Yeah, yeah, I know I have a lot to catch up on. I have a bagillion dress pictures to post. And pictures of the house. And vacation stuff. Oh yeah, and I'm now cooking through a cook book, so there are pics about that to post about as well. So to start all that off, and for those who still care (hi mom!), here is a summary of G's first birthday.
We went to the Dallas Aquarium
G got lots of love from his uncles
And from Grandma
And got lots of practice walking
We saw fish, of course
An octopus
A turtle. And look, he's happy to see us.
More fish.
G almost got eaten by sharks,
a leopard,
then in retaliation, tried to eat the uber cute gift shop toys.
I decided to make him a clown fish cake with the help of G's Aunt Jennifer.
I think it turned out great.
And here's G enjoying it. He got the bottom fin all to himself.
And here's some stats about G:
- pushing buttons, flipping switches, and figuring out how stuff works
- putting things in baskets, bins, or cupboards
- doing stuff on his own, without any help
- being wet
- being naked
- what's on my plate to what's on his
- new things over old
- bananas, cheese, and cookies
- not being able to do what he wants
- coming out of the bathroom
- when Daddy leaves for work
- when anyone closes him out of a room
So I guess he's a normal 1 year old. He's still super sweet and happy, and I think if he continues to feel like he's not ignored we will weather the toddler years without any deaths.