Friday, April 23, 2010

Sweet Leigh Mama Featured on! recently asked me what my top fears/worries were while I was prego. Ummmmm... Have you read my blog?! EVERYTHING freaked me out! : ) But I was able to narrow it down a bit, and a few were featured in their article "Top Ten Pregnancy Fears", along with some other foxy mamas' fears. Check out the article here:

Note: Is it a coincidence that both of my "fears" featured involve fluids spontaneously exiting the body, causing extreme embarassment?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Whoa, Mama!

There are good things and bad things about living in the South. The good: gorgeous weather, southern hospitality, sweet tea. The bad: swimsuit season starts sooooo early! I went to Kohls today to pick up a few things, and figured I would see if I could find a decent swimsuit. I've decided that there should be special dressing rooms for trying on swimsuits... Mirrors that only show from the waist up, and a mini bar stocked with margaritas. Let's just say that Kohls did not have these... I saw the whole enchilada in a full length mirror. And this mama needs to lay off the enchiladas : ) Not pretty. So when I got home, I decided to try on my swimsuits from last season... And surprisingly, they weren't hideous! And by "not hideous" I mean "good enough to wear under a large sarong, only to be removed a milisecond before entering the pool". I did pick up a gorg pair of aviators... Maybe their cuteness will create a distraction from the rest of the package. : )

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Too young for Starbucks?

Of course! But might as well get her dreaming about it... Just like
her Mama