Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial Day

We had a great memorial day. For the first time since I could remember, there was not a cloud in the sky. It always seems like we get rainy/windy weather on memorial day. We of course started our day by going to the cemetery and attempting to listen to the program. I say attempting because I heard 2 minutes of it before I had to go chase Breckyn.
 We are always thinking of Aunt Breckyn
I had a heck of a time trying to get her to pose next to her other namesake, Grandma Fay.
After the cemetery we went with my parents, Dev, Jeremy and some of Braden's kids to swim at Indian Springs. Breckyn didn't particularly love the pool last year, but my mom let me borrow a life jacket she had bought that only straps across the front and their arms. It was a miracle workers. Breckyn swam so good with it on. She was able to come over to the deep end with us while we watched her cousins go off the diving board. After swimming we had a little hot dog roast right outside the pool. It was such a perfect night and we had a great time.

Tanner went for a quick motorcycle ride that night when we got home. Breckyn and I got to hang out and watch Frozen while he was gone. I sure love this girl!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oldies at the Prom

Tanner and I got the chance to chaperone the Prom last night. I thought Tanner was joking when he said we got asked and I was sure he was joking when he said he agreed to it. To my great surprise he was not.
It was such a neat Prom. Jeff and Chana Duffin hosted it in their barn and the theme was Footloose. Lots of girls came in shorter dresses and cowboy boots. There were definitely more people there than when I went to Prom. I didn't get a picture of Bridger and his date...Tanner was afraid I was going to embarrass him :) Tanner did a great at his job...being on parking lot patrol. He definitely laid down the law :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

{Baby Number 2 is on its Way}

We found out at the beginning of February and now that we have finally been to the doctor we can share our news :) I wanted to tell tanner in a fun way. I had an a feeling for a few days that I was pregnant. I went grocery shopping picked up a test and some doughnuts. Sure enough positive test. I was in a bit of shock. Of course I wanted to call Tanner right away but I also want to have a little fun. So I set it up kind of like an early Valentine's and we he got home I had these on top of the oven and told him to look inside the oven...
I took a video and it is hilarious. It shows plain shock and then excitement. It is priceless. Breckyn is running around saying "Happy Birthday" ha ha! We are excited for our family to grown and I will be more excited when I stop throwing up :)

We sent these pictures and the video of Tanner to our family to share our good news!
It was such a relief to finally go to the doctor and hear that wonderful heartbeat. It was fast ad strong - 164!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Who Loves Ice Cream?

Yesterday I went down to Burley with my mom for Aubrey's piano recital. On the way home we stopped at McDonald's for some ice cream. I looked back to access the mess on Breckyn and she just smiled at me and said. "Ice cream is 'icious', mommy!"

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

I love this time of year and the time we get to reflect on the birth of our Savior and Redeemer. With all of the hustle and bustle of the season I really tried to find those moments to focus on the Savior and they truly do make a difference in the season. We had quite the week of festivities. My family wouldn't al be together on Christmas, so the Sunday before we got together at my mom's. ( with Braden's family and Dev's family). We enjoyed a delicious dinner ( as always) and then we enjoyed the nativity. I love watching the kids get dressed up. Lucky for all of the dad's in attendance we were in need of someone wisemen :) I took a video but no pictures darn it! Breckyn was an angel and got to follow Halle around, which she loved! Then of course at the end of the night we all opened presents. My mom spoiled all of us girls with Bosch mixers!
Tanner did get this picture of me playing the violin at my parents Sunday night. My mom always has us do our annual family talent show :)

Christmas Eve we went to Tanner's parents home. It was great and low key and easy. We enjoyed Papa Murphy's pizza! After dinner Tanner and I introduced them all to the Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It was a hit :) We watched the Nativity and that is always so special! Grandma and Grandpa Vollmer got all of the Grandkids these awesome upholstered chairs just their size. They were in love.
Christmas morning was great! Breckyn didn't want to get up, just like last year, but once she saw her toys she was fine. We had my parents over for Breakfast so we enjoyed some of the day with them. We went over to Aunt Jan and Uncle Brad's for dinner and it was AMAZING! Breckyn loved playing all day with EJ and Emily! We were definitely tired by the time we got home but we had sure enjoyed a great Christmas day!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Best Uncle Ever!

We watched Isaac and Hannah the other night while Braden and Rebecca were out. Hannah was so tired and would not go to bed for me, but Uncle Tanner must have the magic touch...

Friday, December 20, 2013

Bath Time and my Birthday!

I love bath time pictures! I have always felt that they are some of the sweetest memories. This girl loves baths and I am so grateful. I can put her in and hurry and run around and clean the other bathrooms or whatever needs done. She will stay in there for an hour. Sometimes I go in and refill the tub with warm water :)
I don't usually post pictures of myself but I got these cute leggings in the mail from my sister Heather for my birthday. I love them! Tanner took me out for my birthday while my parents watched breckyn. We had to stop at Costco and Winco for some groceries. You know you're getting old when your birthday date entails grocery shopping. We ended the night with a delicious dinner at the Sandpiper! It was a great birthday! 24 is going to be great!