Tuesday, February 28, 2012

vegetarian burger

inspired by an article in elle decoration
I made vegetarian burgers
great taste, consistence and appearance like raw meat!

  • shread raw beetroots, and press out the juice
  • mix it with herbs like thyme, rosemary, parsley
  • add parmesan, chopped shitake, oat flakes, chopped onions
  • pepper and salt and paprika
  • finally add a whisked egg
  • form into patties
  • fry
I dind't had salade, but with cucumber, kohlrabi and pear it tasted delicious 

Monday, February 27, 2012


another colour collection

piet hein eek

nice space in Eindhoven
old philips fabric buildings
a little too much designed design
we were really looking foreward to it
but went out finally empty handed and with not that much inspiration
maybe it was just too much?

Want to have this book

Sunday, February 26, 2012

working with whisky

it's nearly impossible to work with my cat
she is always next to me or better on it
she tried even to sit on my sewingmachine
I can't be angry she's too cute

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

pink art work

things are not coming alone
I only see pink the last day
an art space in my neighbourhood
always forget about it, and then on my way to the post office once in a while
I discover it again

Han van der Ven "where Angelina meets Roberto"


Monday, February 20, 2012


it all started with the present for B. and the nice wrapping paper by le typhograph
searching for more orangepink
suprisingly I found quite some stuff

Sunday, February 19, 2012

from stockings to colour

it's getting warmer and the time of the fleamarket is back without nose which freez to dead
some nice things I found yesterday

enamel plate - hugh enough to carry a cake
cake wire - I have now 4 so I can open a bakkery!
a table mirror - for the girls who visit me to put on their make-up
wooden object - to put on the wall
5 forms for knitted stockings - from baby to grown-up women
I can definitly open a shop :-)

went also to see this exhibition
Per Kirkeby
nice colours and a beautiful film, his process of painting one big canvas
I dislike the fact that photos are nearly never permitted in exhibitions
the prints in the book are not good qualitiy, completely different colours

and this book would be very interesting: about colours by Wittgenstein

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Conor Donlon

Interesting to know about people who graduated in fashion
but don't really work in the fashion industrie
what they do now

like Conor Donlon
great bookshop he has
it's true that research has sometimes more in it then the final collection
it's such a hugh field
and I agree with him by saying
it’s a funny one, the fashion industry. But then I find the art world isn’t all that different, they operate in a very similar way on many levels. It’s because I don’t really feel completely affiliated to the art world, nor to fashion or photography worlds that I am free to mix things together in a way that other people may probably think is wrong, high brow alongside the outwardly trashy. For me that’s what makes it fun, being able to dip into different areas without having to be tied down.
maybe that's why I like to work for theater
I did for the first time a costume for a dance solo
a lot of research, a kind of "small" costume
but I hope a lot of references
will show you when it's out

photos and interview via

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


recently I think a lot about craftmanship and old technics
I remember 10 years ago when I started in the Art Academie
there were only a few who could knit, do crochet and embroderie by hand
I was trained by my mother and sister since I was six
for me it was normal and was always my hobby

since a few years crafting is having a comeback
it's all over on the internet, on blogs, in lifestyle magazines, in interior magazines, especially on etsy
nearly everybody- or should I better say everywoman, 'cause it stays mostly a womans thing-
tries also to do money out of it

sometimes it's a little too much vintage for me and back to the fifties or the victorian age
the housewife combined with hippie attitude
and I'm sure there are already some therapists working with crochet

but there is some nice work too
art pieces
people who give the whole thing a contemporary touch

some of my favorites:

Renhilde Depeuter - she spots often nice work from others
mieke willems - the socks & mittens in very nice colour combinations
Louise Bourgeois-the fabric works- actually an artist still from the old generation and not the etsy generation :-)
Christien Meindertsma
Susie Cowie

I made some vintage crochet and knitting too
not for sale just for a cosy home and to get rid of too much wool!
They are chair cushions, doubled, filled with thick felt circles

Monday, February 13, 2012

pale forms

only organic eggs have different shapes and colours
the old french curves I like a lot
the folding chair I cleaned, sanded and finally oiled
he got darker
the sitting is natural leather
it will darken too