Assalamualaikum sebagai pembuka kalam,,,,
today i can say one of my favourite day,,,yup and i want to congratulate my fellow friends for the happening and exciting event among of us "THE ROSES",,,ok today we had an event which like the 'sukaneka',,,we're bout 20 but still we play like a happy kid and its fun :) this is how the doctors let out their stress,,,hahahha
there lots of game but one of the most that touched my heart is the game called "PROTECT THE ROSES",,,yeah well from the title we can actually know how the game is,,,there's 2 princesses and all of the group and the defenders and the attackers,,,protect our princess thats our job,,,the weapon used are the balloon of water...see first bout the weapon the smallest the balloon you got hit the more pain you'll get...huuu~~~
ok then i be the defender,,,and to be truth and honestly being the defender it kind of hard,,,yeah of coz being attacker is hard too but i'm was the defender so thats why i talk bout the defender :P
ok first thing is i got hit!!! i got hit by the hardest balloon ever,,,and it hits my eyes,,,my pain receotor stimulate the stimulus and send it to brain to say that "OOOOOUUUCHHHHH!!!!!!" feel like i'm gonna be jack the sparrow,,,cry??? of course but later when the battle have finished,,,but as long as the battle is still on still i will protect my princess till the end :) i'm kind of the KNIGHT of the group,,,heeeee~~~
so actually i dont want to talk bout myself,,,what actually my point is along the way i went home i thought and wonder something,,,as we know our lovely prophet "MUHAMMAD (SAW)" and the "SAHABAH" always on the battle of protecting the syiar of ISLAM,,,protecting the deen of ALLAH,,,it really touched my heart when i really thought of how the SAHABAH protecting RASULULLAH from getting hurt,,,their weapon wasnt just balloon,,,sword, anak panah, attacking their body,,,blood flow like the river,,,ni bru kena belon da ngs mcm mne SAHABAT yg bermati-matian protect KEKASIH UMAT ISLAM SUME,,,
ya ALLAH kuatnya iman mereka,,,kuatnya kasih syg dia pd RASULULLAH,,,aku cemburu sgt sume tu,,,apakah klu ak tempat PARA SAHABAT mmpu ke untuk aku trus bertahan walau ribuan panahan dtg menerjah diriku ni,,,darah terpercik sana sini,,,baju yg putih jdi merah akibat darah....mcm mna untuk aku kuatkan iman aku,,,
ya ALLAH kuatkanlah imanku,,,
ya ALLAH kuatkan cintaku terhadap MU agar xkan ada rasa tkut untuk ak pertahankan agamaku,,,
ya ALLAH tempatkan aku dlm kalangan org yg akan sumbang pd kebangkitan ISLAM,,,
ya ALLAH kuatkan lah diriku untuk sentiasa mujahadah dlm perbaiki diriku,,,
ya ALLAH bantukah aku untuk sambung perjuangan rasul MU,,,,
Tiap kali tgk sejarah rasul dan para sahabat xkan pernah air mata ini kering,,,xkan pernah air mata ini bertahan untuk xkuar,,,tpi selama ni adakah aku hargai titik perjuangan mereka,,,adakah selama ni aku teruskan perjuangan mereka atau aku lah org yg sia-siakan perjuangan mereka,,,ya ALLAH aku sedar selama ni aku langsung xamik cakna peduli tntg ISLAM,,,aku xpernah pkir akan ISLAM sdangkan agama yg aku pegang selama ni ISLAM,,,aku xpernah rasa semngt malah bila org sebut pasal ISLAM hati aku akan ckp "eiii drang ni pehal la nk alim sgt" smpi tahap mcm tu skli,,,btapa teruknya jahilnya bodohnya diri kau zaman dulu,,,
terima kasih ALLAH kerana KAU masih sygkan ak kerna bukakan pintu mata hatiku,,,insyaallah andai aku diberi pilihan untuk pilih akan ku pilih untuk mati dlm keadaan syahid,,,aku nk kejar syurga ALLAH,,,aku cemburu dgn para sahabat sbb drang blh protect KEKASIH ALLAH,,,aku nk juga,,,aku nk jumpa KEKASIH ALLAH,,,YA ALLAH berikanlah ak peluang itu,,,
wahai sahabat sudah smpi masanya untuk kita bgn,,,protect our deen,,,protect ISLAM,,,smpi bila lgi kita nk jdi tukang tgk je,,,smpi bila kita nk jdi penonton je,,,doakan kemenagan kebangkitan ISLAM,,,
hargailah titik perjuangan para SAHABAT dan RASULULLAH yg susah payah untuk tegakkan syiar ISLAM ke seluruh pelusuk dunia,,,andai mereka dulu tidak berjaya mungkinkan ISLAM itu akan smpi pada kita,,,mungkin kah kita aka terus menerus hidup dlm keadaan yg jahil,,,adakan kemungkikan untuk kita jadi ahli neraka,,,nauzubillahiminzalik,,,
ALAHMDULILLAH kerana mereka ISLAMlah pegangan ku dan insyaalah hingga ke akhir hayatku,,,,