Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Sterling Henry loves Nascar. He lines up all his cars on the table whenever he watches it with dad. He loves to say, "Gentlemen, start your engines."


We went out to the Chincoteague and Assateague Islands on the Eastern Shore over the weekend. (See the map below.)

We were planning on leaving early Saturday morning but then Sterling called on Friday afternoon and said, "I'm leaving work early, I booked us a place to stay, and we're leaving in about two hours." Needless to say, I was thrilled!

As we were driving out there, Sterling told me that the place we were going on the Eastern shore is also called Delmarva (Get it--Delaware, Maryland, Virginia). I thought he was pulling my chain until I saw the signs. We stayed in a little bungalow on Chincoteague Island that looked across the water to Assateague Island down on the lower tip of the Eastern Shore of Virginia.

Sterling Henry was just as excited. See for yourselves.
Dellin was his calm collected self.

We stopped for some fast food. We discovered that Sonic may have the best drinks, but the food is terrible. The boys were happy to get out and run regardless of the food quality.

We got in after dark to our place and the mosquitos were out in full force. In the morning we discovered just how cute the place really was. Here's our bungalow.

And here was the view right out the door overlooking the channel to Assateague Island. If you look closely, you can see the Assateague Lighthouse in the distance to the left of Little Man.

Our place had its own dock.

We grabbed some breakfast and headed to the beach. The weather was absolutely perfect. I sat under a big umbrella most of the day and let the boys play. I can't take enough pictures of my cute boys.

The boys loved the sand. I am always amazed at how much time can be spent doing this.

Gouverneur slept most of the time under the umbrella. He loved his first beach trip.

The boys played all day, and at the end were just lying on the sand playing with their shovels. And they passed out just seconds after we put them in the car.

We stopped for some dinner at Friendlys. It really was a pretty friendly place. This dessert sold me on the place. It's called The Monster and the boys loved it!
The weekend was a hit. With the beach being just 3 hours away, we will definitely be taking the boys back to Delmarva. (I love saying Delmarva btw.)

Friday, June 24, 2011


I can't believe Gouverneur is already 4 weeks. Time is flying by way too fast! Here he is this morning. Such a cutie.

Here he is the morning we brought him home from the hospital in the same outfit. Tiny doesn't keep.
Gouverneur had his 4 week check-up this week . Here are his stats. He is long and lean.

Weight: 9lbs. 8oz. (50%)
Height: 22 1/2 inches. (90%)

I had to post a picture of big little brother. Dellin can be seen carrying these three items at all times. His lovey, binky and bottle. At some point we are going to have to get rid of these during the day... but not anytime soon.
We sure are loving these boys. Our everyday routine is crazy and wild and we love it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We had HUGE plans for Saturday. We were going to wake up at 5am and cruise out to Ocean City to spend the day at the beach. We had been talking it up for days and Sterling Henry was pretty excited about the whole thing. Then Friday happened. I think I spent a least 10 hours nursing Gouverneur that day and that doesn't include night time. At 5am when Sterling's alarm went off, I looked at Gouverneur who was sleeping and thought, "there is no way I'm waking him up when we could both be sleeping".
When the real morning came, Sterling Henry asked about the beach, sand, water, and on and on. We decided that we needed to do something fun. So we got ready and headed to breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
First time going to out to eat with the whole fam. I sort of hate that I am sitting so close to the camera but we needed a family shot.

We then cruised over to Target to get the boys some new planes. Ever since the air show, they are obsessed!After Target, we went to Manassas Battlefield to let the boys run wild. Me and Gouvy stayed in the car but the big boys had fun with dad.

We love our boys.

We also went to Costco and then spent the rest of the day relaxing while the boys played with their new planes. Gouverneur didn't nurse for as long on Saturday. I think he heard me making threats about bagging the whole nursing thing. He has shaped up.
The beach will happen sometime soon.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I love this picture for a million reasons. I took this of the boys this morning before church. My sister Becky sent these ties out and we are all obsessed with them. This picture describes Sterling perfectly. He is the best dad. He loves being a dad and is totally proud to be one. He loves his boys and they love him. He is totally game for wearing matching ties. He loves to spend time with his boys and is always thinking of fun things to go do with them. It is no wonder the boys LOVE their dad so much.
People ask me all the time how I handle 3 kids under 3. Easy. It is all Sterling. He tells me everyday what an amazing mom I am. He makes me feel like I can do anything. He helps so much with the boys and loves doing it. We all look forward to the weekend because dad is home and the real fun begins!

We love our dad!

Monday, June 13, 2011


We were lucky enough to have my mom out here for 21 days. She left on Saturday and I might have cried... A LOT! She is such an amazing mom and a fabulous grandma. My boys absolutely adore her. She spent her days here doing dishes, cooking, reading to the boys, keeping me sane, and changing more diapers than any visitor should ever have to. She made the whole recovery so easy. I pretty much just sat around and nursed Gouverneur. We are missing her like crazy right now but realize that she can't stay forever.

Mom holding the menu for me so that I could order some food after Gouverneur was born.

Thanks momma.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Bath Time

I have to document Gouverneur's first bath. This was on his second day home. His face has already changed so much. I love giving my babies a bath.

He still doesn't really like bath time.


The last two weeks have just flown by. It seems like yesterday that little Gouverneur was born. We are loving having a new baby around here. He is so darling and tiny.

Here he is totally awake. I love this stage where they are starting to be more and more alert. He looks just like his brothers in this picture.



Sterling Henry
The three boys all look alike to me and yet they all have their own look. Such cute boys!

I had to include this picture from the hospital. This was the morning we came home. I went in to take a shower and came out to see this. Priceless.
Things are crazy around here but we are loving it!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Gouverneur Hawkins Fillmore.
Such a big name for such a small little guy.
7 Days. It has already been 7 days since Gouverneur was born. Time is going by way too fast!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


We're home! It's been a wild ride, but we're doing great. Gouverneur (pronounced "Governor") is as darling as can be. There's NOTHING as sweet as a new baby. He's such a cute little guy and I can just sit and look at him for hours, which works out nicely with nursing because that is about all I get done each day.

The boys are doing great. Sterling Henry is obsessed with his little brother. He calls him "baby Gouvy". He loves to give him hugs and kisses. Dellin seems to like him. He just calls him "baby."
Here are some pictures from the last few days. The boys got to meet Gouvy in the hospital. It was fun to see them and see their reactions. Here is Sterling Henry being a darling big brother.

First family photo.

We have a tradition of Sterling dressing the baby the day we go home. Here they are.

All dressed up and ready to go home.

In front of our place. Welcome home Gouverneur!
The boys getting a good look at him.

Dellin giving baby Gouvy a car sort of forcefully.

My favorite picture to date.

I don't love this picture of me, but I love that Gouverneur's eyes are open. Look at that darling face!

All wrapped up and ready for bed. He looks way too tiny for this bed. The sad thing will be how fast he will feel up all that open space.

Me and my boys. I love this picture!
Needless to say, we are loving little Gouverneur.