Tuesday, September 17, 2013

School Counselor Internship

As most of you know, I am recently in the process of finishing my degree. A part of my curriculum is to complete an EDGE project. EDGE is a program here at SUU that provides students a way to get out into the community and serve. A part of this service is creating a project that we feel fits the criteria as well as fits our own individual personalities.

Immediately, I knew I wanted my project to have something to do with what I want for my future career; which is counseling. I saw myself fitting into the Community center (the EDGE program is divided into different centers that allows students to have all kinds of different projects to serve in different ways) and began thinking of the idea of an internship. Once I formulated my idea, I got approved that a 90 hour internship would be a perfect fit for the community engagement center and that I could go ahead with my project. I was so excited!

So here are the details... My project turned into a 90 hour internship served with two different elementary school counselors in the Iron County school district. I completed my project during the 2013 spring semester through the months of January to April.

I absolutely loved and adored every minute of my internship. It allowed me to learn about this career I've been so interested in and discover things about myself I never knew. I stretched and grew as a person more than I thought possible. There were days that were fun, laid back and total challenges but all the days were worth the entire experience.

Along with fulfilling the average intern duties (filing papers, making copies, scheduling presentations etc) I was also able to serve in a counselor's aid role. I was able to participate in class presentations within the realm of character education and participate in group sessions with students. Towards the end, the counselors even trusted me enough to start taking over the class presentations and leading them on my own. My response from the students and the counselors were both very gratifying and validating. I also helped both counselors become more acquainted and updated with the latest technology. Within the school systems there has been a big push for all educators to start to utilize the latest technology available as the classrooms are now being equipped with such equipment. The counselors were both using outdated and slow technology, but did not have the time to learn the new ways because of other demands. Not only was I able to get them acquainted with this technology, but also compiled a complete list of all the latest ipad apps out there available to school counselors that would allow them the freedom to focus on the children and provide more interactive tools to connect with the kids. I loved being able to provide such a service to these counselors because I know it saved them a lot of time and frustration. It also freed up a lot of time normally spent on mundane tasks and allowed them to focus more on the kids. What a wonderful experience!
Here is one example of a class presentation I was able to put together for 3rd grade classes. 

Again, I truly did enjoy my internship and would do it again in a heartbeat. It never felt like an assigned project to me, but more like a privilege. I recognize that this project was an opportunity and I am glad I got to be a part of it. Thanks for listening to my latest adventure!

Again, another class presentation. This one was on the subject of making a report vs. being a tattle tale. This was geared towards k-2nd grades.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Fair Time

We decided to take G to the fair for the very first time. We had a lot of fun, but it was HOT. I honestly don't think I had ever been that hot in my life. It was so uncomfortable and sticky and just not a pretty sight. Needless to say, we did the "rushed" version of the fair and spent a small fortune while doing it (we were both fair virgins and had no idea how much it would cost-lets just say lesson learned.)

This pic is of G not on the day of the fair, but cute nonetheless.

We started with the petting zoo because it was the only shaded area of the fair. I felt so sorry for the animals because you could tell they were in heat comas. Even the baby cows were laying down and couldn't be enticed with the little feed cups. It was a pitiful sight. We hadn't even been there for 10 minutes and you can already see G's cheeks getting really red and really fast.

She loved the baby chicks. She would walk by them, point and say some form of G gibberish that we assume meant baby chick.

Her favorite ride was the carousel (she only had 2 to choose from since she was only allowed to ride the carousel and the ferris wheel.) She really did love it though and I'm thinking it had to do something with the nice breeze she was getting.

"Hi Daaaaa!"

Ferris wheel made her a little nervous, but it was a beautiful sight. Lexington is so beautiful and green.

Now the part that I hate to admit. You would think after all this complaining I've done about the heat that there was no way we would order a steaming hot funnel cake, right? Wrong! We're fatties and if I'm being completely honest the funnel cake was the only reason we went. We did order a small snow cone to go with it though to cool us off while we ate it. Piping hot funnel cake + oppressive heat= something I really don't want to talk about. Let's just say it got eaten, but it wasn't pretty.

G wanted nothing to do with the funnel cake, but was obsessed with the snow cone. Smart girl.

Life lesson #358- Don't attend fair when there is a heat advisory.

A Wagon Ride

Lately, we have been trying to beat the heat by coming up with fun little ways of keeping Gattlyn entertained while staying cool. It has been way too hot to spend the day at the park or even at our apt. pool so unfortunately G has been doing a lot of staying in. In the evenings, however, we have been taking her out for a little wagon ride around the block. G is getting at the age where she is starting to insist on certain toys accompanying us places. She has a favorite blankie for everyday errands, but this wagon trip she insisted on her favorite doll. It's the cutest thing seeing her become attached to her toys and starting to really interact with them.

Here she is showing her doll all the exciting sights such as leaves, grass and dogs.

She loves her doll!

She was being so cute and attentive with her doll the whole ride. The doll has a magnetic binkie that sticks to its mouth so when it would fall G would pick it up for her and put it back. We even commented on how cute she was being until we heard her say "uh-oh" and then start to laugh. We didn't think much about it and kept walking. Still, over and over she was saying "uh-oh" and laughing. Finally, I looked back to see what she was laughing at and saw the doll was missing! She was about 20 feet behind us on the ground. G managed to unbuckle her doll and throw her overboard. I guess she wanted to be the only baby in the wagon.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shanghai Girls/ Dreams of Joy

Lisa See does it again! I love Lisa See. I discovered my love for her when I first read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (which is a new movie out this fall and I am dying to see.) I know I've mentioned this before, but I must say again I love reading about Asian culture. Lisa See not only writes intricately about Asian culture, but she also writes intricately about relationships. Those two combined makes for magic. In her books, she explores all types of relationships...friends, lovers, sisters, family, etc. Perhaps explore isn't the right word? She is so talented at writing about a relationship that it makes you contemplate your own relationships and the sacrifices you are willing to give to make them work. I don't think that makes sense, so your just going to have to take my word for it and read for yourself!

Now onto the books. Shanghai Girls is the first book of this 2 book series. It follows 2 sisters from Shanghai in the 1930's and their family's fall from wealth. They are lessened to having to be sold off to 2 Chinese brothers and being shipped off to America (narrowly escaping the Japanese bombs that fall on their beloved city.) This whole ride you cry with the sisters, you laugh with them and more so you sympathize for them. You get an inside look at history that you may or may not want to know about.

Dreams of Joy is the second book following the daughter of one of the sisters who runs away from her family to escape back to a communist China in search for her birth father. I don't know how many times I leaned over to Tate asking him "did you know...?" questions about communism in China. I had no idea the heartbreak this country went through during the 1950s. I have to say I enjoyed Shanghai Girls more because Dreams of Joy's main character was so frustrating. She was the type of character you want to reach into the book and slap. Bad choice after bad choice and you just want to ask "why are you so dumb?" Kind of like Scarlett in Gone with the Wind. Hate Scarlett, hate Gone with the Wind. But, I powered through it and was happy I did. You can't read the first book without reading the second because you have to know how this tragic family's story ends. All in all I loved this series. If this inspires anyone to read any of Lisa See's novels I would definitely start with Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. It will make you call your best friend at the end and tell her how much you love and appreciate her.

Friday, July 8, 2011

BBQ Chicken Pizza

This pizza is amazing! Back in May we visited our really good friends, the Judds in Omaha, NE. During our visit Chelsey made us this delicious pizza. It instantly became a favorite of Tate's. It is so good that you are going to have to make it just to try it for yourself. It's also super easy and quick to make.

So, something new I discovered is Rhode's Rolls. Well, let me clarify. I've known about them and have had them as rolls (which are awesome) but I didn't know all the different things you can do with them. This pizza's crust is Rhode's Rolls. It's nice and thin and the perfect pizza crust.

So here is what you need:

Everything is eye-balled. It all depends on your tastes and preferences. If you like a lot of spinach then pack it on or if your not a huge fan of cilantro then go easy with it. Whatever you want to do it's your pizza so have it your way!

  • Bottle KC bbq sauce
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Cilantro, chopped
  • Spinach, chopped
  • Red onion, chopped
  • Bacon, crumbled
  • Oven roasted chicken breasts, shredded (about 2-3, I simply threw some salt and pepper on them and put them in the oven about 40 mins. on 350....I also did it ahead of time to save in my prep time)
  • Rhode's Rolls-about 14-15, place on greased cookie sheet and cover with greased plastic wrap, let rise
Should look like this. (Remember, they take at least 5 hours to thaw and rise so take them out in the morning and let them be)

Now, work the dough and flatten it out onto the pan like this...

You gotta pinch the sides together so they stay. Now, pre-bake your crust at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Then cover it with your bbq sauce and the rest of your ingredients. Return to oven at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until crust is brown. Delicious!

I think the great thing about this recipe is that it can be transformed into any type of pizza that you like. I may just have to use Rhode's now as my new go-to crust. I also have a great recipe of Cheesy Ranch Bread using Rhode's. I may just make some to share with you. Keep posted!

Thank you Chelsey for your awesome recipe. You make such delicious food that I only wish I was half the cook that you are! Keep them coming.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Unexpected Sweet Savannah

Tate's family had a trip planned for Savannah, GA and had asked us if we wanted to go along. There was no way we could. T had work and school and I had life and...blah blah blah. On Thursday afternoon, T came home from school and asked what we were doing special for the weekend. Um, you don't have anything? We realized that we had nothing planned the way we thought we did. Holla! So I said, "why not join the fam down in sweet Savannah?" Life is too short to not live spur of the moment. By 5pm, we jumped in the car and left for the 9 hour drive. Note to self: Never drive a 9 hour drive with 15 month old late in the day. Though it's a fun story to tell now we learned our lesson that we will try to be more prepared in the future. G did horribly on the way down! We arrived at 2 am exhausted and stinky. The next day though walking out onto the streets of downtown made it all worth it. Something about that spanish moss just gets me!

The boys (A and A) in the fountains at City Market.

G making friends at the fountains.

G with her cousin M

My handsome hubby.

We had a fantastic time. During the day we hung out at Tybee Island poolside and beach side. The girl's shopped and got pedicures. We saw the sights. We ate some amazing food...Lady and Sons, Vinny Van Go Go's, AJ's (despite the massacre,) One-Eyed Lizzy's, Corleone's, The Pink House, Savannah Candy company (best gelato ever!)...my mouth is watering just remembering! Is it bad that most of my favorite memories from any vacation involves food?

Of course, we were there for the fourth. Tate's cousin Lindsey lives in Savannah so she had the privilege of playing host all week. She's an awesome host! We were able to watch fireworks from her work's high rise in downtown Savannah. It was great being able to enjoy the fireworks without the scary noise that baby G and cousin A hate.
Here's Paw-Paw, Cousin A, Cousin H and Maw-Maw enjoying the view from the office. It was like having our own suite at a sporting event.

Happy 4th of July!

On Tuesday, we sadly said goodbye. We left early in the morning (already practicing the hard lesson learned earlier) and got home to Lexington by 5pm. We had such an amazing time and are so grateful for our family we got to spend the holiday with. Life can be so cool sometimes and offer some sweet surprises. Can't wait for our next unexpected vacation.

The Farm Life

My parents own a cute little farm in Giles, VA. Right now it's their favorite home away from home, but they plan to eventually make it their permanent home. My mother has been begging me to bring G out there ever since her birth. I was never against it we just never really had the time. Well, the time came and mom was in heaven. However, after our many vacations recently (farm, beach, pools...etc) I'm starting to worry that we are raising a wuss! G hates nature and the outdoors. She can't stand the feel of grass without shoes on (she hates sand too.) I'm hoping this is a stage because I loved the outdoors when I was little. Tate, however, was a different story. He was and still is a big advocate for the indoors, TV, and carpet. Only time will tell with G (keep your fingers crossed.)

*For some reason lately, I'm not bringing out my camera as much as I'd like to. Again, I've failed to get as many pictures as I wanted. Boo and hiss.

G liked Magic more at a distance.

Cousin D went with us and really kept G busy.

G loved the turtles! (maybe because she got to be the boss of them)


She's a farm girl now.

Looking at the cows- she started to squeal when she saw them for the first time.

We were only able to stay one night, but we had such a fun time (except the fact we had no water while we were out there, but that just added to the experience, right?) Can't wait to take G again when she's a little older and perhaps a little less of a wuss.