Early July Morning, Cocoa Beach, Florida

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Teeny Weeny Bathroom Redo on A Budget

I was pretty busy today...took my daughter in law to work, met some friends for lunch and went shopping. Sox was getting really low on food.
When I got home, I started in on the bathroom...organizing and decorating. As I mentioned, I was just going to make this little place a home for now, but I don't want to spend a lot of money. We don't have any clocks (except our cell phones) in this place, so I bought a $3 wall clock for the bathroom. I know myself, sometimes when I'm hurrying to get ready in the morning, I like to know the time.
Remember my last blog I mentioned I bought a rug? Well, that is it in the background. I love the colors. The Thiry-one bags I already had. I bought the piece of fabric and a tension rod and I was pretty much good to go.
Our bathroom was a HUGE blank slate. The walls are painted that renter's beige and everything else in there is white.
The closet is pretty much our vanity. We store boxes in the bottom and I hated seeing it all the time, soooo....
That's what I used the fabric and tension rod for. I plan to go get another shelf to put in there, but it looks so much better having everything organized. 
The shower curtain was a little boring, so remember those button flowers I showed you how to make on a video?
Well, I added them to the rings. Some of the rings are missing anyway, so instead of buying a new set for one or two, I just looped the button flowers to hang the shower curtain. It adds a little pop of color.
More Thirty-one bags for storage. I love the Snap It bags. I have razors in one, soaps that my good friend in Kentucky makes and always shares with me in another, and hair clips and stuff like that in the last. I have a Large Utility Tote on the shelf with our towels and another storage bag from Thirty-one with our washcloths and small hand towels in it.
Of course I have my essential oils all organized and within easy reach.
I added one of my recycled guitar string wreaths to the clock for a little added interest. 
So, there you have it. For less than $20, I was able to get this place together. I used things I already had, and then spent $8 on the rug, $5 for the fabric and tension rod, and $3 for the clock.
I will need to spend a little more on that board for the shelf, but it's pretty much done. It is simple and clean....and cheap! 

I wonder what room I will do next?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I'm Being CREATIVE!!!

Going from a 3100 sq ft house to a 230 sq ft duplex has been a struggle, but I'm finally ok with it. HEY! It's less to clean!!!  Anyway, it's gotten my creative juices flowing and I am ready to get organized and decorate on a budget!

When my son got married, his bride and I had so much fun trying to create a beautiful wedding on a budget, and I think we did a pretty good job.
We did all the flowers,
made the jewelry,
we even made their Hillbilly "Wine" glasses.

My daughter and I did a pretty good job with their wedding just two year before by doing an all DIY wedding too.

If I can do two successful weddings on a small budget, I think I can "decorate" our small duplex on a small budget too.

So...what are some ideas I have? Well, first thing I did in the bathroom was decided on a color scheme.  Since I have been selling Thirty-One, I have accumulated a lot of black and white 
 bags. My husband already had bought a white shower curtain, and so I decided that I would go with those colors. We needed a rug, so I brought out a pop of color by purchasing a colorful rug. It only cost me $8, so by using what I already have and purchasing one thing, I got of pretty cheap.

Anyway, I have some other things boiling in my brain, and can't wait to get it all put together.

By the way, I just found out that there is a neat little store in town that have old doors, windows, you know stuff from buildings that are being torn down...for sale. They are open weird hours, so my daughter in law and I plan to go Friday to check it out. Not sure, it maybe be too $$, but we shall see.

Hoping soon I will be able to post some pics of what I wind up doing...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Saturday, November 15, 2014

It Turned Cold In Kentucky...Already?!

This past week I was up in our home in Kentucky. For the first few days, it was nice, but then.....it got cold. I even saw some snow flakes...REALLY!? It's just November. I guess we are in for a very cold winter, brrrr!
One thing that is pretty cool (I know I use that word way to much), are all the deer that come to visit us in our backyard. Even though my husband is a deer hunter and we eat deer meat, I love to watch them frolic around in the yard. They are such beautiful animals.

Each morning...early, like between 4 and 6, they come to feed, and then around 4 pm they are back. When it is cool like it has been they run around and chase each other. I guess the cool weather makes them frisky, I know our dog loves the cool weather like that.
The leaves are all off the trees now, and winter is about to settle in. Growing up in Florida, I never experienced the change of seasons. Sometimes people do not understand. The first time I saw the change of the fall leaves, I was about 21, and I was very impressed. I will admit, it is a beautiful time of year. I guess each season has it's own way of being beautiful...even though my favorite time is summer...warm and green :D

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Trunk or Treat and DIY Button Flowers

My Trunk or treat cave theme:

More button flowers

Sunday, November 2, 2014

More Than Just A Cookbook

I received this book several weeks ago, and have devoured it. The Kitchn Cookbook is broken up into two parts. Part one deals with the kitchen; setting up, tools, and caring for your kitchen. Part two is How to Cook Well; stocking the pantry and planning meals, essential skills and then the recipes, and entertaining.

Currently, our family is in the middle of a move to a different state. We have had a hard time with the selling of our home, and are now living in a small apartment. I had had issues with our teeny, tiny kitchen. Between dealing with that, and wondering what my new kitchen will be after we sell our home and buying a new one, this book has been great! I have thoroughly enjoyed the hints of setting up a small kitchen. It has inspired me to get a little more organized. It has also given me some things to think about when you do start the process of buying a new home...possibly a fixer upper.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone, especially someone in my situation or maybe even a newlywed couple, or one who is setting up house for the first time. 

 "I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mother/Daughter Vacation Ideas?

My mom and two sisters and I have been discussing doing a mother/daughter trip. We have entertained the thought of many different things...from cruising to Disney. As most of you who read my blog know, my mom and I love to cruise. I love the fact that you can relax, and other people can wait on you. Food is free, and so is the entertainment. Cruising is a very economical vacation.

Growing up in Florida, our family use to go to Disney World all the time. Since I've been an adult and moved away, I don't go that much. My husband hates standing in line, and to be honest with you, Disney has just gotten way too expensive, especially since I am no longer a Florida resident.  I do, however, have wonderful memories of the Magic Kingdom.

One of my sister's and I are pretty much up for anything. My other sister has a hard time being out in the sun, so pretty much a cruise is out of the question. Plus, she really didn't enjoy when her and mom went on a cruise a few years ago. My mom isn't as young as she use to be, and gets tired easily. Going to any of the Disney parks and standing in line, walking all over, may not be an option for her. She is in good shape and all, but those days at the parks are just a bit long for her.  So....what to do? We would really like to relax and spend some quality time with each other.

We've discussed several other options, and I think we may have come up with something that all of us will like. Have you had an all girls weekend or mother/daughter time? We plan to just have a long weekend, like a Thursday/Friday, come back Saturday late afternoon. I'd like to hear some of your experiences, maybe we could get some more ideas.