Friday, January 28, 2011



Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy ^^

Lao gong , Luv this photo ^^

Sze so so so happy for this weekends ^^
Thanks for bringing me for hairdo , eat kahkah , movie , shopshop - aowhhh - HAPPY ^^

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


AV today - shit - slacking for whole day , nop, im not... im fucking PAIN

PAIN FOR whole afternoon - no ones care - no doc - no med - juz PAIN

Thought some1 will comfort me - care about me - butz - what i c is PAIN

SHIT- i juz can't stand the PAIN anymore - can u juz KNOCK me down

THANKS for ur OFFER - i really need some1 bring me for DOC

Friday, November 26, 2010


不要一直在这样‘酸’我了 - 够了 !! 我的心好痛 - 我平静不下来 - 我控制不了 - 我头好痛 -我很烦 - 我压力好大 - 真的真的想放弃一切 - 可以吗?

我以为我们很幸福但原来这一切都是我单方面的想法 - 原来你是幸苦而不是幸福。

就凭你一句: 你不应该有男朋友 ! 这句真的很伤人 !


读什么书 - 完全读不进 !!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


好烦啊 !!
好想读但心好乱噢 - 想那有的没的 - ‘踏嘛德’ !!
不想了 - 什么都不想了 !!
窝什么都不管了 !!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


ALoha..... its been 2 month since the last post ^^ kinda bz this 2 month , exam is around the corner , work, life , gosh...!!! I've tons of photo to upload >_< .

Wishlist :

*Hope SZE will pass and did well in her exam ( DEC13th & 14th) ** pray hard **popipopi
*Happy as always + Stress plzz leave SZE alone ^^
*SZE want a new PC / LAPPIE
*SZE is so so so in luv v d Armani exchange bagzzz ** will bring u home after muh exam **
*SZE want to slim down by 10 KG
*SZE want a BIG Boobz ^^

see , SZE request more n more ad.......duh..... GURLzzzz... c ya guys after exam ooo >_<

Thursday, September 9, 2010


erghhhhhhh ~ I'm sleepless for 3 days ad, 3 hrs thn work , i'm stress stress stress. My FUCKING period is late for 1 week.SHYT!!! I mess up my FUCKING work too !! I jus need some accompany and pls b generous enough to lend me ur shoulder......

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I wish u know

we are apart from each other and we do quarrel so often until both of us are so tired. No matter who is wrong in the 1st place , I’m the one who say sorry . WHY? I’m being so tired to be the ONE to say SORRY , to ignore by U, to throw my temper on U, to Mess UP EVERYTHING!!

It’s hard to for me to tell u what I think when we have a normal chat , u juz show me ur miserable face. To be honest , it’s not a good feeling for me. I can take it for once , but not always.

I wish u can explore my heart more deeper, what I want is very simple. As u know , I’m not materialistic gurl , I never demand a single branded stuff from u. So was it so hard to show some care towards me? Pls dun deny and ignore whenever u did something wrong, face it! When u r having exam , I never make u worry. I rather stay at home, movie or study . I juz dun wan u to worry and concentrate on ur study. I know , I’m losing every single attention from u.

A single text with I LUV U, I MISS U BABE is more than enough. But ……………………

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Well, i've gone thru a single life for this 3 months. Been to a vacation with my cousin sis, transferring of work , study , see lots of notes , done lots of calculation. I'm tired.

U see guys , one of my friend facing problem with his gurl, and guess what , he never appreciate that gurl until he lost it and now he is regret. Begging her to come back, whats the point? I really don't understand u guys. Did u think twice when u complain about ur gurl , keep jealous, control freak, luv to stay alone , a'sticky' babe and bla bla bla. And now u tell me how much u luv her and can't afford to loose her? WTF !! DAmn u guys!!

It's not late for u to beg her back, nor do something sweet for her but try to think twice, will u accept her attitude or u will still blame her on everythiing and complain to ur other gurl friends about ur gurl weaknesses? Think it be4 u made the same mistake again and hurt her again and again.

Every gurl are the same , they will jealous , is either they show it out or keep it !! Don't be so innocent to trust ur OTHER GURL FREN that they do not jealous on their bf. Yeah, they might be 100% angel in front of u , cuz both of u r not together. Thats y u will keep blaming ur own gf why she luv to jealous? It's very clear cut that , SHE LUVs u , She worry abt u , thats y there is JEALOUSY occur.

HE/SHE might be very perfect when they r not together , but once together , COMPROMISE must be taken to maintain the perfectness.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Every where i go i will think of u
but everywhere u go u juz think of urself
how stupid i'm
i'm wondering
do i still v u