Sunday, August 10, 2008

I don't want summer to end!

That's right. I have had such a relaxing summer. It's been so great. I haven't felt relaxed like this for two years! So that's why I don't want it to end...
Seminary ended the last week in May. It was such an amazing experience! I taught the Old Testament five days a week from 5:45 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. to four students at first, but then ended in three. I loved my students. They never fell asleep, luckily! Although I received 4-6 hours of sleep a night during the week, it was definitely worth every second of it! I have a greater love for our Savior and all he has done and what he is doing for us. And I just love the Old Testament and the doctrines it teaches and the prophets and the many principles in the Old Testament that we need for our day. I am just in awe that the Lord wanted me (who has never taught anything before) to learn and teach and have the opportunity to be a part of the Seminary program. I have always loved to learn truths of the Gospel and to read my scriptures and stuff, but I never knew I could have such a passion as I do for learning the gospel and becoming better every day. It's very humbling to say the least. Anyway, I could go on forever, but I loved Seminary and am sad that I'm not doing it again this year. The bishop prayed about it and felt I should be in the primary instead. So I'm teaching the six year olds now. I had my first class with them today. They are great! Here is a picture of my seminary students. They look a little tired...

Ty's uncle and aunt, David and Delynn, came out and visited us this summer. They are such great examples to us, especially in golf! hehe. They took us golfing and since David teaches golf, he taught me a few tips. Is was too bad that some 16 yr. old worker backed a golf cart into the rental car that day. Luckily the golf course payed for it. Thanks for coming you guys! This is Delynn and I at the Liberty Bell. Good times.

My older brother Chris came to visit his girlfriend Gloria here in Philadelphia. He lives in SLC. She is from New Jersey and is in her fourth year of dental school with me. I set them up on a blind date in SLC and they ended up liking each other. Gloria was baptized a member of our church a couple of years ago. My brother and her are a cute couple and have been dating for a year. They were nice to spend July fourth with us.

Ty and I went to Penns Landing to see some fireworks and hear Boys II Men sing. I used to love them! We couldn't ever see them up close so we stood to the side of the stage and saw them from the side and had a great view of the fireworks.

I promise I could see them from this view! One of them turned and waved to us. What a great view huh! haha...not so much.

A couple weeks ago, Ty and I went with Bryce and Miranda Searle to Washington D.C. and stayed over at Miranda's cousins house so we could go to the Washington Zoo and see the GIANT PANDAS before we went to the temple. We had a blast and loved hanging out with them. We'll post more pictures later.

Last week Ty and I went to Arizona to visit the Fam. We had soooo much fun swimming in the pool every day and playing games. Thanks for letting us come! We wish Trevor, Summer and Madi could have been there too! We love all of you!

We were also able to hang out with our dental school friends Craig and Sheree Cardon and Kyle and Heidi Jackson. We wanted to feel young again so after dinner we went laser tagging. I am proud that I was ranked number 26 out of 28! I shot Tyler like 12 times. I haven't played since I was in Jr. High, so I thought that was pretty good-hehe. We all were the worst out there except Kyle. He was ranked 4 out of 28. Who knew he had such talent! Maybe it's from bending all of those ortho wires in ortho school?

Our teeth were glowing with the black light. I wanted to take a picture, but forgot to take off the flash-haha. Good smiles by Craig and Sheree below.

We decided to go into one of those picture was so much fun to hang out with these guys! We miss you!

This is Tyler's sisters Tiffany and Tiana with little Sophie. We were only missing Summer and little Madie.

Our cute niece Sophie. She is hilarious with her bunny face and cute smile.

Casey and our brother-in-law Derrick. Derrick and Tiff were so nice to hang out with us almost every day we were there. They are so fun! It is said that Casey looks a lot like Ty did when he was young. I sure hope my boys look as handsome as Casey does!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

You Can Call Me Master

Tonight I finished my last class required to get a Master's degree in Education from Cabrini College. It is about time. When Ashley and I decided that she should go to Dental School in Philly, I graduated from BYU without finishing my teaching degree. I quickly finished and graduated with a History degree, but I was not certified to teach. I found a program out here at Cabrini (tiny little Catholic school) that offered graduate students a certification to teach while working on a Master's degree at the same time. I took all the required classes to get certified, but had 3 more to finish my Master's. After 2.5 years, I officially am done. Best part is, the school I work at paid for my last 3 classes and I will have a nice (little) raise for the upcoming year. For about 10 months now I will have a higher degree than my wife. Maybe I will make her call me "Master" before I have to call her "Doctor."