her and always makes sure her hands are washed before touching her.

This is the first picture where I actually see what everyone is saying about Rhaegan looking a lot like me. I can honestly say I had never really seen it before.

Adorable sister moment

Friday, March 6, 2009

More of Marlee...

Here are some more pictures of Marlee. She is a wonderful baby and loves to eat. Rhaegan has been great with her and is willing to help with whatever I need her to do. She still hasn't mastered the whole "being quiet" concept but I'm sure it will click soon (I hope). Marlee loved to eat her hand but with her long finger nails always digging into her face we have to cover them up in order to save her face.
Rhaegan tries to comfort Marlee every time we change her diaper.

An adorable father/daughter moment.

Rhaegan holding Marlee in the hospital. She was the first to hold her and was so gentle.

Marlee's "going home" outfit. She was not happy about being changed.

I know they are the best looking feet but I couldn't resist a picture. They aren't this wrinkly anymore.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Welcome Marlee Peyton!!!

Yesterday, March 2nd, we welcomed the newest addition to our little family.
Marlee Peyton
6lb 90z & 18 inches long
Everyone is doing very well and we all got to come home today instead of tomorrow. Everyone that has seen Marlee has been trying to figure out who she looks like and if they can see Rhaegan in her. It's funny because every time she cries or opens her mouth all I see is my brother, Q. We'll see who she starts to resemble once the "newborn" phase ends.