Just thought I'd write a little bit about our new ward. When we first looked at our new condo, we actually thought that it was still in our old ward. After we fell in love with it, however, we realized that it is just on the other side of the boundary--it is actually a completely different stake (I realize that doesn't sound weird for you west-coasters, but out here the stakes are ginormous). So we are attending a new ward in Pottstown, PA. So far, we are loving it. It is a smaller, quieter ward with more families and less students. Everyone was so excited to have us in the ward. There are a few young couples, but only a couple are dental students (unlike our last ward with close to 20 dental student couples). We made friends with another couple that moved in the same day as us from the San Diego area. He was transferred here to work and commutes to Philly everyday. They invited us over for a BBQ and it was a lot of fun. We are excited to serve in our new ward. Ashley was already given the same calling of Primary music leader, except now she has double duty as the nursery music leader also. I don't have a calling yet because we technically aren't in the ward yet. One guy in the ward found out I played baseball and I have a private lesson with his son tomorrow. We're so excited to be in a new house and a new ward.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Life is Crazy!
The time with my wife is few and far between. On Monday and Thursday, we only see each other enough to read scriptures and say prayers before bed. Working and going to school full-time is tough. We are surviving though. We bought a new TV last week (just in time for the football season) and a new couch. We are going shopping for a new bed tomorrow. The house is starting to come together, slowly but surely. We will have to send some new pics of what it looks like with some furniture in it. Sorry the blogging is a little bit slacking, but I just read everyone's blogs and everyone seems to be doing great. The picture is another one of Ash and I at a lighthouse in Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Love you guys!
Posted by Tyler at 12:43 PM 1 comments