Life is about taking risk. Many people would agree but some others may not agree with the statement. Some people are just not a risk taker. They are people who sticks with the routines and comfortable with what they achieved and what they have.
Some may says that if you don't take risk, then you won't be successful. Is that true? There are people who are successful and they don't take risk or maybe just a minimal risk. They just do things according to the rules and make it as their routines. No risk but yet successful or maybe they are just lucky.
Some may say, if you don't take some risk, your life will be boring. How true is that? Honestly, I can't really comment on that. I know a person who is not a risk taker but he is totally happy with his life. He never said that he's bored with his life. So, we can really say that no risk taking means life will be boring.
Some will say, if you are willing to take more risk, then you'll achieve more and be more successful. I actually quite agree with this. Seeing Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, how he risk his music business to be successful with the Air Asia business. I really envy his bravery and his effort.
People take risk to achieve success in life but there are people who already achieved most of the things in their life but still taking risk just for pleasure. They risk their family, friends, relationship or even their job just for fun. Just to have some extra pleasure for a very short time.
Whatever the choice, whether taking risk or not, people have their own reason on making their choices. Personally, I believe, you'll never free from encountering some kind of risk when you are living the life. I do realised that I'm also risking some of the things I love in achieving what I want. Maybe not as much as Tan Sri Tony Fernandes but it's quite significant for me.
I'm not regretting for whatever I have risked. I'm just looking forward with my life. The only question that keep ringing in my mind is ......... is it worth?