Am I the only one who thinks this is the dumbest question to ever ask an author? For authors, writing is like breathing. It's like eating. Would you walk up to someone and say, "Been breathing lately?"
It's a given. It's a duh.
But here's the low-down, for those who a) wonder what I do all day and b) are anxiously awaiting something new from me.
1) I finished the first draft to the third book in the PERILOUS series! Book #2 was meant to be the end, but so many people have begged/complained/emailed/left negative reviews wanting a third book, that fine, I gave in and wrote one. I hope it meets expectations!
2) I'm working on the second draft to a sad love story I wrote earlier this year when I was sad. It's not done, I'm pleased with it, I don't know what I'm going to do with it. There are so many options.
3) I'm still working on the first draft to the next book in the INEVITABLE series. I know, I need to finish this before people forget what book I'm talking about.
4) I'm working on the first draft to a middle grade serial. Squeal! I'm oober-excited about this one. It's called THE EXTRAORDINARILY ORDINARY LIFE OF CASSANDRA JONES and is about a ten-year-old girl and her "boring" life. There are two things that I'm excited about with this book. First, it's going to be ebook only. For ages 8+. I don't think there's a huge ebook market at that age, so I'm also going to be pushing Kindles sales. :) (My son's getting one for Christmas.) Second, you might have noticed I said "serial." Not "series." This book is meant to mimic a television show, in book form. There will be ten "episodes" in the first year, each one about 50 pages long. Awesome, right?? I totally think so!
So. The next time you talk to an author friend, instead of asking "Been writing anything?," ask, "What have you written lately?" Just assume they're writing. They'll appreciate it. :)