The first white power ring is depicted during the Blackest Night event. It is worn by Sinestro after he bonds himself to a creature embodying life itself, known as "the Entity." The exact capabilities and limitations of white power rings are still unknown, but they have been shown as capable of providing their bearers with the default Corps abilities of flight, protective aura generation, and light construct creation. Their most notable and unique ability to date is the power to restore the dead to life. The first instances of this ability were shown not by the intention of any individual, but by the ring itself. They are also shown "overriding" power rings of other colors, turning them white for a period of time.
Boston Brand, aka Deadman, was brought back to true life through the power of the white ring. Unable to control it or remove it, the ring rendered him invisible and teleported him across Earth and Mars so that he could observe events "The Entity" deemed important. His white ring allowed him to make constructs of other lanterns, similar to the orange light, but only when he was in danger and expressed a desire to keep living.
Powers and abilitiesWhite Energy Conduit: The rings use white energy, supplied by the White Lantern Central Power Battery, which in most cases takes the form of white light. A White Power Ring is the most powerful type of Power Rings, which themselves are one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. White Power Rings have the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the universe, including gravity, radiation, heat, light, and blasts of concussive force. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an energy bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the ring wearer.
* White Energy Blasts: The ring can be used to fire blasts of white energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. The weapons power is more an indication of the user's will to live.
* Force-Field Generation: The ring can create force fields to protect the wearer and others around him/her. With the cosmic scope of a White Lantern's abilities, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force-field around the wearer, protecting him/her/it from the hazards of the void, including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder.
* Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of white energy. The ring is a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's mastery of the will to live. A White Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the mastery of the will to live necessary to conjure it into existence. The constructs are made out of white energy, which is a tangible form of pure life, and they exist only as long as a White Lantern is fueling it with their mastery of the will to live. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the will of the Lantern creating them.
* Environmental Playback: Upon request, the ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring wielder can observe events, but the wielder cannot alter the outcome of the playback. Objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder's level of expertise creating simulacrums. The ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the wielder's undivided attention.
* Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In space, a White Lantern's speed can be significantly greater and can approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light-speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring's field.
* Energy Twin: The ring allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of his/her/itself that can travel far faster than the wielder's physical form. While the energy twin is active, the ring wielder remains motionless, his/her/its life force is needed to guide the twin. The twin can not alter its surroundings, and may only be perceived by Guardians or another ring wielder as a ghostlike image. Any knowledge gained by the twin is transferred back to the wielder's physical form upon recontact with the body. As a rule, a wielder can not create actual, independent duplicates of him/her/itself.
* Ring Duplication: Most rings are capable of duplicating themselves. Each duplicate typically shares the capabilities of the original ring. Each duplicate still needs to be recharged by a power battery. All rings, as being based upon the green ring templates created by the Guardians of the Universe, are all programmed to be able to duplicate themselves on a specialised command known apparently only by the Guardians.
* Mind Alteration: Though the ethics of mind tampering may be debatable, sometimes it is necessary. As the power ring relies on thought and will to operate, mind tampering is not impossible. The difficulty lies in properly applying the power. There lies a risk of catastrophic damage to the mind should mistakes be made. A ring wielder can use the power ring to erase portions of an individual's memories. The ring can also be used to beam information from the ring wielder to another. Lanterns have used this technique to share information during combat situations.
* Energy Absorption: The ring can absorb and store most other energies. Doing so does not replenish the normal store of energy the ring has. A ring that needs recharging but contained a store of electricity could only discharge that electricity.
* Wormholes & Spacial Warps: The ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the ring wielder to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport. Black holes can be navigated by experienced ring wielders.
* Limited Cellular Regeneration: This ring has an ability to heal physical injuries.
* Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, he/she can probably detect it. Magical effects like clairvoyance, seem to be beyond the scope of the ring. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications.
* Universal Translator: The power ring acts a unuiversal translator.
* Material Alteration: A White Lantern's uniform is not made out of fabric. It is created by the Ring whenever the wearer wills to wear it. It automatically appears over the wearer's normal clothing, and vanishes when the wearer wills to return to their civilian attire. Most White Lanterns wear similar uniforms that are programmed into the ring by default. However, each White Lantern is able to adjust their uniform to fit their own needs, personalities and whims.
* Emergency Beacon: A White Lantern in distress can use his/her/its power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to a another Lantern's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
* Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one White Lantern to another. The ring can be ordered to disguise itself to elude power ring wielding trackers. Most often ring wielders will allow the beacon to signal their location to others.
* Invisibility & Light Refraction: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than green.
* Time Travel: Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring wielder travels, the more will it takes.
* Phasing: The ring allows its wearer to pass through solid objects. Which objects not penetrable are not known, but it may depend upon the strength of the wearer's will to live and the density of the object's molecular structure. The wielder can pass through the fourth dimensional gap or dissemble their own molecular structure.
* Pocket Dimension: Within the ring exists the possibility of an entire world.
* Security Protocol: The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen.
* Preset Conditions: Commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date, even if the bearer is not wearing the ring.
* Thought Relay: Otherwise known as a telepathic link.
* Overriding: White Power Rings can "override" rings of other colors, temporarily turning them into White Power Rings also.
* Resurrection: White Power Rings also have the notable power to bring deceased beings back from the dead.
* Other uses: The full extent of the White Power Rings is unknown. Presumably, they have the standard powers and functions as rings of other colors.
The white ring has recently shown a darker side. Having been charged up by Boston's embracing of his new life, the ring then commandeered him, forcing him to take it to see various resurrected individuals. When Hawkman and Hawkgirl refused to follow its orders, it acted independently to kill them, much to Boston's horror. It then teleported him to Aquaman's location and killed him as well, despite Boston's desperate attempts to gain control of it long enough for Arthur to get away.
The White Lantern Corps appeared near the end of the Blackest Night, after Thaal Sinestro, who had absorbed the Entity of Life, had the Entity removed from him. No sooner had this happened, then Hal Jordan absorbed it himself, and spread its power over a number of earth's super heroes, some of them Black Lanterns, thus resurrecting them (This included Kid Flash, Superman, Superboy, Green Arrow, Donna Troy, Ice, and Animal Man, as Barry Allen, Hal Jordan, and Wonder Woman, had all become other Lanterns before hand).With their combined powers, they defeated the Herald of Death, Black Hand, thus allowing the Indigo Tribe to take custody of him, and defeated Nekron, Lord of the Unliving. The White Lantern Corps disbanded soon after this, as the Life Entity vanished.
Powers and abilities
Each White Lantern possesses a power ring that lets the user create white energy constructs powered by life itself. The original wielder of the Entity, Sinestro, showed the ability to eradicate swarms of Black Lanterns effortlessly and is described as "godlike". He also appeared to be immortal, able to survive a seemingly fatal wound and recovering within minutes. When Hal Jordan wielded the power, he demonstrated the ability to create additional rings restoring heroes claimed by Nekron to life. When Deadman possessed a white ring, he demonstrated the ability to restore life to a bird that had died falling out of its nest. He was also able to transform the area devastated by Prometheus into a lush forest. However, this seems to be the work of the Entity as Deadman has so far been unable to access the ring's powers himself.
Similar to black rings, white rings start with no charge. As the wearer embraces life again the ring rises in power level. What happens when a white ring reaches one hundred percent charge remains unknown. The only thing known is that the ring as it charged itself gave Deadman the sensation that someone would die. As the ring reached 100%, it forced Deadman to meet the Hawks where the ring tasked them a second labor, however when Carter and Shiera refused to obey, both lovers were apparently reduced to white dust in the process.
Black Lantern Power Rings were weapons wielded by the undead ranks of the Black Lantern Corps and created by the powerful cosmic entity known as Nekron, Lord of the Unliving. These Black Power Rings were formed to be unleashed in the prophecised event known as The Blackest Night which stated that "The Dead Will Rise" with all the enemies of the Guardians of the Universe rising up to destroy them and their Green Lantern Corps. Following the Sinestro Corps War, Nekron began to work in the shadows to bring about the fulfillment of the Blackest Night Prophecy. His first act was the imprisonment of the Anti-Monitor on Ryut in Space Sector 0666 and forming him into the Black Lantern Central Power Battery from which the Black Power Rings would emerge. He also had the corrupted Oan Scar work subtely in bringing about his plans.PowersThe Black Lantern power rings have the ability to animate the dead, although how this is accomplished is unclear. The ring does not animate corpses, but appears to forcibly resurrect the spirit of the victim into corporeal form. As a notable exception, when Boston Brand of Earth was resurrected, his disembodied soul, known as the superhero Deadman, was left behind, trying to possess his former body but unable to enter it because of a powerful personality, mirroring darkly his own, already possessing it. The Black Rings however are known to have resurrected individuals whose bodies were long since destroyed or decayed, such as Tomar Re and Ch'p of the Green Lantern Corps, Firestorm whose body disintegrated during the Identity Crisis and the original Aquaman, whose body was warped into a monstrous, amnesiac, marine life-form with a watery arm before death and was brought back as his more recognized, humanoid, self.
Individuals resurrected by the rings are fueled with a hunger for the hearts of the living. A Black Lantern ring is charged by .01 percent for every heart claimed by the bearer. The reanimated individuals retain the powers they had when alive, but it is not yet known if resurrected Green Lanterns (or members of other Corps) have the ability to create constructs and other effects as they did when they wielded their original power rings.
Members of the Black Lantern Corps exhibit corrupted versions of their original personalities, often goading or tormenting their victims with comments referring to their past friendships and associations.
Black Lantern rings emit a sound similar to buzzing flies when searching for victims to resurrect.WeaknessesThis far only one individual, Don Hall (the original Dove of Hawk and Dove) has escaped resurrection by a Black Lantern power ring. When the ring attempted to recruit him, it was destroyed and the words "Don Hall of Earth at Peace" were heard. This would seem to indicate that a person who dies in a state of complete peace with himself cannot be recruited as a Black Lantern. Dawn Granger, current Dove and successor of Don, similarly found herself resistent to assimilation: since the Black Lantern need to discern one of the seven main emotions in the heart they're stealing, Dawn Granger, whose heart balances the seven emotion in a white, unreadable aura, is unfit to replenish their rings.
It's actually revealed that the only main weakness of the Black Lantern is the White Light, the pure, uncorrupted light of Creation who was splintered at the dawn of times into the Seven Lights of the Emotional Spectrum. Thus the Indigo Tribe, whose coral staff can combine one or more lights, hold the power to destroy single black rings by striking them with a burst of Indigo Light replenished by another Power Ring, but only the combined power of the Seven Corps could destroy the Blackest Night itself.
The Black Lantern Corps consisted of various slain and deceased beings throughout the universe who fell into the domain of the dead. There, they were used by the Lord of the Unliving, Nekron as part of a plan to wage a war against the Emotional Spectrum. The Blackest Night Prophecy spoken by Qull of the Five Inversions foretold of The Blackest Night where the enemies of the Guardians of the Universe would rise up against them and destroy their great work. Abin Sur attempted to stop the prophecy from coming to pass and took the demon Atrocitus to Earth in order to find the bearer of "The Black". Though Sur died, Atrocitus managed to discover William Hand and sought to claim the power he would unleash but the red skinned alien was defeated by Hal Jordan and Sinestro. This allowed William Hand to escape and allow the creation of the Black Lantern Corps in the future.
* Reanimation: Upon being inducted into the Black Lantern Corps, dead people are restored to a fully functional state. Even if they keep the semblance of a dead, shambling corpse, Black Lantern members are resurrected with the same abilities and powers they had in life, and the same level of intelligence, though their mindset is warped by a deepening belief in death. They, however, don't possess a soul anymore, as shown by the co-existance of the soulless Black Lantern Boston Brand and his disembodied spirit, the superhero Deadman: Ray Palmer, known as The Atom explains that as the Black Ring merely instilling in dead, reanimated corpses the memories pertaining to their former lives, without actually restoring their souls and emotions, for maximizing their abilities to elicit emotions into their former faimilies and peers;
* Healing Factor/Regeneration: No matter how much damage a Black Lantern sustains, the Black Ring will always restore it to a fully functional state, in a time directly proportionated to the punishment taken by the Corpse. Since the Black Rings bond with the corpse they're reanimating, there's no way to destroy a Black Lantern until the combination of two or more lights of the emotional spectrum shine on them: when that happens, the connection is disrupted and the Black Lantern loses his/her regenerative capabilities.
* Energy Spectrum Assimilation: Upon killing individuals feeling strong emotions, the Black Lanterns can forcibly extract their hearts and siphon away their last feeling recharging the Central Battery on their home planet. A Black Lantern power ring is charged by .01 percent for every heart collected by the bearer.
* Aura Recognition: To aid in their assimilation the Black Lantern can see what's the prevalent feeling of their opponent. When the feelings reaches their maximum point, they can see a colored aura, shining with one or more of the seven Emotional Spectrum colours. When that happens, their opponents hearts are ripe for assimilation. As a notable exception, Black Lanterns are unable to perceive the emotions of the superheroine Dove, as they can't rise her namesake and predecessor.
* Infection: The bites from a Black Lantern were capable of imparting an infection that slowly killed the victim and thus turned them into a new member of the Black Lantern Corps.
* Black Lantern power rings are apparently unable to resurrect an individual who died in a state of peace with themselves, such as the original Dove, Don Hall. They similarly can't steal the hearts of people able to balance their emotions in a peaceful white aura, as with the second Dove. Although their rings will rebuild their bodies when damaged, a strong amount of punishment can slow them down.
* Black Lanterns are apparently unable to harm an individual who feels no emotion at all, such as Jonathan Crane.
* The light of two or more different power ring can distrupt their powers: it's surmised that the combined light of the Seven Emotions, by restoring the original White Light of Creation can exstinguish darkness and bring on the end of the Black.
Additional Notes
* The Anti-Monitor, Powers the Central Power Battery but is not an official member because it is kept prisoner inside the Central Power Battery as its energy source.
* The Former Guardians of the Universe member, Scar, is a member of the Black Lantern Corps, and the official Guardian of the Black Lantern Corps. However unlike the Guardians of the Universe who are the leaders of the Green Lantern Corps, even with Scar's rank as Guardian, she is not the leader of the Black Lantern Corps; the leader is Nekron, Lord of the Unliving.
* The first two members of the Black Lantern Corps were Superman (Kal-L) and The Martian Manhunter. * Later Confirmed Members of the Black Lantern Corps were Aquaman (Arthur Curry) and Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond).
* When a dead person is made a Black Lantern, the ring commands them to rise. But when someone living who was ressurected is made a Lantern, they are commanded to die. Resurrected Black Lanterns also appear much less like corpses than other Lanterns.
* The symbol on the Black Lantern Power Ring is the same that was worn by the villain Black Hand, and he has been confirmed to be the Embodiment of Death (Scar being its Guardian, and Nekron being its leader.
These rings were created directly out of Star Sapphire crystals as a weapon to fight against fear and hate and the enemies the Star Sapphires will face in the War of Light.
When the ring finds its potential candidate it first encases the initiate in a violet crystal casing from which minutes later the initiate bursts forth in a Star Sapphire uniform. During The Blackest Night, Miri Riam used the power of her Star Sapphire ring to bring back the recently killed Kyle Rayner on Oa by infusing the love between him and Soranik Natu. Later, after the failure in destroying the Black Lantern Central Power Battery, Ganthet activated a hidden programming in all power rings which commanded them to duplicate themselves and seek new users in order to increase their numbers to fight the Black Lantern Corps. Carol Ferris's Star Sapphire Power Ring was thus duplicated and it sought Wonder Woman as its wielder, though she had been turned into a Black Lantern. Fighting the presence of the Black Lantern Power Ring, the Star Sapphire ring was successful in displacing the black ring and bringing Wonder Woman back to life, as well as making her a member of the Star Sapphire Corps.
Powers and advantages
Star Sapphire Energy Conduit: The rings use Star Sapphire energy, supplied by a Power Battery, which in most cases takes the form of violet light. Star Sapphire Power rings, considered by some to be one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. It is also theorized that the ring also has a basis in other dimensional energies commonly called magic by users of such energies. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user. The power of love is apparently more powerful in numbers, allowing for various star sapphires to group together to increase the effect of their power.
* Energy Blasts: The ring can be used to fire blasts of violet energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the love of the user. The weapons power is more an indication of the love of the user.
* Force-Field Generation: The ring can create various forcefields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others around him. With the cosmic scope of a Star Sapphire's duties, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force-field around the wearer, protecting her from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder.
* Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of violet energy. The primary function of the Power Ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's mastery of love. A Star Sapphire can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the mastery of love necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of violet energy, which is a tangible form of pure love, and they exist only as long as a Star Sapphire is fueling it with their mastery of love. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the inspired love of the Star Sapphire creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer's personality.
* Crystallization: A Star Sapphire has the unique power to crystallize others with the power of love. This power is not fully understood but they apparently put the victim in a form of suspended animation. The power is great enough to crystallize a entire planet in a limited amount of time.
* Phasing: The Power Ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects, such as walls. Which objects that are not penetrable are not known, but it may depend upon the strength of the wearer's mastery of love and the density of the object's molecular structure.
* Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring wielder can observe events in a ghostlike state, but the ring wielder cannot alter the outcome of the playback. All objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder's level of expertise creating simulacrum's. The power ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the ring wielder's undivided attention.
* Invisibility & Light Refraction: A ring wielder can render herself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around her form, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than violet.
* Energy Twin: The power ring allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of her that can travel at far greater speeds than that of the ring wielder's physical form. While the energy twin is active the ring wielder remains motionless, his/her/its life force is needed to guide the energy twin.
* Energy Absorption: The ring can absorb and store most other energies. Unlike the green lantern power rings a qwardian power ring can replenish the normal store of energy the ring has. A ring that needs recharging but contained a store of electricity could only discharge that electricity, for example.
* Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, a Star Sapphire can fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around her body. Towing others, usually within a bubble, her speed is limited to the twice the speed of sound or 1440 mph. In space, Star Sapphire's speed can be significantly greater and has been known to approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring's field.
* Wormholes & Spacial Warps: The power ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the ring wielder to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport. Black holes can be navigated by experienced ring wielders.
* Limited Cellular Regeneration: This ring has a limited ability to heal physical injuries and this seems to be a feature held over from the previous incarnations of the ring. A Star Sapphire can use the ring to repair minor injuries in herself or others.
* Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, he can probably detect it. Magical effects like clairvoyance, seem to be beyond the scope of the ring. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications.
* Universal Translator: Keeping in mind the myriad of worlds, life forms, and cultures throughout the cosmos, it is understandable why Star Sapphire added a translation system to the power ring. The power ring can translate virtually any language in the universe, facilitating diplomatic encounters rather than violent confrontations.
* Material Alteration: The Star Sapphire's uniform is not made out of fabric. It is created by the Power Ring whenever the wearer wills to wear it. It automatically appears over the wearer's normal clothing, and vanishes when the wearer wills to return to their civilian attire. Most Star Sapphire's wear similar uniforms that are programmed into the ring by default. However, each Star Sapphire is able to adjust their uniform to fit her own needs, personalities and whims.
* Ring Duplication: Most Power Rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves. Each duplicate typically shares the qualities and capabilities of the original ring. While the thought of an unauthorized person getting a hold of a power ring and making duplicates for nefarious purposes, their ability to inflict damage is limited because each duplicate still requires to be recharged by a personal power battery.
* Emergency Beacon: A Star Sapphire in distress can use her power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to a Star Sapphire's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
* Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Star Sapphire to another. The power ring can be ordered to disguise itself to elude power ring wielding trackers. Most often ring wielders will allow the beacon to signal their location to others.
* Mind Alteration: As the power ring relies on thought and will to operate, mind tampering is not impossible, the real difficulty lies in properly applying the power. There lies a risk of catastrophic damage to the mind should mistakes be made. A ring wielder can use the power ring to erase portions of an individual's memories. Star Sapphire can use mind techniques as part of training. New recruits may be subjected to mind scans by other Star Sapphire's. They may be taught to build mental defenses to protect themselves from psionic attack. The power ring can also be used to beam information from the ring wielder to another being. Star Sapphire can use this technique to share information regarding their enemies during combat situations.
* Security Protocol: The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen.
* Preset Conditions: Commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date, even if the bearer is not wearing the ring.
* Thought Relay: otherwise known as a telepathic link.
* Rage Immunity: As rage is the opposite of love, ther violet light is unaffected by it, in fact it can shut down a Red Power Ring, if the weilder of it is made to feel love.
* Avarice Immunity: True Love cannot be affected by greed, so Orange Light constructs can't absorb it.
Though Star Sapphires do not have a weakness to other Corps (they are immune to the energy stealing properties of an Orange Power Ring), they are more susceptible to being controlled by their own power. Love is one of the two emotions on the far ends of the emotional spectrum, and has a much stronger influence over its users. Unlike the Star Sapphire gem, which could force itself on a user, violet power rings must be accepted by the wearer.
Recharge Protocol: Formerly, the rings needed to be charged after a period of 24 hours, regardless of how often it was used.
The Star Sapphires were created by the Zamarons to collect the various emotions of emotional energy spectrum and to spread and protect love throughout the universe in order to promote order and revenge against males.Carol Ferris reveals to Hal Jordan that during the most recent time the gem possessed her, she gained knowledge of the Star Sapphires: they come from Sector 1416 and comprise a corps known as the Star Sapphires whose purpose is to spread love throughout all 3600 sectors of the universe. The leaders of the Corps are Oans who, after migrating to Zamaron, found a parasitic crystal which they shaped into several Star Sapphires. These were used to empower females who had been loved and spurned, providing them the opportunity for revenge.In the afterlude of this incident, the Zamarons are shown converting the Star Sapphire (which Hal Jordan had tricked into latching onto one of the Zamarons) into a power ring and lantern, which they place on a dais which contains a ring and lantern set of the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps, alongside several ring/lantern sets of different colors mentioning that they must collect all emotions in order to combat "the Prophecy".After realizing the power of the Star Sapphire was too great for them to control, the Zamarons forged a Violet Power Battery and power ring out of the Star Sapphire (Gem). Violet power rings are fueled by the emotion of love, one of the two emotions, with the other being rage, that most influence their user.
Lantern OathFor hearts long lost and full of fright,For those alone in Blackest Night.Accept our ring and join our fight,Love conquers all with violet light!"Additional NotesThe Star Sapphires are unique amongst the various factions of the War of the Light in that they are capable of converting members of other corps to their own by force. At the moment, several captured Sinestro Corps members are being reprogrammed, including Karu-Sil, while one member has been sucessfully converted.
The Indigo Tribe Power Ring is a Power Ring; that "preserves" the rare energy of the Indigo Light from the Emotional Spectrum. It was harnessed as a weapon by the Indigo Tribe, who waited in the shadows for the fulfillment of the Blackest Night Prophecy so that they could take part in it and defeat the coming darkness. The first noted encounter with a power ring was after the Sinestro Corps War, when a Green Lantern and Sinestro Corpsmen battled on a planet where the Indigo Tribe were.
Powers and advantages
Indigo Energy Conduit: The rings channel the power of compassion for a variety of uses.
* Energy Blasts: The ring can fire indigo energy blasts.
* Force-Field Generation: The ring can create various forcefields to protect the wearer and others around him/her. The ring creates a force-field around the wearer, protecting him/her from the hazards of the void. An atmosphere appropriate to the wielder's biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder.
* Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of indigo energy. An Indigo Tribesman can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the mastery of compassion necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of indigo energy, which is a tangible form of pure compassion, and they exist only as long as a indigo lantern is fueling it with their mastery of compassion. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the inspired compassion of the indigo lantern creating them.
* Phasing: The Power Ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects, such as walls. Which objects that are not penetrable are not known, but it may depend upon the strength of the wearer's compassion and the density of the object's molecular structure.
* Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring wielder can observe events in a ghostlike state, but the wielder cannot alter the outcome of the playback. All objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder's level of expertise creating simulacrum's. The power ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the staff wielder's undivided attention.
* Invisibility & Light Refraction: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power staff. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than indigo.
* Energy Twin: The power ring allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of his/her/itself that can travel at far greater speeds than that of the ring wielder's physical form. While the energy twin is active, the ring wielder remains motionless, as his/her/its life force is needed to guide the energy twin. The energy twin can not alter its surroundings, and may only be perceived by the another ring wielder as a indigo, ghostlike image. Any knowledge gained by the energy twin is transferred back to the ring wielder's physical form upon recontact with the body. As a rule, a ring wielder can not create actual, independent duplicates of him/her/itself, as the power staff cannot create life.
* Energy Absorption: The ring can absorb and store most other energies. Doing so does not replenish the normal store of energy the staff has. A ring that needs recharging but contained a store of electricity could only discharge that electricity, for example.
* Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, an Indigo Tribesman has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around his body. Towing others, usually within a bubble, his speed is limited to the twice the speed of sound or 1440 mph. In space, an Indigo Lantern speed can be significantly greater and has been known to approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the staff's field.
* Wormholes & Spacial Warps: The power ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the staff wielder to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport.
* Time Travel: Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring wielder travels, the more compassion it takes.
* Limited Cellular Regeneration: The ring has a limited ability to heal physical injuries.
* Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, the user can probably detect it. Magical effects like clairvoyance, seem to be beyond the scope of the ring. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications.
* Universal Translator: The power ring can translate virtually any language in the universe, facilitating diplomatic encounters rather than violent confrontations.
* Ring Duplication: Most Power Rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves. Each duplicate typically shares the qualities and capabilities of the original ring. While the thought of an unauthorized person getting a hold of a power ring and making duplicates for nefarious purposes, their ability to inflict damage is limited because each duplicate still requires to be recharged by a personal power battery.
* Emergency Beacon: An Indigo Tribesman in distress can use his/her/its power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to an Indigo Tribesman's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
* Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Indigo Lantern to another.
* Security Protocol: The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen.
* Preset Conditions: Commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date, even if the bearer is not wearing the ring.
* Thought Relay: Otherwise known as a telepathic link.
* Emotion Immunity: The Indigo Tribe power rings control the emotions of those who weild them, preventing them from feeling anything but compassion, which is required to channel other lights without being affected by them.
* Interstellar Teleportation: The Indigo Tribe power rings can teleport the weilder of it and anyone they want from one part of the universe to another, this is only used when nessesary as it requires a large amount of energy to do so.
* Willpower Subversion: While the Indigo Rings prevent the lights that they channel from influencing them (e.g. to prevent the red light from consuming them once it's no longer in use) is a strength, it is also a weakness as it subverts their wills to the influence of the Indigo light.
* Recharge Protocol: Formerly, the Rings needed to be charged after a period of 24 hours, regardless of how often it was used.
Additional Info
In contrast to all other forms of Power Ring, the Indigo Lantern Ring is always complemented by the Indigo Lantern Power Staff. The ring is capable of directing the Indigo light as other power rings do, but more often than not an Indigo Tribesman utilises the staff to direct the energies.
The Indigo Tribe was a mysterious group that had formed and harnessed the power of compassion from the Emotional Spectrum. At this time, they were led by a woman known as Indigo. It did not take part in the War of Light though its existence was known to a few who sought to find them, which included Scar who wished to destroy them and the Blue Lantern Corps who wished to ally with the Indigo Tribe. The members of this corps came across a battle between a Green Lantern and a Sinestro Corpsmen in Space Sector 3544. The Green Lantern had been gravely injured, and the leader of the Indigo Tribe used her light of compassion to put him out of his misery by killing him due to the extent of his injuries. When the Sinestro Corpsmen attacked, Indigo used her light to absorb the yellow energy and fired it back by creating a monstrous construct that scared her opponent away.
Lantern Oath"Tor lorek san, bor nakka mur,Natromo faan tornek wot ur.Ter Lantern ker lo Abin Sur,Taan lek lek nok--Formorrow Sur! Additional Notes* The Indigo Tribe's oath, seems to mention Abin Sur,
who was mentioned to be Indigo-1's "savior". * The oath is in an unknown foreign dialect that apparently even the Guardians have not encountered, as the Power Rings have been shown unable to translate it.* "Nok", a common saying of the Indigo Tribe, means "may compassion guide you".
Following the end of the Sinestro Corps War and their exile from the Council of Guardians, Ganthet and Sayd discussed the changes within the Green Lantern Corps. Knowing that the Guardians of the Universe were ignoring the threat of the Blackest Night, and that the Green Lanterns of Earth would be unable to stop the Black from occurring, Ganthet and Sayd decided to form their own Blue Lantern Corps, forming Blue Power Rings and Blue Power Batteries fueled by the power of hope. This Power Ring was created to act as a conduit for the emotional spectrum power of hope.
Powers and advantages
Blue Energy Conduit: The rings use Blue energy, supplied by a Power Battery, which in most cases takes the form of blue light. The Blue energy of hope is an infallible connection to the universe. Hope is the most powerful of lights, and thus the universe speaks through it. A Blue Power ring's possibly one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe: it has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user.
* Blue Energy Blasts: The ring can be used to fire blasts of blue energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. The weapons power is more an indication of the hope of the user.
* Force-Field Generation: The ring can create various force fields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others around him. With the cosmic scope of a Blue Lantern's abilities, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force-field around the wearer, protecting him/her/it from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder. This is one of only two abilities a Blue Power Ring has access to when away from an active Green Lantern.
* Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of blue energy. Unlike a Green Lantern Power Ring, The primary function of the Blue Power Ring will manifest its constructs in response to the targets specific psychosis. In this way, the ring can remove the corruptive influence of the red flame of rage by infusing hope. Otherwise the ring is a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's mastery of hope. A Blue Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the mastery of hope necessary to conjure it into existence. The constructs are made out of blue energy, which is a tangible form of pure hope, and they exist only as long as a Blue Lantern is fueling it with their mastery of hope. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the inspired hope of the Blue Lantern creating them.
* Hope Empowerment: the Blue Lantern ring is unique in that its base of power, Hope, can be manipulated by the ring user. Being in direct range of the emotional aura of a blue lantern allows them to charge an outer power reserve, by the sheer hope of the lantern its power will remain constant. The empowerment extends to even the stellar reactions of stars, allowing one to reverse the age of a dying star to that of a relatively new born star. Solely empowered by the hope of the population that relied on it, in turn empowering the Blue Lantern who then collects and uses it for the purpose of transformation.
* Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, a Blue Lantern has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around his body. Towing others, usually within a bubble, his speed is limited to the twice the speed of sound or 1440 mph. In space, Blue Lantern's speed can be significantly greater and has been known to approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring's field. This is one of only two abilities a Blue Power Ring has access to when away from an active Green Lantern.
* Wormholes & Spacial Warps: The power ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the ring wielder to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport. Black holes can be navigated by experienced ring wielders.
* Limited Cellular Regeneration: This ring has a limited ability to heal physical injuries and this seems to be a feature held over from the previous incarnations of the ring. Blue Lanterns can use the ring to repair minor injuries in himself or others.
* Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, he can probably detect it. Magical effects like clairvoyance, seem to be beyond the scope of the ring. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications.
* Universal Translator: The power ring acts a universal translator.
* Material Alteration: The Blue Lantern's uniform is not made out of fabric. It is created by the Power Ring whenever the wearer wills to wear it. It automatically appears over the wearer's normal clothing, and vanishes when the wearer wills to return to their civilian attire. Most Blue Lantern wear similar uniforms that are programmed into the ring by default. However, each Blue Lantern is able to adjust their uniform to fit their own needs, personalities and whims.
* Emergency Beacon: A Blue Lantern in distress can use his/her/its power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to a Blue Lantern's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
* Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Blue Lantern to another. The power ring can be ordered to disguise itself to elude power ring wielding trackers. Most often ring wielders will allow the beacon to signal their location to others.
* Invisibility & Light Refraction: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than green. As Hal Jordan's experience grew, he was able to create power ring illusions of people and objects. It can be assumed the ring wielder would not risk the extra time and effort to create other colors in a combat situation.
* Emotional Requirement: Unlike the "neutral" Green Lantern Power Rings, a Blue Power Ring demands that the wielder keep hope alive in their heart constantly. Hal Jordan's ring left him when Jordan could not hope beyond a trivial desire, and Barry Allen noted to Saint Walker that his ring was "struggling" with him. Saint Walker replied saying it was Barry struggling by not giving in fully to the ring.
* Interference: as the continuing power of the rings connection of "universal hope", it has a tendency to cause a form of interference to Green Lantern Power Rings' long-range communication.
* Willpower Dependence: the Blue Lantern Power Rings can only function at their full potential in the presence of an active Green Lantern Power Ring.
* Recharge Protocol: Formerly, the rings needed to be charged after a period of 24 hours, regardless of how often it was used.
Created to bring hope to the future in the light of so much destruction, when good faces overwhelming odds. At the end of the war with the Sinestro Corps and after being exiled from the Guardians of the Universe for their individuality, Ganthet and Sayd started the Blue Lantern Corps by creating a Blue Power Ring out of their hope for the future. The Blue Lantern Power Rings are powered by the emotion of Hope. While an entirely separate corps they are meant to aid other benevolent wielders of the emotional spectrum, rather then replace them. The Blue Lantern Corps recruitment is unique in that it takes a process of three days in which the being in question is picked by the most recently recruited lantern. Then they are taken to the Blue Lantern Headquarters on Odym. Once on Odym they are explained to, in great length what it means to wield the power of hope. They learn that it is a responsibility to give one's self to the universe. When they agree to the terms and conditions of wielding such power, the Guardians of Hope bestow the ring upon them.
Lantern Oath"In fearful day, in raging night,With strong hearts full, our souls ignite.When all seems lost in the War of Light,Look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"Additional NotesAll current members have a religulous theme. Saint Walker was a former priest and a saint on his planet, Brother Wairth resembles the Hindu god Ganesha, Brother Hym and Sister Sercy look like a Tibetan monk and Catholic Nun, respectively.
The Green Lantern Power Ring was a piece of jewelry which was actually an advanced device created by the Guardians of the Universe and granted the wearers incredible powers. They were created thousands of years ago after the failure of the Manhunters who were incapable of bringing order to the cosmos. For a time, the Halla's fulfilled their role but that organization was eventually dissolved and in the aftermath the Green Lantern Corps was created. Unlike their previous servants, they were gifted a new weapon which were the power rings and considered one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe. One of the precursors and early prototypes for these Oan devices was the Emerald Eye of Ekron. Their power was based on the aspect of Will within the Emotional Spectrum and its users energized the rings through Power Batteries that were linked to the Central Power Battery on Oa. Despite the power of these remarkable Oan devices, their early incarnations were ineffective against objects or beings colored yellow due to the Central Power Battery suffering from the Yellow Impurity.
Powers and advantages
Oan Energy Conduit: The rings use Oan energy (supplied by a Green Lantern Power Battery) which in most cases takes the form of green light. A Green Lantern's ring, considered to be one of, if not the most powerful weapon in the universe, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including gravity, radiation, heat, light, and blasts of concussive force. It is also theorized that the ring also has a basis in other dimensional energies commonly called magic by users of such energies. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that was bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user.
* Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of Oan energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. Kyle generally uses fanciful constructs in the shape of advanced technology. Their appearance does not indicate the power of the weapon. The weapons power is more an indication of the will of the user. Certain users (i.e. Hal Jordan) have been powerful enough to stagger even Superman. If the user wishes, they can alter the form of the blasts, such as Kilowog's "booms."
* Force Field: The ring can create various forcefields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others around him. With the cosmic scope of a Green Lantern's duties, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force-field around the wearer, protecting him/her/it from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force-field, body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder. The only exception to force fields was attacks based on the color yellow. The newer version of the ring is not limited by the color yellow as long as the wielder can overcome their fear.
* Energy Constructs: The ring can form constructs of Oan energy. The primary function of the Power Ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's strength of willpower. A Green Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the willpower necessary to will it into existence. The constructs are made out of green energy, which is a tangible form of pure willpower, and they exist only as long as a Green Lantern is fueling it with their willpower. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the willpower of the Green Lantern creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer's personality. Green Kryptonite has also been constructed using a Ring.
* Phasing: The Power Ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects, such as walls. Which objects that are not penetrable are not known, but it may depend upon the strength of the wearer's willpower and the density of the object's molecular structure. It has also been cited that the wielder could pass through the fourth dimensional gap or dissemble their own molecular structure.
* Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring wielder can observe events in a ghostlike state, but the ring wielder cannot alter the outcome of the playback. All objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder's level of expertise creating simulacrums. The power ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the ring wielder's undivided attention.
* Invisibility & Light Refraction: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around his/her/its form, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than green. As Hal Jordan's experience grew, he was able to create power ring illusions of people and objects. It can be assumed the ring wielder would not risk the extra time and effort to create other colors in a combat situation.
* Energy Twin: The power ring allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of his/her/itself that can travel at far greater speeds than that of the ring wielder's physical form. While the energy twin is active the ring wielder remains motionless, his/her/its life force is needed to guide the energy twin. The energy twin can not alter its surroundings, and may only be perceived by the Guardians or another ring wielder as a green, ghostlike image. Any knowledge gained by the energy twin is transferred back to the ring wielder's physical form upon recontact with the body. The Guardians frequently used energy twins as a means of contacting a Green Lantern. As a rule, a ring wielder can not create actual, independent duplicates of him/her/itself, as the power ring cannot create life.
* Energy Absorption: The ring can absorb and store most other energies. Doing so does NOT replenish the normal store of energy the ring has. A ring that needs recharging but contained a store of electricity could only discharge that electricity, for example.
* Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, a Green Lantern has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around his body. Towing others, usually within a bubble, his speed is limited to the twice the speed of sound or 1440 mph. In space, Green Lantern's speed can be significantly greater and has been known to approach 80% of lightspeed in normal space. Flight is possible at velocities exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance, since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring's field.
* Wormholes & Spacial Warps: The power ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the ring wielder to rapidly cut time and distance needed for transport. The Guardians established at least one known wormhole to Oa, which required the use of a power ring to enter. Black holes can be navigated by experienced ring wielders. The power ring cannot generate a Boom Tube, as it needs a Mother Box and a sample of the highly unstable X-Element. There is no known way to duplicate either item, even with the power ring. Should a Green Lantern make his/her/its way to the other-dimensional worlds of Apokolips or New Genesis through a Boom Tube, the ring will function as it does in the rest of the universe. The ring wielder would still need a Boom Tube to return to his/her/it's dimension.
* Time Travel: Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring wielder travels, the more willpower it takes. They are known to travel as far as the 70th century.
* Limited Cellular Regeneration: This ring has a limited ability to heal physical injuries; this seems to be a feature held over from the previous incarnations of the ring. Green Lantern can use the ring to repair minor injuries in himself or others.
* Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, he can probably detect it. Magical effects like clairvoyance, seem to be beyond the scope of the ring. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, television, infrared, ultraviolet, and high frequency band communications.
* Search Probes: A user was capable of sending probes through their Power Ring that were tasked with locating specific targets or individuals.
* Galactic Encyclopedia: The earlier rings worn by the Corps functioned as references for their users. Having the vast knowledge of the Oans to draw upon, each ring functioned as a ready reference on most peoples, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns. The rings also served as a repository of adventures had by the Green Lantern and these mission reports were stored in the Prime Battery on Oa for review and training.
* Universal Translator: The power ring can translate virtually any language in the universe, facilitating diplomatic encounters rather than violent confrontations. Complications can arise, though, when a frame of reference for translation is not available, as evidenced during Katma Tui's induction of Rot Lop Fan into the Green Lantern Corps.
* Material Alteration: The Green Lantern's uniform is not made out of fabric. It is created by the Power Ring whenever the wearer wills to wear it. It automatically appears over the wearer's normal clothing, and vanishes when the wearer wills to return to their civilian attire. Most Green Lanterns wear similar uniforms that are programmed into the ring by default, such as Hal Jordan's uniform. However, each Green Lantern is able to adjust their uniform to fit their own needs, personalities and whims. The uniform also produces a "siren" taking on the form of the Green Lantern Corps' symbol, circling the Green Lantern when active. The symbol, or badge, will not appear on the uniform until after a newly inducted Lantern has completed training on Oa, leading to the term "White-circle" to describe a rookie Lantern.
* Ring Duplication: Most Power Rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves. Each duplicate typically shares the qualities and capabilities of the original ring. Each duplicate still requires to be recharged by a personal power battery. All power rings, as being based upon the green ring templates created by the Guardians of the Universe, are all programmed to be able to duplicate themselves on a specialised command known apparently only by the Guardians.
* Emergency Beacon: A Green Lantern in distress can use his/her/its power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to a Green Lantern's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
* Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another. This was one of the recent power ring upgrade features added by the Guardians of the Universe. The power ring can be ordered to disguise itself to elude power ring wielding trackers. Most often ring wielders will allow the beacon to signal their location to others. The Green Lantern Corps of Earth found the remnants of the Green Lantern Corps of The Klyminade by tracking them through their power rings.
* Mind Alteration: Though the ethics of mind tampering may be debatable, sometimes it is necessary. As the power ring relies on thought and will to operate, mind tampering is not impossible. The difficulty lies in properly applying the power. There lies a risk of catastrophic damage to the mind should mistakes be made. A ring wielder can use the power ring to erase portions of an individual's memories. To protect his secret identity as Hal Jordan, Green Lantern created a mental block in the mind of Major Disaster. Green Lanterns have used mind techniques as part of training. New recruits may be subjected to mind scans by other Green Lanterns or the Guardians of the Universe. They are taught to build mental defenses to protect themselves from psionic attack. The power ring can also be used to beam information from the ring wielder to another being. Green Lanterns have used this technique to share information regarding their enemies during combat situations.
* Pocket Dimension: Within the ring exists the possibility of an entire world. This undefined space may be a tesseract or a virtual reality created by the power ring. Whether or not this area exists in all rings has yet to be proven.
* Security Protocol: The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen. The ring will refuse to take an action that would kill a being unless they are on Oa or with permission. The Guardians recently removed the lethal force prohibition, first to allow lethal force against members of the Sinestro Corps, then against all enemies of the Green Lantern Corps.
* Preset Conditions: Commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date, even if the bearer is not wearing the ring.
* Thought Relay: The Ring allows a Green Lantern to communicate with other Green Lanterns via telepathic link.
* Mental Instability Protocol: Drug use, neural interference, vertigo or other forms of mental incapacitation can render the wearer unable to use their ring.
* Yellow Impurity: Formerly, the rings were unable to directly affect yellow. Now, a wearer can bypass this if they can 'accept fear', which is personified by the color yellow. Rookie lanterns are more susceptible to fear and thus vulnerable to the color yellow.
* Rage Vulnerability: The Red light can corrupt the aura of a Green Lantern, draining the power of a Green Lantern Ring.
* Recharge Protocol: Formerly, the rings needed to be charged after a period of one planetary axial rotation (dependent on each ring's location), regardless of how often it was used. Currently, the rings retain a charge until they run out of power. This variability ensures that the wearer takes great effort to keep it charged.
* Vibrational Interference: If a vibration from a device is set to a certain speed, it causes the ring to function only in miniature, so that if the user wanted to make hands to grab something, the hands would be smaller than intended. A clock has been seen to do this.