I haven't been crafting much at all in the last 9 months, BUT I was busy at the end of last year making some items and selling me at a local market, which proved to be really successful and I had a great time doing it (great confidence booster which doesn't go astray!).
Well, the time has come to start doing it all again! I've come up with a few new items to put on my table and I'm really looking forward to seeing if they'll even be a little bit popular. I PROMISE I'll be back with pictures to share what I have made and what I will be making in the near future! Please don't give up on me!
On a personal note, life has totally changed again in the last 7-8 months. I have moved back into my own house (after renting it for 18 months to 2 lots of 'strangers' (!) and really enjoyed some small renovations, and by small I mean small! I'm the worlds most indecisive person, (have been known to spend far too long trying to decide what dishwashing soap to buy, or what box of bandaids is best!) so it's actually been very difficult for me, choosing colours etc. But my little home is looking great again! It has the "Tania-touch" all over it and I'm love love loving it! Just got one more room to paint and it's done for now though I have so many ideas for the future, for not only my home but a few other adventures I have up my sleeve...I just hope I can make them work!
Thanks for sticking with me....stay tuned, I will try really hard to keep updated a bit more often!