Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Tatum

These are 3 of my favorite pictures of Tatum. She's always happy, positive, and supportive. Happy Birthday! I love you.


Monday, November 7, 2011


3 years ago today Chase and I were married. It was the best day of my life. I am thankful everyday to know that Chase is mine. Things don't always go as planned or the way you want. It is comforting for me to know that whatever trials I go through that Chase will be right there with me.

Here are just a few things about Chase:

No matter what situation, he always has a way of making me laugh.
He is hilarious(I think so)
He is a very hard worker.
He loves the gospel.
He makes me feel special and important.
He supports me in all I do.
He is my best friend.

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

Here's to another year! I love you Chase. Thanks for making life wonderful.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


We found out some exciting news last week...Chase got accepted to the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University!

After your first year of Law school they give you the option of transferring and Chase being the hard worker he is has done well enough to be able to. I am so proud of him for all of his hard work and dedication. He also has applied to Brigham Young University so we are anxiously awaiting their decision. One year down, two to go!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The last little bit...

  I don't know where to start. It has been a while since I actually did a normal post about Chase and I. Sorry, we aren't very exciting. It seems like for a month people were announcing they were pregnant. Glad it has slowed down because we don't have anything exciting to announce so boring people like us can post now:) Well to start off....Chase finished his first year of Law School! I like to say I finished/survived it as well. It wasn't easy, but it will be worth it when its over. Chase did really well so we are hoping he can transfer to either BYU, ASU or possibly UofA to be at a school that is more recognizable. We have really liked Phoenix School of Law but it doesn't have the reputation that the other universities do. Luckily they allow you to transfer so we are keeping our fingers crossed for Chase.  We had a nephew born in May. Congrats to Brent and Amanda who had their 2nd boy! Cameron Chase Rasmussen. Uncle Chase was a little excited when he heard his nephew was named after him. We love the little guy already.  We took a much needed trip to California with our friends Daniel and Marina. Holy cow it was much needed. We were able to help Daniel propose to Marina the first night we were there. It was awesome! The rest of the trip we laid on the beach, swam, slept, ate lots of food and shopped! California=great shopping. We visited the Coach store and I experienced buying my first Coach purse and matching wallet. That was the highlight of the trip for me!  The last couple weeks have been wonderful with Chase being out of school but unfortunately he has started a summer school class. It has been so nice to be able to spend the evenings and weekends together. As for me, I am just staying busy with my church callings and work.

Here are some pictures of what we have been up to(Sorry for the poor quality and lack of pictures): 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Coming soon...

A new post!  We have been very busy with working and finishing up Chase's first year of Law School so I promise a new blog post is coming soon.  Don't get too excited!  Here are a few pictures to show what we have been up to...

(I don't fall asleep as easy as Chase does in random places so no pictures of me.)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


My blog is either going private or being if you want to still look at my blog (if anybody does) leave your email!  Thanks:)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Its time for an update! We had a wonderful Christmas break. I am thankful for the time we had to spend together and with our families. We played a lot since Chase didn't have school. I am so proud of Chase for all of his hard work his first semester of Law School. It was not easy...we just found out a couple days ago his class rank is 10th out of 230 students! Seriously, 10th! I am thankful for my hardworking husband.

Here are our highlights from the past couple months:

Disneyland with our friends Marina and Dan

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year(It was freezing!)

Celebrated my 25th birthday

2011 has started of wonderful. We are excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for us!