After feeling gypped of our 2 weeks of Ben at home (recuperating from the 1 inch hole the Dr. cut into the back of his neck for an infection), we had record lows in our area at the same time our heater stopped working. We were able to get the home warranty people to call someone out here to check it out, but since it was the weekend they couldn't get the part until Wednesday. Pam lent us 2 space heaters and after tripping a couple breakers, realized we have a screwy wiring set-up in our house. Unplugging the washer outside & running an extension cord through the old doggy door, we were finally able to get them both working and keep the house warm & toasty.
The day after the heater was fixed the water heater stopped working. Are you laughing yet? Called the gas company and for only $100 they could give us a new 50 gallon water heater, install it, and fix the piping/venting necessary(we had a 30 gallon tank) and they were able to come over that day. So awesome!
As they left, the water heater guys informed me that my main water line was now leaking, but they couldn't get my water turned off, so I'd need to fix that soon. I wrote down what they said I needed to buy and what to replace. Ben got Pa-pa Joe to come over and the two of them got it all taken care of - after the water company came out to turn off the water (the shutoff valve was seriously stuck).
So after that trying week, we have a much better outlook over here. We are very grateful for the modern conveniences we are blessed with and now know we can make it through imperfect times as a family.