Sunday, February 14

also Josie's birthday

Today is also Josie's 2nd birthday! We were set to have a birthday party until she threw up yesterday. So she and I stayed home today and cuddled to make sure she was over the sickies, we don't like to share germs. =] And the party is on schedule for tomorrow! We went ahead and gave her one of her gifts. She loves her dog!!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!! We hope you've been able to enjoy this special day and relish the love you have in your life.

Snow Day!

Friday was a snow day for us. I don't remember it snowing this well since 1993. Ben got to come home at 2 and we all played in the snow. It constantly went between raining and snowing. We went to Nana's house because her snow wasn't at slushy as ours and we built a snowman.

Wednesday, February 10

Useless, but cute

I think I'm going to try building one of these for the boy. Toddlers love repetition and he has such a mechanical mind. Anyone else?

Wednesday, February 3

bedtime woes

Josie has done great without the paci. She cried for 2 minutes at naptime and whimpered at bedtime, but hasn't asked for it since the first day without it. However, she still having a hard time staying in bed. She's so tired, but she won't stay still long enough to fall asleep at naptime or bedtime. I have to end up sitting in the room, but that only keeps her in bed. She'll still toss and turn for an hour before passing out.

Any Suggestions on how to keep her in her bed and help her develop good habits for falling asleep easier?????