After quite the [unannounced] hiatus, I'm back! For now I am taking it easy on etsy and I'm going to try and just focus on blogging for now.
Hey! Exciting news!
I am considering having a monthly/bi-monthly Guest Blogger. Someone who writes another blog, be it small or fairly big, writing an article of their choosing [relating to guinea pigs, or at the very least pets]. I'll start an archive of these guest bloggings, which will be located on the lefthand sidebar. If you would like to be a Guest Blogger, please send me a sample of your work/website/blog, your name, and what your article subject would be. You can find my email at the Contact Info link on the lefthand sidebar.
For example, if I were entering my entry would be,
"Amy C., "Tasha's Tails" http://tashastails.blogspot.com
My article would be about home medical kits for small animals."
If chosen, you'll be given a minimum of 1 month's notice.

Also if you have not yet seen it, I have made a Bio page for the blog, go check it out! It's on the lefthand sidebar under "What Is This?"
And yes, I am still working on my medical kit post. :)