December 31, 2006

so, where are you this new year's eve?

trying to put a perfect end to a remarkable year.

we'll end this year in, plus minus, three hours time. 2006 has taught me a lot of lessons - i'm pretty sure you had yours too. the year was a challenging one, but it holds some of the very best memories i ever had. and some of the worst. changes are of course abundant. we learnt a lot about the lessons of life and pretty much just enjoyed the very last moments of carefree life of schooldays and relatively speaking, childhood. but the good and the bad just balanced things up, so how gloomy or gleaming 2006 was for you, close the year with all the best feelings, put away your calendar with full contentment and have faith. so be ready for next year as we count everything down. and hey, have a very happy 2007. see you next year!

so, where are you this new year's eve?

syukrishairi 2006.

December 30, 2006

parable of a celebration

the anecdote of the much lesser eid. level of reading: high.

Hari Raya Haji celebrations are really, really getting on a lower scale these days. aside from the usual takbir, prayers and the korban rituals, there's nothing much to anticipate for. but in some countries, even states such as Kelantan, Raya Haji, or Eid ul-Adha is pretty much, in a context, bigger than the earlier-celebrated Eid we understand when the word 'Raya' is mentioned - Eid ul-Fitr. probably the reason to celebrate is kind of much important - commemorating the haj, sacrificing particular animals, the period of reciting the takbir is longer (4 days) and celebrating the story of the man who lived about 4000 years ago, Ibrahim, peace be upon him.

Simply, Ibrahim was one of the most favourite prophet of Allah, or what we know in agama textbooks as Ulul-Azmi. He was even given the honorary nickname, the Khalilullah, meaning the 'friend of God'. Surely and definitely, Ibrahim is the father of the three most giga religions in the world - Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Jews and Christians know him as Abraham. his sons; Ismail, was the father of the Arabs; and Ishak, or Isaac was the father of the Jews. so basically - he's really, really an important guy.

His first wife was Sarah. much to the couple's disappointment, Sarah can't bear children. but of course, Ibrahim didn't whine and complain. realising this, God commanded Ibrahim to go to Egypt, where he met the Pharaoh and freed a slave known as Hajar. Ibrahim married Hajar, after Sarah's consent, and later Hajar conceived a child, known as Ismail.

things went ok for awhile. but then Sarah got fed-up and jealous of Hajar, to the fact that she is barren and Hajar is not. the jealousy and family crisis got up to Ibrahim, much to his worry. to make the long story shorter, God commanded Ibrahim to send Hajar and Ismail to a land far away from where they are staying - Canaan, present-day Palestine and Israel.

so as you all might have knew it, their journey ended at a nowhere land. Ibrahim, unwillingly, left Hajar and Ismail, that time an infant, with limited water and food supplies. Ibrahim then set off back home, leaving his wife and little son hesitatingly. as expected, the supplies went out. Hajar can't give Ismail any milk. Ismail cried. Hajar panicked. things got worse. water none, food none. doomed. well, nearly. desperate, Hajar ran from this particular hill to another to search for water sources or passing caravans - 7 times - but was of no use. Ismail didn't stop crying. Suddenly the archangel Jibril, or Gabriel, came down to them, and using its wings, scraped the ground down. miraculously a gush of water spurts out of the ground, and it never stopped flowing out until today.

the water source was known as Zamzam, as Hajar came to the water and said 'zam, zam' or 'flow, flow' as she gave the water to the crying baby Ismail. it is now confined under the marbles encircling the Kaaba within the Great Mosque compound, but the water can be collected from many pipes and taps within the city of Makkah.

the act of Hajar running back and forth the hills of Safa and Marwa is reenacted as the rite of sa'ie, and is one of the important rituals of the haj.

so Ibrahim went to the land later known as Makkah to pay Hajar and Ismail a little visit. much to Ibrahim's suprise, the land flourished and caravans settled down to fetch water from the Zamzam well. God then commanded Ibrahim and Ismail, now grown-up, to build a sanctuary for Him, a cube-shaped building made of stone to be made His House on the earth, later known as the Baitullah, or the Kaaba.

Allah knew Ibrahim loved his son, Ismail so much. so He decided to give Ibrahim a little test. He then commanded Ibrahim to actually sacrifice Ismail to prove Ibrahim's loyalty and devoutness. Sure, it was shocking (and sounded crazy). But God's command is really, really a big deal. knowing this fact, both Ibrahim and Ismail agreed. Satan was overwhelmed by their uberpiousness and obedience towards God. Allergic to the very faithful, Satan decided to allure Ibrahim from conducting God's command. that is, trying to prevent Ibrahim to sacrifice his son.

Satan waited on the route Ibrahim was going to take to sacrifice his son. Ibrahim didn't tolerate or even considered Satan's offer. Both him and Ismail started to pick up small stones and pebbles and then throw it at Satan with the fullest scale of hatred. Satan ran away.

but he did took a second try. surely Satan holds the whole 'no pain no gain' principle thingy. not far from the earlier encounter, Satan waited for them. still, Ibrahim didn't buy Satan's arguments. the same thing then happened. the stones must've been really hard and spiky, as Satan ran away for the second time.

but Satan decided not to give up and tried again for the third time. as those guys were very hard to be convinced for their level of iman was very high, Satan was prepared to deceive them with the very best assertion. But Ibrahim and Ismail's strong adherence to God killed Satan's words. they then stoned Satan - for the third and the last time. Satan ran away, and this time, for good.

so Ibrahim and Ismail arrived at the chosen site. Sad, he was, but Ibrahim believed he has no choice. Ismail, as a good son, just obeyed. As the knife was going to reach Ismail's neck, Jibril came down to them from the heavens with a kibas, similar to a sheep, and asked Ibrahim to immediately stopped whatever he was doing. Jibril then requested Ibrahim to replace his son with the kibas, and of course, eventually sacrifice it; for God was very much pleased with Ibrahim and Ismail's amount of faith and allegiance.

Relieved and blissful, Ibrahim sacrificed the kibas, and thanked God for the reward. this act of sacrifice happened on the 10th day in the month of Zulhijja in the valley of Mina. To especially remembering this act, Eid ul-Adha is celebrated, and animals are sacrificed as a sign of thankfulness towards God which are then divided among the poor and needy.

The act of stoning the Satan is conducted as a ritual during the haj, and is done at the three jamarat walls in Mina, namely the Ula, Wusta and Aqaba.

there you have it. at the very least, Eid ul-Adha is not that meaningless. so be perky, be upbeat and just hit tomorrow with joy and glee! seriously, every celebration is worth enjoying.


Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha! Eid Mubarak :D

December 29, 2006


hence, a bloody packed 24 hours

i was doing things non-stop since morning dec 28. so i wasn't just tiring from the ratherfabulous gathering, but also the whole day. really, i was really meeting people. sume literally bumped in, one after another, and of course the night was the kemuncak lah kan. overall alrite, but just terkilan abt some things like not having the chance to talk to some people, you know. and people are like going to leave and all after this, haih. but xpe, kalau ada rezeki, jumpa lagi aaah. if there's no aral blocking anywhere, God willing. so for now, i'm going to prepare something and off to tido. tired gila. to add to some of the rasa terkilan, the connection's going to be bumpy for at least some couple of weeks, so pictures pun will go slow gak lah ey. haha. hm and not so many ppl will be onl.

i overused the word 'thing', really. and i'm late. gergh, i'll be missing somebody.

December 28, 2006

December 27, 2006


streamyx punye connection siot gila.

so much to update. but i just want to jot down that, alhamdulillah i got an offer for a mara interview this friday. i'll definitely go, i mean, strictly no being fussy and picky and all that, i rlly need backups. other than that, wei, tomorrow night is gathering ok.

i arrived in kl yesterday. so the time below is correct, GMT +8 Kuala Lumpur & Singapore time. til then be merry. :)

December 25, 2006

deepest condolences


to the father of a dear friend, Hannah, who returned to the mercy of Allah yesterday; may God place him amongst the souls of the believers and the blessed. Amin.

from Him we came, to Him we return.

adelaide, 3.25pm

December 24, 2006

adelaide notes

currently at the hotel, doing nothing. arrived from kl at 7.30am this morn (rlly enjoyed the flight haha). temperature's suprisingly cold, around the 20s with very cold wind - right now its 18 - quite low for a season you call summer. and i tried not to compare adelaide with sydney or perth, but really, i can't help it. but the city is, in simpler words, ok la. but the sale was very gila. it's christmas eve today and stores closed as early as 5. we went out for the shopping trip at 4 something. i know, fcuk! which reminds me - fcuk murah gila! haha. as for now the city's quite cool and very very very laidback. the holidays starting tomorrow make it more relaxed and deserted. oh well. nothing to do tomorrow, just strolling. boy, this is the most laidback trip ever. so i think i'll just go with the flow. til then, lose your heads!

poke him! haha

and remember kids, camwhoring knows no limits.

rundle mall - good bargains!
saya coffee house - forgive the name, but toss for the food!
mcd - haha idk. little more sedap.

holiday inn on hindley, adelaide, 9.11PM.

December 23, 2006


Gather Up, End the Year, Strengthen the Bond

3 Gigih Class of 2004
Gathering 2006

Date: December 28, Thursday.
Venue: Aqeela's place
at 1, Jalan Jeram 8/22E Section 8
Time: 8PM
Food is POT-LUCK based!
ask for more details.

feeling like clicking, didn't you?

December 20, 2006

priceless souvenirs

1 picture tells you a thousand words.
1010 pictures tell you how to retreat, sit back and enjoy the sun.
and well, of course, another 1010000 words.
simply, Langkawi was the bomb!

December 13, 2006

another version of updates

for the 3 Gigih class of 2004 hooligans, your Gathering will be on December 28, 2006 at Aqeela's. good news ay. her place is in 8 atas, she'll get u guys posted lah. anything on the menu will be discussed soon. but now here's the date and the venue, so do arrange your busy timetables and make space for the event. it's the first, last and the only gathering to be held during 2006, the last one held during November 23 last year at Haziq's, during the Raya season.

just a kita-kita event for us to meet each other, boys and girls, friends (i think there's no foes), and all to gather up, simply but brightly having fun. before each one of us takes his or her different path. :) no biggie on the outside, frankly. but usually in our hearts we celebrate it big aite guys? haha. i'm not sure why we love to gather around and like to see the same faces of each other, i mean, a form three gathering? but yeah. that's it. the friendship is just bizarre.

so from Liyana Z's, to Atiza's, to Haziq's, and the next one Aqeela's. rock on dudes and babes. flyers out soon.

now, where's my swimming trunk? sunglasses! i need em. sigh. off! :D

p/s: currently envious of aidil having interviews here and there. his future's very, er, protected! and anyway, her gf's a very very nice lady, haha. enjoyed meeting them both :)

will be away from
15 - 19 Dec to Langkawi and,
23 - 26 Dec to Adelaide, Australia.

December 12, 2006


i think i overdosed the whole 'keluar' thing. after the whole whirlwind tour with dira's sister, nadia, as she circumnavigates the whole kl to the pandan/ampang area to pick somebody up, she dropped me by at klcc, where i engaged in a very little blogger gathering and met niksu and amelin together w/ bubu & syarir. dira, nadia & their brother, fairuz's friends then headed to petaling street for some splurging and bargain hunting. during a notorious kuala lumpur peak hour, i went back, with lrt, to pj at my grandma's home after the klcc excursion, then my parents went back from ou and dropped by to pick me up and go back to shah alam. to their (maybe our) greatest suprise, some of the things they bought earlier and were carried by my brothers were missing, probably (and should) at ou, particularly the jusco area. after a big argument about who-lost-what, my father and i (i, kind of happily) went to ou again at night to search for that particular lost thing. as expected, the thing is nowhere to be found, after some great tawaf of the slowly deserted ou, both new and old wings of some particular floors. it really felt annoying when you're so close to topman but you didn't have the chance to enter it (and eventually and probably buy something). so as the stores were closing down, we went home.

oh well.

amelin, you were very nice anyway. really glad to meet you. so on sunday it was klcc, on monday it was ou, and today, it was klcc & ou both combined! how merry! and it's mid valley for tomorrow. do see me as insane, because i think i'm so out of the energy to pathetically walk. but some people are like, we can only see them at that time, or never. you know. so, hm, yeah. seriously i went non-stop since friday.

i'll take a day off on thursday and go to rahman to take a look on my driving questions. and pack for langkawi.

and off to langkawi on friday! kl-kuala perlis-langkawi! weehee

i'm nuts. off!

December 11, 2006

soalan bonanza

apakah yang anda lakukan kepada buku-buku spm anda?
A. hapuskan sehingga ke helaian kertas dan mukasurat yang terakhir (bakar, dispose etc)
B. kitar semula tanpa perlu fikir apa-apa lagi (juga dapat sikit duit & mesra alam)
C. susun elok-elok, simpan, kalau kertas simpan dalam file kerana memori pada masa lalu telah terpahat di sanubari dan perlu dikenang selalu
D. jual balik
E. semua di atas

tlg jwb!!! aku x tau ape lg nk bwt dgn buku² yg mnimbun² nih!!! warghh

December 10, 2006

eyes open

i really need this thing called self-control. haha. seriously, my parents don't look like they care if i go out until 2 in the morning. that really freaks me out. for three consecutive days i don't stay at home in the day at all. and that's only what, three days since the last paper, including friday itself?

i watched cicakman on friday. no, this is not actually a sad statement. to watch this movie, you really really need to be unplanned and everything must be coincidental. hence, watching this movie was truly spontaneous. but trust me, if you're thinking to lift your lazy ass and watch it, cicakman's not that bad at all. for an initial move in creating the identity of malaysian superheroes, cicakman is definitely ok. though the suit is not that convincing, the same thing doesn't go with the special effect, which looks real enough by (higher) malaysian standards. a good family movie, because it's innocently fun and humorous especially with saiful apek in it. brilliant enough for starters! :)

saturday's driving license lecture was, flatly fine. flatly fine could also means boredom. by all means, please, do bring one of your friends or at least a schoolmate together. making new friends are ok, i mean, you should and you could. just for a better and comfy environment, especially if the place is not that great and the people around you are just aliens. but anyhow i met some new faces, including puan zaini's son, tawfiq from smkbj, and two saas guys, jaya & idzamuri. i even chatted with an indon guy who sat beside me. his name is antoni. jgn main². haha. bak kate atari, i was really bercanda with that guy. though his stories are mildly attractive, i tried to remain being interested. but he was good. and funny. and all that. but in the end i was glad the whole thing finished. one thing solved, now, test!!! haha.

klcc was, i don't know, stuffed up today? the sale is normal, no big deals, really. browsed to nearly every store which now, makes me half-dead. bought stephen king's cell (looks like war of the world-ish to me, i think i'd like it) and, what else, haha, the icy cold (it's a 1997 product, they've even made a movie out of it) mitch albom's tuesdays w/ morrie. hu. snow patrol is superb and i bought a cinta sountrack. haha.

hopped in tqa's parents' car, which is, driven by her dad w/ her mom holding their family's adopted baby boy, danish at his side on the way home (this sentence really is long). the atmosphere in that bmw was very, er, scary (maybe due to the weather outside). haha. oh god. it's just a tousche for tqa. the other day my dad chatted with her outside the house after she sent me home, literally making her freaked out after that though the conversation was plainly innocent. i mean, it's ayah for god's sake! haha. oh well.

aqeela's house is the main candidate for 3 gigih's gathering this year. roger that. when i called her she was in terengganu. and i was like, where, in that stuffy klcc lrt station's tunnel? sigh. but nvm, my time will come. muhahaha.

so yeah. just picked the main points. and where the heck is evbody? times square, pistol air, paintball, ice-skating jamming ETC. - ring any bells?

December 08, 2006

NS (current) remedies.

My current mood for Khidmat Negara is flat, basically. not too worrisome, not too eager. i've accepted the saggy fact a long time ago. haha. so anyway, as some of you might've known, i got the second series for the programme. the so-called training will run from March 18 until June 9 next year, which means i will miss Shrek 3's premier screening on May 18. oh well.

the good side of it is that i will not be so rushed to prepare for PLKN as the new year's coming. common sense, i'll have more time to be laid back and, well, relax. time for driving classes will be available. and some other reasons, particularly the lazier ones. i can get the chance to watch the school's sports day anyway, and maybe grab the new piece of the school mag and take a look at the class' page. and among others lah.

the bad, the training for second batch is right after results, which usually is the time for everybody to manage their enrollment to further their studies whatsoever. my beloved PLKN will, somewhat and in some way, disturb those. i mean, without backups, my life after PLKN could be horrible if i don't do anything about it right. so yeah.

why is this post starting to sound like an english spm essay?

in a related matter (oh god), aidil, liyana z & amirah were placed in kampung ovai, papar, sabah. the first time i got to know aidil was going to be in sabah, i was, well, shocked. where the hell is papar anyway? i don't even care, until i got to know it is somewhat near KK. only the first batch got to know where their camps are. second batch will know theirs somewhere around january. kind of logical, really. i mean, the camps are, in other words, recyclable. so by the end other people are going to leave it, the other people who are going to use it will be informed. and what the hell am i blabbering about? haha.

atiza will be in sepang. joyce, terengganu and azli in tampin. faris will be in miri. can't recall others'.

second series - lala, tqa, adlyn, afiq, epul & fasnor. among others, whom i don't remember.

after a little chat w/ fasnor today, it was rumored that the placement was done according to our answers regarding our spm results forecast, asked earlier in september. the most probable theory is, people who answered 10A1 for their forecast are placed in the first series, and the lower forecasts are sorted to the second. kind of true anyway. i answered 7A1 3A2, tqa answered 7, fasnor 5. aidil, amirah & liyana alone looked confident. so they should be answering 10A1. again, oh well.

at least i'll not be missing harry potter on July 13. that's good news. haha., for ugly web layout, slow info downloads and more details.

so, now what?

echoes of freedom.

the last time the sky was blue and we managed to capture it was june last year. though common, it's not that easy; it's either we don't realise it, or we're not there, or we're just don't have the means to capture it when it's there. well at least i captured one today. the very last day of school. priceless.

so whether you start a string of a brand new life now, or just began to steer life to another route, have a very very very happy days of celebrating your freedom guys. boy, don't we rock or what?! haha.

relieved, really. thank God i made it through. well, let's just forget about it. till then, TOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

current status: penganggur!

December 03, 2006

other side of the coin.

are we even allowed to give advices when we ourselves don't listen to them?

i deleted that last post on purpose. hehe. it's the usual me, if i hate it i delete it. i'll just keep you guys, who care, updated later. in the mean time, it's lk, lk & lk. doing exercises everyday, just because ab told us to do so. haha. no lah, but he's kind of the catalyst for us to double the effort for lk. i must say if there's no him, we're ruined. ok, why am i puji-ing him rite now? that's it - you owe me a pint of baskin robbins, ab. muaha.

talking abt ab, he will be having a match at stadium mini shah alam tonight (soccer, obviously). well i've made some placards and buntings (prefer to believe or not) but i'm not quite sure whether i will be allowed to go. call me 90% free, but one paper is still a paper, and mom even forbid me from going to the curve just now. it was just plain luck that i managed to watched casino royale yesterday. erkh. one sad chap, i am. but i think dira and nadia would go.

at the same time that dumb pc is ruined, again. partially or wholely, i can't tell. but as long as the memory are preserved, i can refrain myself from cursing out loud - loudly. must be the hard drive (again). currently using ayah's laptop. sigh.

planning to register at the driving class soon. the one at pkns - i doubt metro. plus it's the peak season, so i don't hope much. but really, please let me to be able to drive my own Myvi before plkn starts. it would be saddening if i don't have a lisence by the time i enter any higher-learning institution (hoho skema jap, just to make it doesn't sound very hopeful).

restoring the d.e & starbucks sessions soon. music and dvd stocks also. JAMMING!! times square!! haha. and everything that equals fun. currently refurnishing my room. but the new cabinets installed are really, way hideous. and mammoth. they successfully turned my room to something like a, cargo store or anything for that matter. kind of unbearable, haha. will be visiting ikea frequently. hu :)

the trip to langkawi is on the 15th until 19th december! can't wait - train party with friends!!!! planning to spend the christmas period in australia - which, if comes true, which will be the third time visiting there (though sad, because it's summer). or maybe dubai, or anywhere. i want to get out! huhu! dira invited me to an excursion to london in february - which if not impossible - is so anticipated. see the money first lah, kak. haha. and currently planning to spent the raya (or if not, anytime) at my uncle's kampung in teluk intan - the very, very, traditional kampung scene which i never had the chance to experience (i know, this budak bandar is indeed a sad chap!) . ayah ngah and family will be back from paris on the 29th - looking forward to see my cousins. their changes, of course. muahaha.

casino royale was ok anyway. i don't know, maybe i was under the influence of movie reviews. see, never step into a cinema with movie reviews traversing through your pity head. well, in the OKness, the movie indeed was (in some ways) awesome. sexy, cool and all that. eva green would go just fine w/o makeups. or else i thought i was watching the kingdom of heaven - until i heard gunshots and the aston martin roaring. but the opening title was very, very awesome. download/buy this song - chris cornell, 'you know my name'. beats madonna's die another day, haha. just plain cool!

in any way just enjoy the holidays! and of course, wait for the biggest gathering of all to be arriving at your doorsteps (though currently i am searching for the right venue and host - oh well.)

when darkness stands to light (8)