Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Do you ever feel like you were born yesterday??? I hate that feeling but unfortunately it happens a lot while I am prego.

Sterling Henry was not a huge spit-up baby. I always felt like I could get his spit-up out of most things pretty well. However on Christmas morning after opening up his first present, he threw up big time. I thought maybe he was just overly excited about all the gifts, but no, it happened again about 20 minutes later. My fabulous husband started cleaning it up and asked me what would be best and I realized that I had no idea what would work best. He scrubbed our floor like crazy with the "products" that we had. When it all dried, there were big huge stains on our carpet. We both wanted to throw it out. I went to the store and came home with these two products. They have basically changed my life. I HIGHLY recommend them. They are easy to use, they actually work, AND they smell amazing! I even used them on a couple old stains and they worked.

(I may or may not be getting a kick-back from both of these companies for writing this!)

I am sure that most of you already have been using these for years but it you haven't, I recommend buying them today for your next big spill.

Can I also just say how amazing my husband is for cleaning up puke all weekend?!? He really is the best!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


We have had such a wonderful Christmas holiday this year. Since we have our new little man coming in a month, we stayed here this year and we have had a lot of fun. Although we are missing our family like crazy, we feel truly blessed to have lots of friends that we are sharing this Christmas season with.

On Christmas Eve during the day we got to tour the Supreme Court. (Thanks Tyler!)

The kids loved the candy bowl in Justice Thomas' office.

After touring the Supreme Court, we went over to the National Tree. This is near the white house, and they have trees decorated from each state. It was FREEZING! (Some of the problem might have been that I did not think about the fact that my coat wouldn't button over my belly.)

Christmas morning was a lot of fun. Here are our stockings.

The tree had lots of gifts. Sterling Henry was the best behaved this year so naturally he had the most.

Sterling Henry received lots of Fisher Price toys this year. It has been a lot of fun to give him toys that we had growing up. He LOVES his push popper.

Here is a video of him with the same adorable phone we had growing up. Thanks Grandma Fillmore!

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Sterling has a wonderful job. We have been blessed with good health. We have an adorable little boy and one on the way. Most importantly, we have the knowledge that our Savior Jesus Christ lives. We hope your holidays were filled with joy and happiness. We love and miss you all!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Sterling got these slippers in Peru before we got married. They finally fit our Little Man and just in time since it is freezing!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Every year when they predict snow in the DC area, everyone starts getting nervous. Usually when it snows, we only get 2-6 inches. In the past, we have had church canceled and public schools are usually canceled as well. Plow trucks are few and far between here so it takes a while to get everything cleared. Not to mention the amount of ice that builds up on the streets.

All week last week they were predicting an EPIC snowstorm to hit the east coast. I didn't take it too serious since in the past they haven't been very bad. On Friday, I headed to Costco to pick up my usual things. When I pulled into the parking lot, they had police helping with traffic. First thing I thought of was it must be because it is the weekend before Christmas. As I was walking in and saw people leaving with 8-9 gallons of milk I remember the snowstorm. As I cruised through the store, I was tempted to load up but remembered that we do have food storage if we needed it. Many stores in the area ran out of milk, bread, eggs, toilet paper (the last thing anyone wants to run out of), flour, and any other basic thing you might need. Sterling ran to Home Depot on Friday night for some unrelated things, and people were leaving the store with multiple snow shovels and BAGS of ice melter and many other survival mode items.

The snow started Friday night and didn't stop till Sunday morning. It was EPIC! We got over 2 feet of snow and it looks like a beautiful winter wonderland outside. We didn't even leave the house all day on Saturday and only ventured out for an hour yesterday (Sunday) to deliver treats to some families in the ward. On our way to the 4th house we got completely stuck and had to have neighbors push us out. I have NEVER seen anything like this before. I LOVE IT! What a better way to get in the Christmas spirit.

Sterling Henry LOVED the snow.

My hair is a bit wild in this picture.

Our car after Sterling cleared the 2 feet of snow off it.

Probably one of my favorite things ever about storms in Virginia. Everyone puts their wipers up so they don't get frozen.

Public schools are still canceled for today and I am sure many people are staying home from work. This really has been an EPIC snowstorm, and I am happy to report that we have survived. I wish the best of luck to all our friends whose flights have been delayed and are trying to fly out of here to see loved ones.

I did finish three quilt tops and we managed to watch 6 movies over the weekend. In all, we loved out snowed-in weekend!

Friday, December 18, 2009


We've been shut-ins lately and haven't been doing much. There are many reasons why, but mostly because I've been pretty tired lately. Here are a few random pictures from our day-to-day.

Yesterday Sterling Henry refused to fall asleep in his crib during nap time, which rarely ever happens. (He is usually such a great little sleeper.) He did fall asleep however on the couch 30 minutes later standing up!

As you can see, is will not be long until he figures this one out. Good thing we have that huge deadbolt and chain above our doorknob!

Everyday we drive dad to and from work. Sometimes there is traffic, but most of the time it's pretty quick. We call it "family bonding". As much fun as this is, sometimes Sterling Henry gets a little tired of the car. I have resorted to letting him play with my cell phone. He loves it and makes lots of calls. Unfortunately he doesn't understand that Arizona and California are 3 hours behind us and has made a few early morning calls... SORRY!

He figured out how to make the ring tone repeat "Girls just want to have fun" and was very proud of himself here.

As much as I know my son loves me, there is no doubt who is number one is his eyes. Everyday when we pick dad up, he goes nuts when he sees him come towards the car. I had to get it on film because it's just too cute!

Luckily it's the weekend and dad is home to entertain us both. There's supposed to be the biggest snowstorm in history coming through tomorrow, so wish us luck that our food storage will pull us through if we are stuck in our apartment for the next week!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


FIRST. Little man gets to wear his "Christmas clothes" each week to church. This outfit was much needed considering that we couldn't button his other church pants.

SECOND. Coats and hats are a must lately with the chilly weather we have been having. I love putting hats on Sterling Henry even though he is always trying to rip them off. Luckily this one buttons under his chin.

THIRD. Holiday PJ's. Last year I waited for him to wear these on Christmas eve but this year we are going to enjoy them all month long. (Too many pictures today.)

FOURTH. Our baby boy is FINALLY walking. It all started today when I was over at a friend's house and he just started walking all over the place. He pretty much thinks he is big time now and so do we. We are so proud of our little man.

With this many exciting things already happening in December, I can't wait to see what else we have to look forward too!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


We are not going home for Christmas this year since the airlines don't want me to go into labor in the air. We are very excited to stay here and do our own thing. There are some things in Utah that I am going to miss like crazy. Family, friends, family traditions, showing off Sterling Henry, FAMILY, Cafe Rio, and spending time with my family are the main things. But there is another big one... SNOW. I LOVE snow! I love everything about it.

I have been feeling a tiny bit homesick lately about not going home but this morning helped me feel better. It is SNOWING. It will not last long and sure everyone here will be freaking out and the drivers are HORRIBLE but it has put a big smile on my face.

Thank you, snow!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


We store a lot of water under our bed just in case the big one hits. I had to move it all the other day to clean under there and it ended up in these laundry baskets for a few days. Who knew that two laundry baskets full of bottled water could equal hours of entertainment for our little man???

He especially likes moving them back and forth.

We are thinking about getting him a weight set for Christmas since he loves moving and pushing really heavy things!

PS. Only 8 weeks till our new little cub arrives. We are really excited!