Red Devils are beautiful and mean.
For the unfamiliar, imagine a large, neon orange, doubledecker goldfish* with the personality of a pit bull. This their agenda:
- Uproot and destroy every plant.
- Topple any decorations.
- Rough up heaters, filter intakes, and airstones.
- Shove all the gravel into a corner to make a hideout.
- Any fish who swims near the hideout is the enemy and must die.**
- Any human who walks by the tank is an enemy and must die.
Rule six has some exceptions:
- If said human offers food, he is in fact your best friend.
- Train your new friend to give you food by splashing water to get his attention.
- Let him/her pet you and boast that you're "just like a dog."
- That being said, your friend's friends are the enemy and must die.

Now there's a fish with personality!
*actually they're not closely related to goldfish (not even in the same order).
Red Devils are from the same family as Angelfish (freshwater), Discus, Tilapia and Oscars.
** some people house them with other fish, especially when they're younger, but I think it's risky. If I were a fish, I would not want this guy to be my neighbor.