Friday, May 18, 2012

Boy inspiration

Boy #4 is a KICKER! I have never had a baby move so much (that I can remember - and that's not saying a lot these days, I suppose). You can feel him on the outside now, which is fun.

We're getting used to the boy idea. Tonight I realized something that has made me actually QUITE excited.

See, I've been building this in my mind for some time:

But I realized that I don't need to be so moderate any more. Now there is no holding back! The ultimate boy space could be ours (if we just figured out how to turn on the wood saw ...)

 Ta-da! Isn't it beautiful? I want. I suppose I may have to stretch a wall to accomplish this. But if your house doesn't have a wall this wide (how silly of it) you could settle for something like this, too:

See, some things are very good about having 4 boys :)

PS- I love you Pinterest.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Little Boy Blue(s)

Anyone reading this post probably already knows, but I should record it anyway right? Last week we found out we're having ... another boy! Boy #4! Gah!

Everyone told us we were having a girl (except my midwife - curse her). I was sure it was a girl. I thought Tessa had prayed hard enough that no matter what, this was going to be the sister of her dreams. After all, I had been just like her - one older brother, two younger brothers - and so it was only natural that this baby would be a sister, just like I got. There is nothing like having a sister!

I wonder if God is chuckling? He got us good. We went to the ultrasound appointment and took the kids, but I had them step out of the room at the end so Dave and I could find out first and then I could reveal the baby's gender in a fun way. The sonographer paused her fuzzy picture and typed "B-O-Y" on the screen, with an arrow pointed to a hazy-looking triangular shape. I was incredulous, but then quick as a flash the kids were back and I barely had time to process the shock. NO. WAY!!

I went to the party store and made the kids stay in the car while I took a big box inside. They inflated some blue balloons for me and taped their strings to the bottom of the box, then taped the lid shut. All the while I was remembering how I had planned this out in my mind before, but the balloons had always been pink! lol. I took it back to the car. When we got home I made a sign for it.

I stuck the box in the front yard, and when everyone was home we got the videocamera out and had the kids open the box. Caden is heard saying, "Please let it be a girl! Then Tessa will have someone to play with and won't bug me so much!" Tessa also swears that she saw on the ultrasound picture that is was a girl. Heh heh.

They tore open the box, saw the ballons pop up, but didn't really get it until Caden read the printed balloon and said, "It's a BOY??"

Tessa stood there silently contemplating for quite a while.

Then Davin and Koen conspired to pull the balloons out of the box, and off they went flying into the sky before I could get a decent picture of the group like I wanted (I was rather ticked).
About 5 minutes later the waterworks began for the poor only girl :( She looks like she's smiling here but those are tears. She shouldn't have worn that blue shirt today!

Remember those days, like back in biblical times, when they didn't even count the girls as part of the offspring? They seemed to really just want boys. My how times have changed. The lure of ruffles, hair bows, tutus and tea parties is just too much for today's moms to resist! We want our cute little mini-me to dress up and parade around. I wonder why the value of boys seems to have changed so much ... or am I reading this trend wrong?

I later asked Dave how he felt about it, because I really didn't know. He said if he'd had to pick one he would have picked a girl (we all wanted Tessa to have a sister), but it doesn't matter and we don't get to pick! And he's right, and it doesn't matter. I actually feel quite honored to be the mom of boys! I think it's a very important job, to prepare good and worthy young men to marry the righteous and virtuous women of the world and be prepared to raise families. Who knows what these boys will be called to do in the future?

Above all, we know that four boys and one girl is a great blessing from God! We will love this little baby so much, we're glad to anticipate him joining our family! I can't wait to hold my snuggly newborn!
Now I have to go take down all the baby dresses I already hung up :)