First month with a two year old, we made it! Actually, aside from the tantrums, Bryce somehow keeps getting cuter and funnier. His facial expressions, his words, the kid just cracks us up!
Here he is with an ice pop. I think we had one day warm enough for a Popsicle... Ice pops are my favorite kind. No sugar, but mostly, no sticky mess.
Several times a day, Bryce gives me that look; you know, the 'aren't you gonna chase me, mom' -look. With that hearty giggle, I can't not chase him. Anyway, the other day he ran and tried to hid in his toy box. It didn't work out too well for him.
I have since emptied, just for these occasions.
Bryce loves it when daddy comes home. I love it when daddy comes home. I love this kid, but I love that break. Let me do something kid-free, dishes or laundry, anything will do... And let me do them with that sweet background noise of laughing and playing with dad.
I don't love this picture, but I love these moments, when Bryce will kinda-sorta cuddle with me. I know this isn't really a cuddle, but it's the best we can get from this crazy kid!