Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thank You Josh & Krista!!

Rhaegan was able to get her first bike (ok it's a big wheel) thanks to her Uncle Josh and Aunt Krista. She received some belated birthday money and I immediately knew what she would want to buy with it. She still doesn't know how to peddle but I'm sure that will come really quick especially since we've been having such beautiful weather which allows her to practice ALL DAY outside. Thanks again!! We love you Josh and Krista!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Rhaegan had a little lamb...

We have been spending this past week in Idaho visiting Papa and Grandma Taylor. Rhaegan always has so much fun especially taking care of the horses. This trip, however, she discovered something even more lambs!! Her aunt Val and cousin Seth have their own little petting zoo right in their backyard and garage. Rhaegan was a little caught off guard at first because three lambs came running right up to her and about knocked her over. Since she's an animal lover just like her mom she warmed right up to the lambs. She even mastered the art of feeding them their bottles of milk. It was the cutest thing to watch.
She was like their little mother. They loved her.She also enjoying finding the stray eggs in the chicken coop. Aunt Val let her keep several which made Rhaegan very happy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Big Girl Underwear & Cookie Dough?

So Rhaegan has been showing quite a bit of interest in the "big girl potty" as we like to call it. The other day she was playing with her friends Maddox and Conner when all of the sudden she stopped and said, "Mommy, I have to go potty." I didn't think much of it because that phrase is pretty common in our house lately. However, she proceeded to pull down her pants, undo her onesie and take off her diaper. She went into the bathroom and went potty on the toilet!!! It was funny because we weren't even at our own house, we were Maddox and Conner's house. She was completely comfortable and was so excited once she was finished. She then started to tell me that she wanted big girl underwear. We went to Walmart today and bought her some and as you can see she was so anxious to put them on that she forgot to put them on underneath her clothes. I can't believe that my little girl is growing up so fast. Where does the time go?

Rhaegan also discovered cookie dough today. Shae was enjoying the last bit of cookie dough when Rhaegan came along and snatched the beater right out of his hand. Some of the dough made it into her month but a lot of it ended up on her nose, her cheeks and her head. She really enjoyed it though.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cooking in the Kitchen!

Rhaegan loves her kitchen. She alwys wants me to "play kitchen, Mommy, play kitchen." I usually give in the first 10 times she asks, but there is a limit to how much plastic food I can eat in a day. Luckily for me one of her best friends, Nathan, came down to play last week. They both had so much fun and it took a lot of bribing to get them to pose for a quick picture. I got a break from the plastic food and Rhaegan got to enjoy some play time with someone other than Mom. I can safely say we both had a pretty good day.