Intelligent quotient (IQ) is a tool to measure how intelligent you are. It's just a general measurement of how smart you are in the general population. According to the test, most people will fall under the 'average' category. Have you done any IQ test? You should. It's fun but when you got a high score, it's not necessarily says that you are smarter from those who have lower score.
Emotional quotient (EQ) is also a tool and it measures your emotional coping mechanism. It shows how good you handle your problems and stresses. The higher you score, you are a better person in handling your problems and stresses.
There is no doubt that IQ and EQ are closely related but it's not necessarily congruently progress. Supposedly, when you have higher IQ, you are smarter and you should be smarter in handling the stress. Hhmnn ...... I fully doubt that. Maybe it happen in theory but in real life ....... it's not necessarily work that way. Sometimes it even goes totally to the opposite way.
Let me just bring you through my recent experience in my work place.
November and December are the busiest months of the year in my organization. Why ...? These are the time when most people trying to clear up their annual leave, lots of dateline to reach, budgets to sum, contract to renew and the whole long list of things to be done before the new year comes. One of my colleague, a foreigner, was due for his renewal of contract on that particular November. Unfortunately, the boss met him and told the bad news of the probability of not continuing the working contract and he must go home. Then, the EQ kicked in.
We understand that he was in a lot of stress but he is a professional with lot of experiences. He is a man with high academic background, middle age (suppose to have more life experiences), with family around him. So, we thought he should be handling the stress well. Some of the colleagues even helped him look for other places for any suitable position for him to prepare him for the worst. Instead of preparing himself for the worst, he changed for the worst. His attitude was totally changed. He started to scold the students and ignore other people suggestion. He doesn't want to listen to anything. He started to collect enemies. Soon, other colleague just leave him on his own.
It is amazing how the level of EQ affect you. Doesn't matter how high is your IQ, it doesn't mean that they can cope with the stress very well. When it come to problems and stresses, anybody can have a breakdown .........even the smartest person in the world.
The most important thing is to know yourself. Whether you are a university graduate or just a secondary school leaver, we are just equal when it comes to handling our problems and stresses. Then, know yourself, identify the problem and evaluate yourself whether you need any extra support in handling your problem. There are lot of support out there for us to seek.
Do not let your super ego override you. High IQ does not guaranteed a high EQ. Lower IQ does not mean you have lower EQ. Coping well with life = IQ + EQ.
It is amazing how the level of EQ affect you. Doesn't matter how high is your IQ, it doesn't mean that they can cope with the stress very well. When it come to problems and stresses, anybody can have a breakdown .........even the smartest person in the world.
The most important thing is to know yourself. Whether you are a university graduate or just a secondary school leaver, we are just equal when it comes to handling our problems and stresses. Then, know yourself, identify the problem and evaluate yourself whether you need any extra support in handling your problem. There are lot of support out there for us to seek.
Do not let your super ego override you. High IQ does not guaranteed a high EQ. Lower IQ does not mean you have lower EQ. Coping well with life = IQ + EQ.