Sunday, February 28, 2010

Congrats IM finisher =)

Sat in front of the laptop whole day yesterday, I was too excited to track our fellow athletes' race. Congrats for all who finished the IM. For those DNF/DQ, do try again next time.. Its the preparation that counts, the race is just a tiny part of it.

Weekend 8-b

Continued... Today went for 6km cross country run @ kiara. Forgot how much fun was trail running.. Met with Doris & lepak till the race started. I ran the first uphill, till i have to slow down to keep heart rate below limit.. i need to do this often from now onwards=(

Reaching the finishing, i found out that i was 7th, & doris came 8th =) We met up with Ian, Syah Kash, Meng etc after the race. Kash was 1st in her category, congrats Kash, u deserve it... then I went home, & teman mum for the rest of the day. Its Chap Goh Mei today =)

Me & Doris

Kash =)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend 8

Fri - Row 3 x 4km on single scull ; 1.5km swim
Sat - Jog 16km ; swim 3.++km

Friday, dam kecoh ngan budak2 universities.. Ada gak i nak g nyibuk trun single scull gak.. cam lame tak g dam, pdhal ari2 pagi g dam... its just d environment is so different.. Sculled in the rain before the budak2 went down for race.

Then, we had our early Chap Goh Mei dinner.. We caught up with each other & meet them like once a year only.. Miskin makcik, coz I already need to give angpows to my cousins.. Dulu terima angpow jer.. now da kawin.... lain citer..

Sat, had slow 16km run, mostly with Doctor Zana.. I am glad to know her in person, I banyak ask question... kesian die semput nak answer me.. hehe, extra training for her.. There were kash, ian, peter, dr Zana & me running. Then we went to BJ pool for our 3km swim.. nadia, Syah & Syrim joined us. I led the swim, tp, entah ape punye ketua... I sendri lost count.. so, all of us did extra laps for the 3k swim.. Then, the best part of training, Kash & Syah & Ian did a surprise birthday party for Nadia. Tq so much to 3 of them for the food/drink.. Balik2 lepak depan comp.. tgk Ironman Live.. so mendebarkan =)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Good Luck IM =)

Makin dekat IM 2010, makin berdebar... hehe, cam i yg join plak.. tp, i can imagine how they felt. Hope all the best for all athletes out there =)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sun's Run

Yesterday, registered myself for this weekend's trail run. Hehe, first time this year lari tak haram, quite impressive =) jgn tertidur tak bgn plak...
to my surprise, now FTAA requires IC details such as photostated copy etc. Improvement kot, but we will see if its an international run this week, or not.. Last kiara run was quite an international event =) sok cuti yeay !!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Little Doggy.. not so anymore..

Remember I nyibuk nak feed those puppies? Da besar yek ngko.. =)

The puppies dissapeared right after there was training camp for the uni rowers. Just recently; i realised a white dog staring at me when i go jogging in the morning.. This morning, i brought the puppy food & fed the dog. It came without fear, sah ni puppy dulu =) i did a 5lap run (5x1.6km) after that. Well, it sort of waited for me for 2 laps before dissapearingl org da ramai...

Crap... @}->-

Is efficiency invertedly proportional to age? As I age, i think i get blurrer =( getting lost in familiar places is must-do list; unable to recognize a person's face is must-have thingy; needing few minutes to configure jokes/thoughts is must-happen & recently i just scratched a Mercz while i parked as i blurred out after heavy jam (luckily it was soft bump; hence i park 2 cars away from that car after dat); also my car accidently turned 360degree on the road while i was unable to control it (cost me rm800 to repair the car; thank god i m ok, no car hit me etc). & all happened in 2week's time. Hey, wake up & be more alert!!! I am looking forward to this friday for more holidays; jom long training yok =) also looking forward to busybody the IM2010 this year =) i think age makes me lazier. Chinese would say; sam sap mou tak chow (kalau bg rm 30, takde baki)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend 7

  • Sat - 13k run; 3k swim
  • Sun - 2 x 1hr erg
Sat - Joined Kash & gang for a brick session at Bukit Jalil =) i always thought brick as short distance & speedy, however this is long & comfy.. hehe, seronok as i have not done long sessions of training for a while. Session was at 6.30, I only woke up at 6 (rumah dekat jer) however, we started late as I got lost trying to meet them in the park itself. I consider myself a local BJ-an, hehe, still I couldnt configure Ian's description of which meeting point to meet. =)
There are Kash, Chitra, Ian, Nik, Ziff, Doc & me. The geng did 4 loops (4km each); i did the 4loops + some chicken loops as well (about 12-14k kot). Running with the front guys made my breath berterabur. I had to alternate my running pace. Plan was to run 20k, but i was glad it was cut short =) I secretly admire Chitra for her skating the whole park. She could do up & downhill. We had joined an adventure race with inline-skate; & all three of us, Stef, Niza & me fell down many times as the road was slightly downhills. We ended up running while holding our skating shoes.
Finishing the 4th loop, i cut it short in middle & head towards my car, while kash & nik completed their 16km. Then I went straight to BJ pool. I jumped into the pool & did 1km swim before the rest arrived. There, Syah, Nadia & a guy joined us (kash, nik, me) doing the 2km swim. We had 500m swim interval. After 1.5km swim, Kash & Nik had to leave. I was contemplating to leave too, I had done 2.5km already. Seeing Nadia alone, I just joined her last 500m. Syah & friend did their final lap too. Nadia & I chat for a while & left just before the whistle blew.
Going home, met Yip & Kevin near MSN. They did their tapering bike session. I didnt recognize Kevin right there, till I got into my car. Blur betol. Balik2 flat.. hehe.. cene lar yg lain balik rumah kene jaga family/anak, etc etc...

Sun - Did 2 x 1hr erg today =)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Something good going on...

Trikidz is conducting some trial/coachings/trainings for all the young triathletes out here. First session held has been postponed to as below.. =) check it out =)

Date: 20th February 2010.
Place: Padang B, University of Malaya . , next to Academy Pengajian Islam (API). GPS (N03º 7.943’ E101º 39.552’)
Time: 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.
Attire: Sports attire & appropriate running gear.

For any enquiries, and to reserve a place, please forward your email to

1st Mail

Dear All,

In response to the demand for us to conduct structured training programme particularly to improve athletic performance, we have plan out a structured programmme to be held every Monday and Wednesday starting March 2010, rain or shine the program will be on, 6.00p.m to 7.00p.m. In general, our programme has been designed to improve among other things:
1) Body efficiency
2) Body composition
3) Cardiovascular endurance
4) Muscular endurance and strength
5) Speed and agility
6) Coordination
7) Power

The programme will be conducted in safe environment and supervised by professional trainers.

To elaborate a bit, participants will need to perform physical activities that have been designed to improve their athletics performance, such as running, sprinting, jump, throw, squat, push up, sit-up, burphee, plyometric, and many more. Not to forget we will also include the element of fun in each session, introducing games that may be new to you.

As a start, we will have two (2) trial sessions (for free), on the 17th and 22nd February 2010 for you to have a feel on what is going to be taught during the programme. The session will take place at Padang B (in front of Academy Pengajian Islam) University Malaya. Each session will last for 1 hour. Please email or text me to reserve your place.

This programme is recommended for all from age 10 and above. Yes… mom and dads are also welcome to participate in the programme. Not to worry on your level of fitness. We will segregate you to the right group so that you will go through the right training programme that suit your fitness level.

I believe you might have a lot of questions. Feel free to call or email myself for any enquiries. Please pass this info to your friends.

Thank you and hope to see you there. *Stephanie Chok*

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to Work

So boring to be back to work so early.. No thanks to our kiasu boss, thinking that there must be at least more people in the office to take charge of it. There are 2 non-chinese already, they need more?? hehe, anyway husband is still away working, so might as well save the leaves for more important stuff (eg races.. hehe) malas citer bout work...

anyway, the university rowers just did their ergo test recently, results were good. its a 2km on ergo row, a standard competition for all rowers across the world. It involves aenarobic, aerobic & endurance as well.. hard to describe till you try it.. =) rambling ajer.. nampak sgt bored.. kaki gossip still away on CNY leaves..

Circuit N9 2010

Check it out... menggigil da~~~

6 March 2010 - Gunung Tampin
10 April 2010 - Gunung Datuk
8 May 2010 - Hutan Lipur Ulu Bendul

Try contact 06-7659734 for more detail.. I cant upload pdf file.. giler bute IT

Monday, February 15, 2010

CNY Celebration

We headed up to Cameron for our CNY celebration. 2 members missing from our family..

Sis & me @ temple (lupa tangkap gambar her bf)

Valentine's present.. Roses there are not cheap at all

Tunjuk skill...

We went haywired at Cameron as too many people going there

Its worth every jam we got stuck, scenery is superbly nice

Mi & I

I brought my shoes, nak training lar konon... tapi turn out wrong pair of shoe, with same side.. teruk betol perangai... (kalau different side, da blasah pakai da)

Anyhow, the weather was so inviting that I ran up anyway the next day, from hotel near tanah rata to Equitorial hotel, approx 8km a way...

Reaching the Hotel da...

finally, 2hrs for a 16km run... walk-run-walk...
next day, i ran down to tanah rata town, 3km jer kali ni.. kaki sakit coz i squeezed into mum's shoes... =)
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all my friends =) tak sempat wish beforehand...

The African Runners

The immigration department has taken up some steps to prevent runners taking part in road races with visit pass. They have made the organizers responsible for their participants. However, it is still up organizers to enforce them. read it here here in today's paper.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

... crap ...

Today morning, I got my car stuck just infront of my house. Its a 2-lane road, adequate to accomodate 2 sides parking. However, people started to double park & hence, i got stuck in between. Everyone was horning at each other, no one refused to give way. Dengan tension skalik.. i got off the car & started swaying my hand asking the car infront of me to reverse. Make space for me!!! I m on the correct lane. I might look like some crazy lady, & fortunate for me that both cars infront (facing me) started reversing into the main road.. =) Finally the traffic cleared & few cars behind me managed to get out of that lane too.. no thanks to CNY marketing frenzy, as the market is just stone's throw away from my house. Len kali kene bangun awal sket..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Attempts on getting some photographs in action

Wei, nanti mintak tlg tangkap gambo yek.. amik angle sket, bg nampak smart sket =)
no problem.. naseb baik photog ni tak mintak duit...

Wei, ala2 camni pun ok, nampak posing sket =)

Takpun close-up camni

Anyway it ended up camni...

or camtu..

Erm, finally i took over the hp cam...
Lg puas ati... =)
We did a 4x2k single scull row on water(approx 4-6km leisure jog on land) + some 5k run in the morning; while the UIA students did their routine gym sessions. MASUM da dkt (university races)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PowerBar Team Excel 2010

Yesterday, i tossed & turned around the bed; on the bed, rolled on the floor... 2 solid hours.. Entah ape yg difikir.. maybe just things in life, or happenings around.. or training, or thinking about going into action for Seagame 2011 - rowing. Yup, races held me sleepless. Kalau pk mende lain, tak smpai 5min da ZZzzzz.... =)

I just received an email from Powerbar Team, saying that I wasnt selected for the Powerbar Team Elite. Gloomy it is, then as i read further; i felt like sunshine after the rain~~~ there is this new team, the Powerbar Team Excel & I am part of the team =) yeay... If I were chosen to be one of the Elites, I would think over and over again, wondering if I am qualify enough to take up the challenge. Hehe, layman term, Powerbar Team Excel might mean potential underdog team. However, I really like how they expressed in their mail. It certainly has boost up my spirit, made me felt excited that I wasnt able to sleep through the night. There are 15 of the Team Elite, & 5 of the Team Excel out of the 30 people interviewed. Meaning everyone interviewed were just equally as qualify as the rest. =)

If before, I had been relying on egg whites & plain water/isotonic during training; (gels & bars are so precious as they are only used during races); now I can look forward for to a proper nutrition plan. As to perform in sports, it is a pyramid linking all 3 training, rest & nutrition in balance. Also, I really will not forget the kind deed that my friends shared some of their valuable gels during races [you know who u are =)] I sincerely would like to thank the committee for giving me the opportunity this time.. Time to kick some ass =) .. acah jer... =)

Greetings from PowerBar!
Some of you may have realised that we have finalised the Team Elite members and regret to say that you are not one of them. We have chosen only 15 Team Elite members. However I would like to congratulate all of you, as we are pleased to inform that you're selected as a member of PowerBar Team Excel 2010. PowerBar Team Excel is a new program that we are introducing this year aiming at individuals who have a passion for sports, trains hard, competitive and have potential like your goodselves to be champions one day in whatever discipline that you all are involve in. You all will be the pioneers of this program. You all are what we may call as future Team Elite members. As such, we expect that you all give the Team Elite members a good challenge and knock them off their post and you take over. So I hope you are all up for it. I hope you are all ready to give the Team Elite some nice kicking...
p/s: I like it that when i go through the requirement again, Powerbar only wants local to apply, meaning total support for the local athletes out there =) cool...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Running syndicate

It just appeared in the paper today. There is a running syndicate going on, right here in Malaysia. That certain group of people who brings in the foreigner to participate in local running races, namely marathon or the shorter distance runs. These foreigners are on vacation visa. I thought it would never be brought up. Though, there was this fluttery feeling on their participants, I had never quite thought of it was much of an issue.

Yes, everyone of us, the runners; have seen them running in local races. Most of them are the Kenyans. Genetically, they are one of the fastest runners in the world for long distance. Topping most of the top positions. If there are 10 of them, 1st -10th place would be theirs. Or perhaps 1 or 2 Malaysians would be slipping in between those rankings.

I have seen them alot. Not only in road races. They even participate religiously in most of the trail runs as well. There are few circuits Kembara (mountain running circuits); dominated by them as well. Be it held trail runs at Tioman, Bera or anywhere, I do see them. They always come with the same local man, who manages the team. So that I heard this local guy collect some commission from their prize money. Pakcik kaya betol. I have seen him few times as well. He does not really mingle around us as well. But, my observation might be wrong.

Talking bout circuit kembara, the last leg we saw 5 of the Kenyans in ladies category. Prizes for the top 10th, hence it left the locals only 5 positions to be grabbed. Talking about sportsmanship, its always good to have more competitions. However, in other way, it sort of killed our enthusiastism.

Also, I see them getting ready to go into adventure races as well. Mixed displines comprising kayaks, swimming, biking, running. It might not be as hard for them, as most adventure races are made up mostly of running disciplines. It has been once, that I heard from Eco JB race director mentioning that the foreign athletes calling him everyday to accept their participation. However, this director was clear of his objective & rejected their request; perhaps till he is ready to do an international category.

N, I have seen them in Perhentian Island Challenge (swimming & running), quite a number of them. & how we cheered for Shahrom when he was overtaking the Kenyans during swimming leg.
Justify Full
I had never thought of their participation as an issue, as it has always been the case. Anyway, who would protest for Kenyans to participate in races, while we do the race more for self satifaction. It has always been a plus for organisers to have foreigners in their races, at least they could say their event is so successful that they attract the foreigners. However, in the other hand, they should start looking things from a different angle. These runners are also partly a victim (as for the syndicate), or they make us their victim.

I do not 100% oppose their participation, however, something need to be looked into. While it doesnt concern me if they join all the races, or winning all the prizes; I guess it would be great as well to fairly conduct races accordingly. The locals need to be treated equally as well, as they are the one who makes the event successful. Perhaps making more categories for the event??

p/s: would the next issue be looking into triathlon races as well? hehe.. as the races are limited 3x yearly, with more & more foreigners flocking the race scenes, with exact same amount of prize positions to be offered.. <-cam gaya nak jadi organizer ajer....

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend 5

While Putrajaya event proved to be so tempting, i forgo it due to my highly infectious hormone M. Terlebih hormone M ni.. lagipun, i got a soft talk from coach to refrain from going to races at such time =(

yerp, coach is back for now =) more reasJustify Fullons to smile.. N he is attempting for his next assingment, the world uni-rowing championship this year, & hopefully C game the very next year.

Unable to run on Sat, i slept early & ran for the first LSD 11k (terase cam lsd lar) after looong break on Sun, with d rowers =)

p/s: tq for the semangats to pirate the PNM, & congrats to all those attempting that race, marat or 10k runs, they are always d dreadful runs (hate it, but still doing it). u all nailed it =)

Some Scene Sun Morning.. Served me a reminder S i was rushing...

After d run, bersantai~~~

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bits & Pieces

After recovering from a loooooonnng fever.. i finally manage to reschedule myself. it was on & off fever.. if previously i cheated medical leaves for races, now the fever cheats me for MC.. I cheated Bacin empty promises a few times for weekend trainings (sorry there!) I managed a little bit of everything, but not full blast..

A bit of stairs walking, NOT run.. pacing myself with the chick up there half way up =)

- A bit of camwhoring; its actually bits of jogging @ dam...
- also bits of rowing on water
- bits of ergoing

& as usual, i forgot to register myself for the putrajaya night runs.. if "rajin", i might just go & pirate a run =) if not, just another cosy weekend =)