Thursday, February 26, 2009


My favorite photographer Andrea just took new photos of Sterling Henry and they are amazing! I LOVE them! What do you think???

I wasn't sure if I would like how this one turned out but I LOVE it!

I could kiss that face all day long.

That smile is to die for!

I love this one because he is looking up at the pics of my grandpa who he was named after!

We got these pics just in time because his two teeth came in three days later!

I LOVE this one!

Can you even handle those thighs??? Sterling thinks he already has "rugby legs".

I LOVE this look so much!

Our kitchen floor was perfect for this photo shoot!

Can you even handle it?!?!?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


On Sunday afternoons, Sterling Henry and his dad always take a nap together and I LOVE it! They are just too cute!
We always try to put him down in his crib after church and he won't have it, it's like he knows his dad is home . Every other day of the week he naps great in his crib but Sundays are his day with his dad!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Sterling Henry had his 4 month check-up yesterday and he is a very healthy boy. His doctor was very impressed that he already has two teeth! She said it is rare but it does happen that babies get teeth as early as 4 months. What can we say, our boy is just really "advanced"! Anyway, enough bragging, here are his stats!

Height: 27 inches (96%)
Weight: 17lbs 15.2 oz (91%)

Oh and he can hold his own bottle now! While I was feeding him last night, he just kept on trying to hold the bottle so I let him....then I wanted to cry! I am not ready for him not to need me. I guess he can't change his own diapers yet so he will need me for a while longer....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Loved it!!!!

I you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My good friend Penny came to visit for the weekend and we had the best time. We have been good friends with Penny since the good old days at the B.C. The B.C. was a magical apt. complex in Provo where Sterling and I met! Penny decided that Sterling and I just had to get married and we give most of the credit to her!
Sterling and I were friends for a couple years before my mission and there was always a little interest of both sides but not enough for anything to ever happen. Then, when I got back Penny reconnected us by tricking me into going to Sterling's rugby game. We kept on bumping into each other at her house and after a couple of years of dating a little, me being weird, Sterling telling me to call when I am "interested", Sterling getting a new girlfriend, me calling him to break them up, and three long months, it finally worked out! We were dating the next week! Penny was there through the whole thing.
She is such a fabulous friend! Anyone who knows her, loves her! She is very selfless in every way! We love you Penny and LOVED seeing you!
Little Sterling Henry just loved Penny. He couldn't get enough of her!

We went to Arlington cemetery while she was here.

It was pretty chilly the day we went!

And I had to post these beautiful roses Sterling gave me for Valentine's Day. He is too good to me!

Monday, February 16, 2009


My baby got his first two teeth!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

My heart goes out to....

...these two boys!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


...I love being a mom! I always knew I was missing out on a lot of really great things when I went to work each day...and I was!

Today Sterling Henry and I went to the zoo with a bunch of girls in my ward. We had the best time!




This is absolutely, with out a doubt the worst picture of me EVER, but I had to document that I was there with him!

While Jessica was taking a picture of me...Taryn was doing double duty with Reese and Matthew!

I was such a beautiful day and I am looking forward to many more beautiful days ahead!!! Thanks girls for a fun day!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Our sweet little Sterling is 4 months old today and I can barely stand it. He is such a sweet baby and so much fun!

Sterling Henry is obsessed with his dad! From the minute his dad gets home, he can't take his eyes off him. This is me trying to get a pic of him...

He would not take his eyes off his dad!

"My dad is so funny!"

Yesterday we went on a monument walk. We have not done this since I was pregnant and my mom was here. It was so nice to get out and walk around. We LOVE this walk and use to walk it 2 times a week at least! Sterling Henry LOVED his first trip to see Lincoln!
We went with our friends Wes and Ann and baby Haley. They are moving this weekend and we are super sad about the whole thing!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


It has taken me far too long to finish Sterling Henry's room. And now that it is done I am not sure how I feel about it. I LOVE the theme but there is one wall that is driving me crazy.

Since we named Sterling Henry after his dad and my grandpa David Henry, we decided to hang some old photos of my grandpa in the room. My grandpa is the coolest guy around. He has lived such an amazing life. He is one of the most humble people that I know, considering all he has done is his life! He is a real cowboy and I have always loved that about him. I got this pictures from my aunt Suzanne(thank you!!). I LOVE how they turned out!

This leather thing was my grandpa's brand from his ranch. My grandparents gave us all one of these when I was super young. All the Hawkins cousins will recognize this. While I was home for Christmas I found mine and had to bring it back to hang in Sterling's room!

Then of course there is this beautiful quilt that my mom made! And another picture of my grandpa.
What do you think? The spacing on one of the walls is what is bugging me, I am sure I will figure it out!

Monday, February 2, 2009


We had such a great weekend! We got together with friends all weekend long and had the best time. Here are a few pics from our wonderful weekend!

It started with Matthew and Jessica stopping by on Friday. Matthew and Sterling Henry are about 4 months apart. When Sterling was first born, Matthew came over and I remember thinking that he is so much bigger than Sterling...well as you can see, Sterling is catching up! I love that Sterling and Matthew are all boy!

Recent photo.

Here is the photo when Sterling was just a week old! He has grown so much! I love this pic because Matthew has his arm around cute!!!

On Saturday we went out to the Wheatley's for a little pizza, Wii, and Rockband!!! This is their jumper and as you can see, Sterling LOVED it!

On Sunday afternoon we went over to Wes and Ann's house to see little Haley. She is so cute and only 10 days old. She has the most fabulous hair! It's hard to think that Sterling was ever that small...that's because he wasn't! Isn't she adorable?!? (please don't move to Texas!!!)

Proud dad pic! These two guys waited along time to have kids that they could youtube with!!!

We also went to a fabulous super bowl party but I have no pictures for proof! Sterling Henry spent lots of time hanging with Reese and Jack at the party!

This is a pic of him tonight before bed...he was exhausted! What a weekend!