
Witches Night Out

On Saturday October 27th I got a group of ladies together and attended the annual Witch's Night Out at Gardner Village.

Mom, Miranda, Mercedes, and I.  My Aunt Opal was there, too.
My BFF also accompanied us.  We all met at Zupa's for dinner then headed over.
Her and I rode Trax to the event because Gardner Village was a mad house.  So many people!  We had a blast this year.  In fact, this was my favorite year.  Everyone had a good night and we danced and danced.  If you're lucky enough to be FB friends with my Mom you got to see a rather hilarious video clip of me dancing.  Classic Tara thing to do.


The Clothesline Project

When I decided to go back to school at The University of Utah I figured that I would go all out.  This semester I took on more responsibility by joining a group called The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS).  I was invited to join and took them up on their offer.

It's been very interesting so far.  In order to be officially inducted into the group you need to fulfill a list of criteria.  I need to attend so many guest speaker events, join a group and get together with them every couple of weeks and talk about goals we've set, attend a training day, and do at least five hours of community service.

Last night I did some volunteerism for The United Way down in Orem.  I helped out at an event called The Clothesline Project.  I had never heard of it before.

This event was formed to raise awareness all over the nation of violence towards men and women.  You can go to this website for more information.  They have victims or friends/family of victims design a t-shirt to display.  They are not censored in any way.

Here are the meanings behind the shirt colors:
White = in memory of individuals who died as a result of violence
Yellow = survivors of physical assault
Pink, red, or orange = survivors of rape or sexual assault
Blue or green = survivors of incest or childhood sexual abuse
Lavender or purple = survivors of attacks suffered due to (perceived) sexual orientation
Black = for those disabled as the result of an attack, or assaulted because of a disability
Grey or brown = survivors of emotional, spiritual, or verbal abuse

I helped the group take the t-shirts down and put them away in boxes for next time.  I was able to read a lot of them and let me tell you...it's sad.  You want to believe that most people are good deep down inside and treat human life with respect, but that is not the case.  Some of the people that did these unspeakable acts were friends, lovers, and family.  The kind of people you would normally trust most.

It's really sad what lengths people will go to to fulfill their own wishes and desires.

Just as an FYI:
     * An assault is reported every 10 to 12 seconds
     * Someone is sexually assaulted every two minutes
     * Three to four women are killed by their intimate partners each day
     * Only 40 percent of rapes/sexual assaults are reported to the police, and only about 6 percent of rapists will ever serve a day in jail
     * A woman is more likely to be injured, raped, or killed by a current or former partner than by any other person



Last night I took a solo stroll around City Creek.  Yesterday was beautiful and this was the perfect way to cap off the night.

Can I just say, Anthropologie is simply my happy place.  I love walking through that store.  They have some of the most interesting trinkets.  There is just something about that place.  It's like I want to make a house that is completely Anthropologie and live happily ever after in it with my floral bedding, monogramed hand towel, intricate door knobs, fashion/design coffee books, and set of colorful ceramic measuring cups.


The gem that I picked up in there on this visit was a Q&A book.

The concept is quite simple, really.

Every day this journal asks you a different question and you answer it.  You answer the same question a year later and so on for the next 5 years.  Isn't that the neatest idea?  It will be interesting to see how my answers change over the years.

I plan on starting January 1st.


The Price is Right Live

I was ecstatic when I found out that The Price is Right Live was coming to Salt Lake City.  I immediately called up my B.F.F. and told her we were going to it.  And we did.

Yes, we made t-shirts for it and everything.  Trust me, we were not alone.  Most people had homemade tees on.  It's just something you do when you go to The Price is Right.

We were not fortunate enough to get called up on stage, but Genelle did end up winning herself a Price is Right Live t-shirt.  Lucky girl.  But neither of us got to spin the big wheel.  Darn.

They played a lot of the usual Price is Right games.

Any Number:
Cliff Hangers:
The big wheel:
And the show case showdown:
The girl that played Plinko ended up winning $600.  Not too shabby.  The girl that won the show case showdown won a TV.

I still have my name tag.  I think I'll hang on to it for a while. 
After the show we headed over to Leatherby's for some ice cream refreshment.  It was a fun night.  We had a blast.  I would go again in a heartbeat.


An Evening at Sundance

On Saturday August 11th we enjoyed the perfect evening outdoors at Sundance to see the play 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.

It was absolutely beautiful.  I could live up there.

I sure do love that man of mine.


Strawberry Love

I found some love in my strawberry and thought I'd share.

5 Things I love about Howie:
  1. When he comes home in the morning after working all night long and asks if he can come out to Draper and take me to lunch.
  2. When he kisses me goodbye and it's more than just the typical peck on the lips.
  3. When he sings songs to our cats. (sometimes they are really humorous)
  4. When he wants to watch Gossip Girl with me.
  5. That he doesn't mind when I spend time with my B.F.F.


The Big 3-0

I turned 30 this past July 7th.  We didn't make too huge of a deal out of it.  We went to dinner at Desert Star Playhouse and then called it a night.

Not sure its hit me quite yet that I'm a woman in my 30's instead of my 20's.  But, I don't miss my 20's.  I look forward to what this next chapter will bring.

4th of July

The 4th of July this year was pretty chill.  I started the day off early by meeting my B.F.F. up in Copperton to enjoy the races they put on.  They let anyone participate that wants to.  It's become a little bit of a tradition for us to do them.  This year, Genelle got cold feet and bowed out of our potato sack race.

They also get their old fire engine out for the kids to get a ride in it.  We decided to go along this year!
After Howie had a chance to get some sleep, we finally decided to check out the fireworks at Sugarhouse Park.  I always forget how incredibly crowded that place gets on the 4th.  It was insane.
It was a beautiful night though.  We enjoyed sitting and waiting for the fireworks to start.
I wish we would've walked around a little bit.  There were numerous spotting's of Jef (with one F) who was there that night.  In case you don't know who that is, that is a final contestant on this season of The Bachelorette.  I would have major bragging rights at work if that would've happened, but that's ok.

Keane Concert 6-26-12

On June 26th, Howie and I went to the Keane concert at The Gallivan Center.
Those guys rocked the house.  It was a very enjoyable concert.  The weather was perfect.

We had the opportunity to meet the lead singer of the band, but we didn't act on it.  I regret it now, but at the time we were afraid that security would tell us no.  Where we parked was around the back side of the center and the bands tour bus happened to be right there.  As we walked past it and continued on our way, three girl groupies passed us and before we knew it they were saying hello to Tom Chaplin.  I turned around and was like "Hey, that's the lead singer of the band!"  But we just continued walking.  Oh well, maybe next time Tom.


Mercedes' Baptism

My beautiful niece, Mercedes, got baptized on June 30th, 2012.  I am so proud of that girl.  My Mother asked me to give a talk that day on baptism.  I thought I would share it.  I found the concept for the talk online and then tweaked it a little.

Baptism Talk

Mercedes, today is a very special day that you will remember for the rest of your life.  Today is the day that you will become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Baptism is such an important step in this life, that even Jesus Christ was baptized to show us the way.  The 4th Article of Faith states four major principles that we need to understand to make it back to our Heavenly Father.  Let me recite this article of faith for you and you see if you can tell me what the principles are:

“We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

Two of these principles are things that we feel or do in our hearts and two of them are things we physically do.

1. Faith – Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  This means that we trust Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness, and know that Jesus is our Redeemer.  That he died for us and we understand that it is only through him that we can make it back to Heavenly Father.

2. Repentance – None of us are perfect.  We all make mistakes.  But just like in the first principle we put our trust in Jesus to wash away our sins through the process of repentance.  After understanding what we did wrong, we make amends by apologizing to any person we may’ve hurt (including Heavenly Father) and then we promise not to repeat that sin.  We must continually work at trying to be the very best we can be.

3. Baptism – Baptism is a physical symbol of our faith in Jesus Christ.  This is how we prove to him that we trust in his commandments and are trying to do what is right.  Baptism is a covenant which means it is a promise we make with our Heavenly Father.  What is it that we are promising?  Do you know?

To help you remember what it is you are promising to Heavenly Father today I have brought my little panda friend here.  Do you know the story of The Three Little Bears?  Well this is The Three “Bears” of Baptism.

1. We should “bear” his name.  We become Christians!  We take His name upon us and stand as His disciples.  Mosiah 26:18 reads:

“Yea, blessed is this people who are willing to bear my name; for in my name shall they be called; and they are mine.”

We devote ourselves to him and we become his.

2. “Bear” your testimony.  By going to church, we are able to let our testimony of Jesus Christ grow so that we can share it with those around us.  We learn to know that Jesus is the son of God and our Redeemer.  And that the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ is the true church.

3. We “bear” one another’s burdens.  We help each other in times of need.  We do the things that Jesus Christ would do if he were here on Earth.  Like, for example, being a friend, helping someone in need, or by loving one another.

When we keep these covenants made here today our Heavenly Father promises us something in return.  Do you know what it is?  It is a special gift given to those who are baptized and it comes directly from our Heavenly Father.  It is the fourth ordinance of the Gospel…

4. The Gift of the Holy Ghost – Heavenly Father has promised us that if we keep our covenants with him that he will bless us with the ever present Holy Ghost to keep us going on the right path.  The Holy Ghost is a comfort to us when we are sad, a light when we feel we are in dark places, a compass that shows us the right way, and a voice of peace when we feel that we are in a world of chaos.  The Holy Ghost will be a great comfort to you and I hope that you will listen to his promptings.

Mercedes, I am so proud of you and the decision you have made today to be baptized.  I love you and I hope you will continue to make good decisions in your life and remember that your family is here for you.  We are here for you to help you and to guide you.  Always.

Love your Aunt Tara

She LOVED her panda bear!  It was a little panda purse that zippers up the back.  I wanted her to have something that she would cherish and always remember she received it on her baptism day.
I also found her a panda bookmark for her scriptures to help her remember the story of the three "bears" of baptism (perfect!) and some scripture markers.
Then we all went to Leatherby's for some ice cream.  That is a little tradition in our family.

I love you Mercedes!