Friday, March 21, 2008


Dave's little brother Sean is taking a photography class and came over eeeeearly one morning to take pictures of the kids. Then he discovered that his film wasn't right for his camera. So much for that assignment :)

Since we were planning on it I took a few pictures with my snapshot camera instead. I have a greater appreciation for how much better a "real" camera would be in that kind of situation where you're trying to get a certain artistic feel to your shot, and I'm also grateful for digital photography that allows you to either delete or touch-up. I haven't worked to enhance any of these yet but I'm pretty please with how some of them turned out and captured the essence of the kiddos. I may work a little on them to get them to really sparkle! For now, here's a few to share:

Day at the Zoo

We have been on several field trips lately, but I continually forget to bring my camera! This time I remembered. We went to the zoo for homeschool day and had a lot of fun! The weather was great and I got some rosy cheeks, which made me feel hopeful for the end of winter. As you can see, the most fun was had on the playground. In the picture with the black snake you can see Caden's hand in the lower right-hand corner. That is as close as he got to touching the snake :)