I have so many great picture to share with everyone I have decided that I am going to have to break up each blog by event (or day really). These few pictures are from Christmas Eve. In the Cupps household we would always open up one gift each on Christmas Eve (which has recently been pajamas). Rhaegan was so excited to just be opening a present. She didn't care what was inside. Her PJ's were adorable. And I have to say ours (the adults) were great too. Rhaegan helped play Santa by passing out the presents to each person. She didn't get a little shy when it was time to take Jeff (Denise's brother) his package. We had to give her a little hand with that one.
Rhaegan waiting patiently for my mom to give her another present to pass out.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Eve
Monday, December 29, 2008
Miracle At Texas Roadhouse
Tonight I experienced a true miracle. We decided to go out to a steak dinner for our last night it Ohio. So Shae, Rhaegan and I piled into my mom's car and off we went to good old Texas Roadhouse. Of course there was a 20 minute wait so we took a seat amongst all the peanuts and patiently waited for our number to show up on the screen. My hands were super dry so I asked my mom for some lotion. I hate getting lotion in my ring so I took it off and must have set it in my lap (I know, stupid move). I got distracted somehow (having a 3 year old can do that) and when our number was called I stood up and walked to our table.
After our dinner we left the restaurant and started driving home when I realized the empty finger on my left hand. I immediately started rummaging through my purse, my pants pockets, everywhere I could think to look. I got that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and said, "Shae I can't find my ring." My dad quickly turned the car around and headed back to the restaurant. I just knew it wouldn't be there. In our economic state a nice diamond ring could offer quite a bit of assistance to someone in need. When we pulled into the parking lot my mom and I jumped out and ran in, my mom heading up to the reception desk and I made my way to the waiting area. We looked all over but found nothing. The girls at the desk said no one had turned in a ring so it seemed like all hope was lost. Then one of the managers came over and said, "what are you looking for?" I told her and after describing the ring to her she said, "wait here, I'll go get it for you." It took everything I had to hold back the tears. She returned with my ring and a business card of the amazing man who found it and turned it in. I cried my eyes out the minute a stepped out the doors. My guardian angel goes by the name of Mr. Palmer. I owe him so much and will forever be thankful for his honesty and kindness.

(Update: I have contacted Mr. Palmer and he responded back saying he's very happy he was able to help and hopes Shae and I have safe flight back home. What a great guy!!)
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Taylor Family Christmas Card
This year our Christmas card is going to be sent via blogspot in order to save some time and money. For some reason I couldn't seem to get my life together in time to get a tangible Christmas card sent out. Hopefully this is makes it to everyone on my mailing list and more.
This year has been quite the whirlwind of years. We have been through a lot as a family (good and some not so good) but we have weathered all of our storms and are still standing strong. The "good" has definitely out-weighed the bad (luckily), though.
Shae is now working with some new people on some new and exciting projects. He is quite the entrepreneur and works very hard at what he does. He is a wonderful father and loves his daddy-daughter time. Rhaegan and Shae are like two peas in a pod. I'm hoping there some room left in his heart for the new addition joining our family early next year.
Rhaegan is a intelligent, active three year old. She loves to read books and would spend ALL day doing so if I let her. I just think interaction with other kids is important too. She loves princesses which is a change from last years Spiderman and Transformer phase. Her smile is infectious and helps us get through each day with a smile on our faces. Rhaegan is already a fantastic little mother. She is very helpful around the house and we know that once our baby arrives she will being willing and able to do whatever we need her to.
I am enjoying being a mom and can't wait to not be pregnant anymore. Being a mother of two is still a little bit scary to think about but I have great helpers in my house so everything should be okay. We were able to do quite a bit of traveling this past year and had some wonderful visits from friends and family.
This year has been quite the whirlwind of years. We have been through a lot as a family (good and some not so good) but we have weathered all of our storms and are still standing strong. The "good" has definitely out-weighed the bad (luckily), though.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Over the river and through the woods...
...to grandmother's house we go. Shae, Rhaegan and I arrived safely to my parent's house last night and are preparing to have a great Christmas together as a family. Rhaegan is unfortunately the only grandkid here this year so she is going to experience a lot of adult (as in boring) time. She definitely misses her cousins and wishes they were her to play with. I will blog again once I have some fun pictures to share. MERRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Cake, Presents and a PARTY!!
Birthday Highlights!!
Rhaegan's "day" started out with her birthday breakfast. She wanted french toast and scrambled eggs. She thought that having a candle in her food was by far the coolest thing ever.
We had a little party for her at McDonald's Playplace (her favorite place) with several of her closest friends. They all had so much fun eating and running around. What more do little kids want to do anyway?
Rhaegan was a total pro at blowing out her candles. I know there were only three but still. She of course wanted a Tinkerbell cake so I did my best to put one together.
Opening presents was probably her favorite part (of course). She got a ton of princess stuff which made everything that much better. Remember when Rhaegan only liked Spiderman and Transformers? I guess she figured out she was actually a girl and not one of the boys. It only took 3 years.
More wonderful presents to show-off.
(I wish I had a better angle of it. It was pretty cute)
After she ate her birthday breakfast she opened our gifts to her; an Ariel pillow and a HUGE Scooby Doo coloring book. She saw the coloring book in the store and had been asking for it for about 2 weeks. I guess she still has a little "boy" in her.
Thanks everyone who helped make Rhaegan's birthday special.
We love you, Rhaegan!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Happy Birthday, Rhaegan!!
Well, it's official...Rhaegan is 3 years old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. We started off her day with some fun surprise decorations. Rhaegan was so excited (as you can see from her face) to see all the balloons and her big sign. Her day was only beginning at that point. We had so many fun activities planned for her (I will post the rest of the pictures of her day tomorrow).
We love you, Rhaegan and we hope you had a great day. Thank you to everyone who made her day that much more special.
Happy Birthday!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
An unforgettable night
I got a wonderful surprise last week when I opened up an email from Shae and this is what it said:

I was so excited and surprised. I can usually guess at Shae's little "surprises" and I'm rarely ever literally surprised but this time I had no idea he was going to do this. The show was amazing. Thank you, Shae for such a wonderful birthday surprise. You're the best!!
"Dear Kendall,
As part of your birthday gift I am sending you and your BFF (he was referring to Ashly) to The Forgotten Carols on Wednesday night. So I want you to get all dressed up and have a great time. I Love You! Happy Birthday!"

I was so excited and surprised. I can usually guess at Shae's little "surprises" and I'm rarely ever literally surprised but this time I had no idea he was going to do this. The show was amazing. Thank you, Shae for such a wonderful birthday surprise. You're the best!!
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