Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am having a hard time believing that Dellin is actually one. This past year has been the best year of my life. I am sure that Sterling would agree with me. We never could have imagined how fun it would be to have these boys so close. Dellin has been a PERFECT second baby.

Here's the last year.

I thought Dellin would never get here but he came the day after his due date. (Thanks to pitocin of course!)

The boys didn't meet until we brought Dellin home. This picture is priceless. Sterling Henry is totally sizing Dellin up.

Dellin is a daddy's boy who still loves momma. Perfect combo.

Dellin's blessing day in Utah. We were so happy to have his Great-Grandma Erickson there. Dellin was named after her late husband.

Dellin got to go to McCall, Idaho and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina this last summer. He loves the water.

Dellin and I went home in August for his Great-Grandpa Hawkins funeral. It was a quick trip but we had a great time. We got to stay with Grandma and Grandpa Hawkins.

We all went home for great-grandma Erickson's funeral in September. It was also a quick trip but we were happy to show Dellin off to all of Sterling's extended family.

Grandma and Grandpa Fillmore came home from their mission to be at the funeral. They are such great examples to Dellin and Sterling Henry.

These three boys are inseparable.

Dellin enjoyed his first Christmas.

Dellin really is a dream baby in every way. I have said it a million times but he is such a happy little guy.

He loves bathtime and is SUPER sad when he has to get out.
He has 8 teeth.
He is not walking but seems close.
He sleeps through the night most of the time.
He worships his older brother.
He is super snuggly.
He loves food so much and really loves feeding himself. No more baby food for him.
He switched to whole milk 2 weeks ago and has not looked back.
He is tall and skinny.
He can wave bye-bye, do the actions to songs, and LOVES to dance.
He is a total tease.
His hair is red but I'm afraid it is blonding out.

We love our Delly Belly and cannot imagine our lives without him. He is a darling little brother and is going to be a great older brother.

We love you Dellin Parker. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Finished at last!

Some of you may remember the Christmas Sock.

Now there are two.

These socks are by far the most challenging project ever. I am happy to be done with them and all the tiny, tedious, stitches they required. Last night was freezing so it was nice to see Sterling have a warm pair of socks to wear.

We got about 8 inches of snow last night and it took Sterling over 2 1/2 hours to get home from work. It normally takes 10 minutes. You can imagine how happy he was to finally be home. On the flip-side, it looks like a winter wonderland outside and I love it!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Staying Home

Does a whole day ever pass and you realize that you never left the house??? This always happens right after I have a baby but not recently. I had intentions of going out and getting a few errands out of the way but for some reason, we stayed in all day. The amazing thing is, the day flew by.

I made soup and the best rolls (Monday blues comfort food). My friend brought these to a ward dinner a few weeks ago and I decided to try them. They are super easy because you don't have to roll them out. They were delicious with the soup. The boys ate 5 between the two of them. I'm not going to say how many I ate.

We also did a lot of singing. Sterling Henry is at an age where we walks around singing all the time and I love it. His new favorite song is Popcorn Popping. He knows all the actions and all the words. He did about half for the video but you will get the idea. Yesterday in the car, Dellin did the action for the first time. (My baby is growing up.) I caught him on film as well.

Although boys are loud, rough, and sort of stinky, they also melt my heart numerous times each day! I think having three boys is going to be a lot of fun.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Sometimes when the boys haven't seen their dad all day and he gets home from a church function at 10:30pm with extra donuts, we bust Little Man out to let him enjoy!

Don't worry, we popped it in the microwave for 10 seconds so it melted in his mouth. Despite the look on his face, he LOVED it. He said it was "delicious".
I think this may have been his 1st donut. It for sure is his 1st Krispy Kreme. We didn't wake Dellin up but we will not make him wait till he is 2.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


We had a great weekend. We love three day weekends. He is a brief sampling of what we did.

-Got takeout from Thai at Corner. (Best Pad Thai EVER!)
-Watched/slept through Invictus.
-Went on a drive out to Kent Island and back.
-Ate lots of yummy treats.

-The boys did lots of wrestling on the bed.

-Went to church.
-Had dinner with friend from church.
-Lots of reading.
-Lots of smiling.

-Packed everyone in the car to go out to my dentist apt.
-Took naps.
-Got caught hanging out in the fridge at least 25 times.

-Went and saw dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum.

-Picked up yummy subs and pizza from the Italian Store.
-Got very little sleep, if any.
-Looked out the window and cried when dad left this morning.
We were all exhausted this morning and woke up to an ice storm. I do have to say that everything looks much prettier covered in ice. It only took Sterling 25 minutes to get in his car. I am planning on staying home ALL DAY LONG!

I think my boys set a record for waking up more times in 3 nights than I ever thought possible.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's a...


We couldn't be more thrilled to be having another healthy boy. I decided not to post the money shot but trust me, he's a he!

Monday, January 10, 2011


I wish I could freeze the boys in this exact age. They are so darling in every way. My friend Andrea did some pictures before the holidays and here are a few. The pictures really capture their little personalities right now.

Dellin is a pure cherub!

Sterling Henry is a serious tease.

Please tell me his hair is always going to stay this color because I LOVE it!

We want to have a 2-year-old portrait style picture of each of the kids. Darling?!?

The boys (Sterling Henry) were being a bit difficult in every shot of them together. This picture is just seconds before Sterling Henry bit Dellin. I am so happy he is over the biting stage!
You see what I mean by wanting to keep them this age FOREVER???

We find out tomorrow what we are having for sure. My doctor thinks it's a boy. We will keep you posted!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Some of our friends invited us to go to a Capitals game last night. Luckily my fabulous friend Sarah was able to watch the boys, so we went. We had the best time. We had never been to a professional hockey game before but LOVED it. It was super exciting and really fun.

This is probably the 5th time we have ever left the boys.

Thank you Sarah for being such a great friend. My boys ADORE you!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Utah. Utah. Utah.

We did a lot in the short week we were in Utah. I took lots of pictures but seemed to miss picture of the most important events, like my darling niece Cora's sealing and luau. I will have to steal some pictures of Becky's blog when she posts them. I also don't have any pictures of when we met Josh and Rachel's new little girl, Norah Jane. She is a cutie!

Here is what I do have.

On the way out when we boarded the plane. Sterling Henry walked right into the pilot's seat. The pilot didn't mind and even told us to grab the camera. Sterling Henry was pretty intrigued by all the buttons.

We got together at Jason and Brandi's house on Sunday night for dinner and a little dance party. The kids had a blast playing the Wii. Sterling Henry was always trying to be in the center of the action.

Grandma and Grandpa watched on... with darling Sarah.

Dellin took lots of naps of Grandpa's lap. This might be the best he slept all week.

We visited BYU campus. Sterling Henry got to take a picture with the cougar.

We went to the BYU Museum of Paleontology. Sterling Henry loved the dinosaurs. He has been saying, "freaky dinosaur" ever since.

This one was more his size.

Of course we went to the Monte L. Bean Museum. I was obsessed with this nativity. They got quite creative.
Lots of animals.

Visiting the horses with grandpa.

Tons of cousin time. Sterling Henry spent a lot of time with little Maren. I think they look a lot alike.

My mom's house was decorated to the max. She has such great taste and I love to look around at everything that she has. This nativity is my favorite. My oldest sister Jen, made it at church when she was a sunbeam. My mom has had it out every year since. This year is was in the the center of everything and I loved it.
I lost my wallet the morning that we were flying out. It made for a stressful morning but luckily they let me on the flight anyway. We made it home on New Year's Eve just minutes before midnight. We had the best time in Utah. We love our family so much and love spending time with them.

We really missed seeing mom and dad Fillmore but love hearing about their mission experiences and look forward to seeing them this summer.

My wallet has been found in case you were getting worried for me...

Sunday, January 2, 2011


We had such a great Christmas this year. We spent it in Utah with family... what could be better?!? There was lots of snow, kids, toys, parties, and not very much sleep. We all came home sick, exhausted, and heavier than we left! We almost missed our flight out there and I lost my wallet and almost missed the flight back. We would do the whole thing all over again because it was that much fun.

Here is Christmas.

We had a blast on Christmas Eve. The boys went nuts playing with all their cousins!

Dellin loves his grandparents.

The kids all got PJ's from my parents. This picture was really difficult for some reason. I love the chaos.

Becky and Hema slept over on Christmas Eve. Here are the kids waiting to come down on Christmas morning!

Here is the loot!

Vela got this play kitchen. Girls are so fun. Some day...

I worked my guts out to knit these socks for Sterling for Christmas. I only finished one. He loves his Christmas "sock".

My boys were happy to play with Vela's play kitchen.

Dellin and Sterling got Grover and Elmo for Christmas. Dellin was happy to snuggle up with both!

We had a delicious Christmas dinner. My mom made the most amazing ham EVER! It was nice to sit down to a yummy dinner with my parents.

Here are the boys in their cute Christmas outfits. I love my boys.

Sterling's parents are on their mission so we didn't get to see them. We did see the Fillmores but for some lame reason I have no pictures.

More pictures to come.