Wednesday, August 07, 2013

It's been almost a month, but thanks for the birthday wishes.  My day was not perfect, but with two little children running things, one can hardly expect that.  I just bought my last birthday presents yesterday with my birthday money, so I guess it's not too late to post about turning 29.  I put together a list of my 29 favorite things, and I will intersperse it with pictures from my day.

I tried something new.  I'm usually not much for asymmetry, but my cooperative hair made me feel pretty all day.

1- crisp, cotton sheets
2- spontaneous hugs from children
3- packages
The Captain waited a good 5 minutes behind a chair to surprise me with this drawing after I got ready in the morning.  Johnny said it's the most patient he's ever seen The Captain.  The picture is our family and our house.
4- hearing a good song I'd forgotten about on the radio
5- listening to my children sing
6- hearing a random fact from The Captain
I let the kids play at the park by the fabric store, at which store I added to my stash.  It was my birthday present to me.
7- having intellectual conversations with Johnny
8- random phone calls from friends
9- finding new episodes of my favorite shows on Netflix
My first time getting free Slurpees!  The Captain DID NOT like them.  After his first two sips he informed me they were "spicy".
10- not waking up to an alarm
11- making someone feel loved and understood
12- comments on my social media postings
Joy got to enjoy all three free slurpees.
13- already knowing what I'm making for dinner
14- completing projects
15- spending quality time with my kids

Lunch, delicious chicken salad and melon fruit salad.  Made by me, but still yummy.
16- good hair days
17- reading a good book
18- trying something new and being successful the first time
After naptime was movie and popcorn.  Double points to anyone who can tell what movie we watched just from the title screen.  The kids actually were excited, it was our first time seeing this movie.
19- freshly shaved legs
20- taking advantage of a teaching moment
21- the kindness of strangers
I needed a reminder. 
22- small, acceptable PDAs from Johnny
23- being able to follow my schedule throughout the day
24- service from Past Tara
I made this cake myself, with help from The Captain.  We made it during Joy's nap.  Homemade angel food cake with homemade whipped cream and freezer jam between layers.  Yum.
25- new dresses
26- warm homemade bread
27- feeling useful and important
Presents are exciting

28- unexpectedly well behaved children
29- cold juice on a hot day

Don't my new clothes look good?