Sunday, October 18, 2009


So, Tyeanna has been pestering me A LOT lately about not posting on my blog since 6 months ago. Well, here you go Tye, I'm finally doing it! This past weekend was Fall Break at school. We got Friday off so my room mate Laurel, my neighbor Kiry, and I decided to make a road trip up to see my parents in WA. It was a PARTY!!


We left at about noon and arrived in Richland at about 8 pm pacific time. That night we played games, watched movies and ate ice cream.


We woke up and Dad took us on a tour of the Ice Harbor Dam, where he works. Kiry and Laurel had never been to a dam, especially inside, so they really thought that it was interesting. I hadn't been to the new dam that Dad works at so it was cool to see the things that were different from the last one. We got to see a boat go through the guillatine lock so that was interesting. I think that Dad really enjoyed giving us the tour. After that, we went home and Kiry and Laurel zonked out on the couches and Krista, Mom, Jaylie, and I went out to pick pumpkins from their pumpkin patch. It was fun to be back out in the garden. While out there, I picked the rest of the carrots and beets that were out there. Seems that since I left, no more were picked. Then Luarel and I went in the 300 acre orchard behind our house and picked some apples. This crazy lady got mad at us for picking them and yelled at us for not having permission, even though we did have permission but I didn't know the guys name. Before dinner I went to go get my hair cut... YAY (that's part of the reason I went home)!!! That night we had AMAZING steak and fresh beets and fresh fries! YUMMY YUMMY, DOUBLE YUMMY!!! That is the first time that I have had steak since Mom and Dad lived in Pullman. Then Mom, Krista, Laurel, Kiry, and I played Balderdash. It was HILARIOIUS!! Two favorite Balderdash entries of the night: S.S.A.R.: Stop Spreading Animal Pollution. T.F.O.A.: True Friends of Ornery Amish.


We woke up and were out the door by 8am to go on a boat ride with Dad on the Columbia River. We went a few miles down the river to find Josh that was duck hunting somewhere in the reeds. We passed him, not realizing that it was him, and then went further down the river so Dad could fish. He fished for a few hours while we rocked in and out of slumber, followed by some amazing games of Skip-Bo, of which Kiry won the majority of. Then we went home and did nothing for almost all night. We watched Mama Mia, which Laurel and Kiry had never seen. Then we watched Paint Your Wagon, which Clint Eastwood is in and it's a musical. Yes... Clint Eastwood is in a musical. Pretty surprising.



Hilarious Quote for the day:

Steps for Demo Derby:
#1. CRUSH the competition (with an Army truck)
#2. choke on a cracker
#3. get kissed by a gorgeous man like Lee Cannon who says, "Come here cracker face, I just wanna kiss you!"

Those were the events of the weekend. Are you happy now Tye? Now you need to update your blog more!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


So, April Fools Day this year was a normal one for me. Pretty boring actually. It just consisted of school, work, more school. At work Darcy bought me a huge chocolate cake which he insisted that I bring home... when i got home, our lovely HUGE pink chair (pictured to the left) was nowhere to be found. Some April Fools joke... we've been trying to get rid of that thing forever!! After I got home from class in Brigham City then the good stuff started happening.... SUSHI and cake!! I have now made it a tradition to go get sushi on my birthday because that is the only time that I will allow myself to spend that much money on a meal! This is the second year having the tradition and it was quite good. After sushi we came home and Todd, my home teacher had made me yet another chocolate cake. After this, plus the Mothers Best Fudge Cake that I made Todd for his birthday on Sunday, I am totally caked out!!! BAH!! But it was a surprisingly great way to have a birthday. My real birthday is going to be coming next week. Dad is coming down to visit me and bring me back my beautiful car!! I realized that with the Honda, there is no way I will be able to fit all my crap in that little car when I move back!! My BIG BABY TWO FACE will be so much better!! I'm pretty sure that that is the extent of the excitement in my life for now.


So... The past couple days have been quite interesting! Today was Tuesday... Tuesdays are usually very bad but this Tuesday was probably the best one that I have had all semester! The worst part of the day was biology! It is the most boring class in my life... I drew this picture during class in hopes for it to help me to stay awake. This is what you call scribble art. I learned from mom in sacrament meeting and now we play it all the time... even sometimes by myself :)

The greatest part of this Tuesday was that my night class was canceled so after clogging practice I GOT TO GO PLAY VOLLEYBALL FOR 2 HOURS!!! I haven't been able to go all semester because I usually have a class from 7-8:45 and then meetings... but not this week!

Earlier in the day, while I was tediously filing papers at work, I had a sudden feeling that I should move home for the summer. So, after talking to mom about it and pondering for a while, I have decided to move home. I'm really excited for it and the more I thought about it, the more I realized how great it is going to be. I realized that if I stayed in UT, then I wouldn't be able to see Tanya probably till Christmas and that is NO BUENO! I also realized that I would get to spend a lot more time with mom and dad, and this summer might be the last summer that I would get to do that. I'm excited to go fishing with dad and help him finish the shop. I'm excited to go visit Tanya and hopefully get to see the ocean again. I haven't seen it since my senior year of high school :( There is gossip that we will be making a trip to the San Juan Is. which I will not argue about! I'm also really hoping that I will get to visit Aunt Shirley a few times. I really miss her and spending time with my favorite great Aunty!! I also pondered about all of the great things that I will be able to do around the Tri-Cities!! There are alot of rivers and lakes that aren't too far away... there will be plenty of floating down the rivers and partying with the singles ward for me!! Now hopefully I will find a job!!!

what the?....SNOW IN MARCH!!

So, It was nice and sunny a few weeks ago and I got to play some baseball, etc....then the next thing we know... white stuff is coming down from the sky!!! What the.... THERE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SNOW IN THE END OF MARCH?!!!!! The next day the snow was all gone...

Then comes Sunday, March 30th. I had to be at church early for Ward Council. When I left there was no snow on my car. When I got out of church 3 hours later there was this...

... That's right. Like 5 inches of snow, just during church! There were no happy campers around. But oh well... it won't be here much longer.


For our Student Alumni activity in March, we had an all night retreat at the David B. Height Alumni House. I was in charge which made it a little bit more interesting than most events. We played twister, Catch Phrase, Rock Band, ate food, watched movies, etc. Legit college sleepovers are always such a blast, but not quite as good as last year ;)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Recent Happenings at Maple View #2

Hey all. I thought that since I NEVER post, i better so you guys can know what's going on in my life.

This is my new room mate Lauren Folkner and my new neighbor/home-teacher, Todd (He is pretty much like our new room mate. He pretty much lives here except to sleep). Lauren and I are soul mates!! As funny as that sounds, it really is so weird how true it is. We get along SO well. Who would have know that 2 complete strangers would become such good pals in such a short amount of time. I told her that if she was a man then we would be perfect for each-other!! haha. Good thing she isn't, cause we sleep in the same room!

This is Stan, short for Stanford. He is another one of the guys that comes over a few times a week. My room mate Melissa was dating his best friend and room mate last semester, who now lives in Montana (poor Melissa), but Stan still comes over. This was his Halloween costume this year. Isn't he amazing! He really is one of the most amazing guys that I have ever met. Stan proves that chivalry is not dead. He is so sweet and respectful to everyone but still has the most amazing sense of humor and spirituality. He's so great.

Her he is again but this time in my oh so famous 'PINK BUNNY CHAIR'! I'm pretty sure that Stan loves this chair more than any of us in the apartment. We were going to burn it last semester and Stan put a note on it that said, "Don't Burn Me!!" We all laughed and the chair ended up not getting burned because all of our schedules conflicted. I was ok with that because, even though it's hideous, I have a secret soft spot in my heart for that chair. Doesn't he just look so manly in that pink?!

This is my favorite picture of me this whole year! For some reason I just feel so HOTT in it. I guess we all need days like that sometimes right?!!

Here is Anna and I once again. We are at an Aggie Basketball game. I'm not the biggest fan of basketball but, oh man, basketball here is insanely killeristic!! The games or so great, but our crowd is killer and sometimes really rude. This year we WON THE WAC CHAMPIONSHIP!! It was AWESOME!! Such an intense game.

Tyeanna is this a long enough post for you?

Thursday, October 30, 2008


This is my amazing new room mate ANNA!!! She is the COOLEST and we love her! She loves being scared and loves carrots and crackers (not together though... hopefully!) She makes us laugh so much and we all want to be like her!