We decided it had been too long since our last road trip, and since Johnny had Monday off of work, and there was no school (and thus no Seminary) on Monday either, we packed up everything and went to the beach for Easter. And be "we packed up everything" I mean I packed up everything since Johnny still had a full day of paintball on Saturday. Which was fine since it meant we could go to the Easter Egg Hunt (see yesterday's post). I've never lived anywhere within a day's drive to the beach, and I've never gone to the beach for a vacation before, so even though we didn't leave until 5 pm and didn't get there until after midnight, it was still a fun experience.
The Captain has never been to the beach, but I have never seen him so excited about something. He couldn't understand why we couldn't go to the beach RIGHT NOW, and even though the Easter Egg Hunt was fun, I think he'd rather had been at the beach. It created some problems since he didn't want to nap on Friday, just go to the beach. And he didn't want to nap on Saturday either, just go to the beach. Needless to say, it was very challenging to completely pack for 4 people, load up the car, and make food arrangements when I couldn't get this child to take a nap. But somehow we got through and I forgot very few things, which is a miracle considering my mental state these days.
And speaking of food, I had quite the dilemma. We were going to be gone Easter Sunday. While finding a church to go to was not a problem (thanks LDS.org!) food was. I was busy all day Saturday, and we would get to Virginia Beach after midnight, and we don't believe in shopping on Sunday so, I was forced to get creative . . .
I sliced carrots and potatoes and put them in a bag with a little lemon juice so they'd stay looking nice. I put spices in a snack bag, and a frozen roast in it's package in a plastic bag. Then I threw them all in the crock pot and put them in the trunk. The roast was still frozen the next morning when I emptied everything into the crock pot and turned it on while we were at church. Then when we got back to the hotel, I wrestled The Captain into taking a nap and when we got up, voila, dinner.
It was good, too.
There are some things I'd do differently next time (like put the veggies on top so they didn't absorb as many drippings, not so many spices on the roast, and remembering to bring the salt), and cleaning up in the bathroom sink isn't much fun, but I'm calling this a success.
Then there was nothing to do but play at the beach for two days. Which we did.
We were really spoiled because of the perfect weather. It was a little chilly, which meant that the sand was pleasantly warm on our bare feet and it felt 10 degrees warmer by the water than it did by the hotel.
The Captain has no idea what burnt feet feel like. It was the ideal beach trip for him.
This little one got to take a long morning nap snuggled in a blanket on a bed of warm, body-molded sand. So I'd say the trip was ideal for her, too.
Even though The Captain is still scared of water and refused to get his feet wet (I think Johnny forced him to touch the Atlantic Ocean for the principle of the thing), he still had a great time playing in the sand.
And I got some great pictures for my portfolio while we were there. And now The Captain really loves the beach and pretends that it is our upstairs hallway. He rolls his suitcase out there and "goes to the beach" and tells me not to walk on the sand with my slippers cause they'll get dirty. Good advice, Buddy.